Angel Don't You Cry

Are we free?

Delilah’s POV

“Get over there,” Libby said, pushing me towards Jen and Ashley. I walked over to them and sat down where I was used to sitting. Libby looked at Frank.

“You, too,” she said pointing towards us. Frank closed his hand and dragged his feet over to the wall and sat down. Libby came over and closed the handcuffs around our wrists again. It was quiet as we sat there waiting for Scott to come back. The light from the candle continued to flicker rapidly. I smiled. We were almost out of here.

“Guys,” sighed Frank. I continued to stare at the candle.

“Yeah?” Jen, Ash and I said together.

“I’m sorry.”

I looked down the line at Frank and smiled.

“You did what you had to,” Jen said.

“Yeah, Frank, it’s fine,” added Ashley. Frank looked at me. The light flickered on his face. The twinkle in his eyes made him look extremely innocent. I smiled widely as his eyes begged for an answer.

“It’s cool, Frank. We still love you,” I said. Frank smiled and pressed his back against the wall. I looked back at the candle. I was hypnotized by it. The more I focused on the candle, the more I realized the other distant sounds around me. The sound of foot steps, the rain dripping off the leaves onto the roof, the very quiet rumble of thunder miles away. There was a dog barking, but once again, I could just barley hear it. Soon I could hear my own heart beat and the unsteady breaths from the people around me. It was all disturbed when Scott violently came in the room.

To people followed behind him with their hands tied behind their back and old bandana’s covering their entire face. One was a little shorter than Libby and had shoulder length brown hair. She was definitely a woman. The other person was tall, but a tad bit shorter than Scott. He had short dark, dark brown hair and was a little on the… fluffy side.
Frank recognized his parents right away. I could tell. He squealed.
I looked down the row at him. He had a huge, enormous smile on his face. His eyes twinkled like a five-year-old’s would when he met the person who was dressed up as his favorite super hero at the mall. I smiled. I never saw him this happy before.
Jen had a smile on her face, too. She hadn’t seen them in years.

Scott looked at Frank angrily, but that didn’t stop him from smiling.

“Stay right there,” Scott said to Frank’s parents. Scott walked into the hall way. I noticed someone standing behind Frank’s parents. I looked closely and smiled.

“You know what you gotta do, right?” Gerard asked. I nodded very slightly. Scott came back into the room with a rope and two chairs. He put the chairs off to the side of the room and put them back to back. He grabbed Frank’s dad and set him in one and took his mom and put her in the other.

“Libby, get your ass over here and tie this,” he demanded. Libby rolled he eyes and walked over to Scott. She snatched the rope out of his hands and started wrapping the rope around the other two adults. Scott walked over towards us. His foot steps were heavy and loud.

Our eyes followed him as he walked over to Frank. He stood infront of him.

“Good luck getting to them,” he said. Frank glared at Scott and he glared back.

“Libby,” Scott said as he looked toward’s her, “Are you done yet?”

“Scott, I just took this from you,” Libby replied. Scott frowned.

“Why are you taking so long?”

“I just started!”

“You’re taking too long! Let me show you how to do this!”

“I’m pretty sure I know how tie a knot!”

“Shut up,” Scott excailmed walking back over to Libby. I pulled on the handcuffs, thinking that it was usualess to keep on trying to escape from them. Suddenly, the cuffs fell to the floor. I blinked. They weren’t even locked in. I looked at Libby, she was arguing with Scott about the rope.
There’s something wrong with this picture.
I was just thankful that my hands were free. I looked down at Frank.

“Try to get out,” I whispered. Frank shook his head.

“It’s no use,” He said, “She locked them.”

“Did she?” I asked pulling hand hands from behind my back. I showed him my badly cut wrists freely. Frank blinked. I smiled. Jen’s eyes grew wide. Ashley nudged me with her foot. I looked at her.


She just smiled. Quickly, I looked back up at Scott and Libby. They were still arguing. Infact they were arguing like nothing was even around them. It was scarey, but nothing out of the ordinary. Some one tapped my shoulder. I turned around and smiled at Frank. His hands were free and he was grinning. Quickly we came up with a plan, never telling him how I’d do it.

I looked back over at the arguing couple. Slowly, quietly, carfuly I got up. Frank flowed behind me being sly, mysterious, and gentle. As I tip toed I put my hand behind my back, went under my shirt, and slowly pulled it from my back. I gripped it firmly in my hands as I got closer and closer to Scott.
Six inches away.

I pressed it to the back of his head.

“Keys,” I said, “Now.”
♠ ♠ ♠
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