Angel Don't You Cry

I'll make a deal with you

Frank’s POV
April 12th day 6

Libby laughed evilly. Her laugh was loud and high pitched like a dying cat. Slowly Scott joined in. His laugh was deep and low, he almost sounded like Dracula. Delilah, Ashley and Jen all looked at me and then looked right back at Libby. She suddenly got a straight face. Not long after, Scott realized Libby stopped laughed and stopped, ending his laugher with a small sniff. Libby approached me slowly like a lion stalking its dinner and stopped dead in her tracks at the heels of my feet.

“You think I would know where your parents are?” She asked with a grin. I took a deep breath at looked up at her. Libby let out a slight sweet giggle and squatted down. I kept a straight face though and tried to show any fear. She put her hands on the floor and slowly moved forward until she was practically sitting on my legs, like she was some sort of stripper.

“You know,” she said softly, but not quiet a whisper. “I’ve always had a ‘thing’ for you.”
She put her hands on my shoulders and rubbed them gently, then slid her hand onto my cheek. I raised an eyebrow.

“Me?” I asked stupidly. I could her someone trying to break free of the chains. There was not a doubt in my mind that it was Delilah.

“Mhm,” Libby replied, putting her face closer to mine. “You.”

“LIBBY, GOD DAMN IT,” Delilah yelled. Libby giggled.

“Libby,” I said, “Stop. Please, just tell me where my parents are.” She gave me a toothy grin and put her lips next to my ear, then covered the side of her face with her hand.

“I’ll tell you,” Libby whispered. As she finished whispering the rest of the secret in my ear she pulled away. She gave me a weird look with the same damn smile as before. “What do ya say?”

I looked down the wall and Dee. She had given up on trying to get free and had her eyes closed tight. Ashley was looking at her worryingly. Jen was glaring at Libby, but said nothing. She knew it was better to keep her mouth shut. I looked back up at Libby.

“Is that a promise?” I asked nervously.

“Yep,” She said. I knew Libby for lying and abusing.

Maybe she’s changed…
Yeah? Maybe she hasn’t.
But what if she did?
But what if she didn’t?
I’d be screwed.
What if she’s not kidding though? I could get my parents back.
Psh. You think she’s just gonna give you your parents and let you leave?
Good point. But then they could fight to help get us out of this mess.
How would Delilah feel about this? What would she say?
She’d be pissed and say ‘Do what ever the hell you need to if you want your parents back.’
The sad part is… she would say that, too.
But the question all come back down to what if she’s telling the truth?
And what if she’s not?
Isn’t it worth a shot?
I suppose.
So I should?
But you just said yes.
No. I said I supposed.
Meaning I should.

“I suppose,” I said. Libby grinned widely.

Freaking dumb ass…

Libby stood up and turned to Scott. I gulped and looked down at Delilah again. She just hung her head then slowly looked up at Scott and Libby. Slowly she turned her head towards me. Although I couldn’t quite see her eyes, I could see the rest of her facial expression. Her mouth was straight and her eyebrows were up. I could tell she was giving me the puppy face.

There was no turning back now. I looked away and sighed.

“Let him go,” Libby demanded Scott. Scott pulled the keys out of his back pocket and walked over to me. her went around the right side of me and knelt down. He unlocked on of the handcuffs and then tightly grabbed my free wrist as he unlocked the other one. I heard the jingle of the key stop and I guessed her put them back in his pocket. Scoot tightly held both my wrists behind my back with one hand.

After pulling me off the ground, Scott pushed me making my run into Libby. Quickly her cold, soft hands wrapped around my left arm.

“What’s she doing?” asked Delilah. Libby and Scott paid no attention. I didn’t say anything. I didn’t answer Dee’s question… not yet.

“Frank, What’s she doing?” she asked again, her voice was cracking. I looked at her.

Delilah’s eyes sparkled in the dim candle light. Her pupils were wide and I could barely she the sky blue color of her eyes. I could see them start to water a little bit. Her eye make up was dried on her rosy cheeks. The blood from the wound by the corner of her eye was drying on the side of her face along with the blood that dripped from her nose. Dee’s bottom lip was cut but only a little bit… not enough for it to drip down her chin.

Libby turned my head towards her. Her eyes were the complete opposite of Delilah’s.

“Libby, What are you doing?” Dee was desperate to know. Libby just smiled.

“Come on,” She said. We pulled me towards the door. As I passed by the girls I smirked slightly. Then I saw Dee.

“I’ll be fine. I promise I’ll come back,” I mouthed to her. Libby stopped to unlock the door.

“What’s she doing?” Delilah mouth back.

“Stealing my vir-“

“Let’s go, Iero,” Libby said pulling me out the open door. As I walked down the hall I heard Ashley and Jen say something to Scott. It made me laugh a little bit.

“Hell, I’d screw you if it meant I could get of out here!”

“What? Do you guys want to get killed?” I heard Delilah yell.

Libby continued pulling me down the hall way. I heard her mumble something under her breath.

“What was that?” I asked.

“I said ‘she’s always thinking the worst. I swear that girl needs to stop thinking I’m a murder.’” She told me.


“Yeah,” said Libby as she pulled me into another room. She pushed me in the room and stepped in herself, quickly closing and locking the door behind her. It was dark, and I couldn’t see a thing. I could hear Libby softly walk past me.

Then the sound of a match being scraped across a lighting pad. The small, orange glow dimly lit Libby’s face and hand. She lit and candle and blew the match out. The room was still sort of dark but I could still see everything around me just fine.

I was standing next to a bed that was neatly made. It looked like Libby and Scott had been staying her for a while with the room being clean. It was still a little dusty but it was clean. The walls were covered in old wall paper that was faded and old. It was yellow and there were water stains on it. Little pink flowers and green vines decorated it repeatedly.

As Libby sat on the bed, it made a very small squeak. She patted the spot next to me to sit down. I cautiously walked over and sat on the bed next to her. I took a deep breath and looked at her. Libby tied her long, silky, black hair back into a pony tail and then looked over at me. She inched closer and smiled as she put her hand on my lap. I laughed nervously.

“So,” Libby said softly, moving her hand up my leg. I gulped.


Libby’s played with the bottom of my shirt. I shook my leg nervously. My hands shook in the same rhythm.

“How have you been in the past 3 months?” she asked.

“Ugh…f-fine. You?”

“Oh, A living hell. It’s alright now though. I have everything I ever wanted,” She said looking up at me. I sighed.

“Can we just… get this over with?” I asked.

“Oh, well why didn’t you say so?” she asked. I looked up at the ceiling and laid on my back, resting my head on a pillow. I closed my eyes tightly.

Please, forgive me.