Angel Don't You Cry

Your full name

Delilah’s POV

(October 26th YYYY)

“Ow,” I said softly as I got off my bedroom floor.

“Yeah I was gonna tell you that you fell off the bed but ugh… you wouldn’t get up,” Gerard said hovering over me. I sighed. Today was going to be yet another boring day.

“Thanks,” I mumbled as I threw a hoodie on. I looked in the mirror on my wall and quickly re-did my hair. I’d asked Gerard questions later… I had to see if my mom was home.

I shuffled my feet down the hall way until I reached the front room. What did Scott stay the night or something? Well whatever.

“Morning,” Scott said cheerfully. I smiled and waved quickly. My smiles meant nothing. I was starting to agree with Gee a little more though… I didn’t like the way this guy looked at me. It scared me. It scared me so much it sent a shiver up my spine. I walked into the kitchen… no mom. I looked in the dinning room. Still no mom.

“God- darn it,” I said correcting my self. I didn’t want to say anything I wasn’t supposed to around Scott… or my mom…. or Aunt Libby. She’d beat the crap out of me if I said something like that. I pulled a package of pop tarts out of the box sitting on the counter. It didn’t matter what kind they we’re I’d eat them anyway. I finished those quickly and walked out into the front room on my way to the bathroom.

“Your mom went to the store just incase you’re wondering,” Scott said. I stopped walking just before entering the hall way.

“Okay,” I said slowly.

“Where are you going anyway,” asked Scott. Like it mattered to him.

“I was gonna take a shower but if you need me to do something,” I replied. Scott smirked. This smirk scared me more than… more than… that girl from this one movie I forgot the name of. I just didn’t like it.

“No, I don’t need anything done,” he said gently. My heart pounded as he stood up and walked in my direction. He reached his hand out. I flinched suddenly.

“Just had to turn the heat up… it’s pretty cold in the house,” He said smiling. I smiled a little bit. I didn’t like this game so far and I didn’t want to see how it ended. Scott looked at me and moved my hair out of my face with his warm hands. My hair was in my face because I wanted it there. I didn’t get the ends of my bangs dyed red so they could be tucked be hind my ears.

“You have such a beautiful face… why do you let your hair dangle in front of it,” he asked… that creepy smile of his never disappeared. I pulled away and flicked my hair back in front of my face.

“Because I know what I’m doing,” I snapped. I was sick of people telling me how to look. My way of life didn’t need to be the same as his. And I didn’t want it to be.

“I’m sorry,” Scott said, “please forgive me.”

I frowned.

“No problem,” I said finally. I turned and walked away.

“Harsh much,” Gerard added as I walked into my room.

“You have no idea,” I replied.

“Hi, Mom,” I said running over and giving her a hug.

“Delilah, stop growing,” my mom laughed hugging me back.

“Sorry,” I said as I parted away from her.

“What are you so excited about,” She asked. I shrugged.

“I don’t know… I’m hyper,” I replied quickly. My mom shook her head.

“No… there’s something that you’re super excited about,” She said. I titled my head and thought about it. Then I smiled.

“No really I’m fine… I had like 3 cans of Coca-Cola,” I pointed out. My mother sighed. It was that “Not again” kind of sigh. “

Frank and Ashley are coming over,” I added.

“Okay,” My mom replied, “We’ll Scott and I are leaving.”
I frowned.

“But mom… it’s movie night,” I said. We didn’t have a movie night. We never did.

“Sweetie… we don’t have movie nights,” My mom said slowly.

“Come on, Becca we should get going before the place gets too crowed,” Scott interrupted.

“Ugh… can I talk to you real quick, Mom,” I asked.

“Delilah I have to go,” my mom replied.

“But Mom I really need to talk to you.”

“Sweetie, not now.”


“Delilah Roxanne Hanson!”

Whoa. She never uses my full name… never… why was she acting like this all of the sudden? Well, whatever the reason was it shut me up.

“Now Delilah… I have to go. I’ll talk to you later about this,” My mother replied softly. I opened my mouth to say “But Mom,” again… but I decided not to.

“Okay,” I said instead. My mom kissed my forehead.

“You’re Aunt Libby is out… she should be home soon… I called her and told her to come back around 7:00,” she added as she picked her purse up off the floor. I nodded. I was still shocked at the fact she said my full name.

“Bye,” I said as I grabbed the door so I could shut it behind my mom.

“Bye, Sweetie. I’ll be home around 11,” She said quickly. She walked down the cold concrete steps and waved. I waved back as I sighed but managed to smile… yet again another fake smile. I leaned up against the door as I watched my mother climb into the small blue Saturn. The car started and Scott pulled out of the drive way. I watched as he sped off down the street… then stood there for about another 3 minutes. I just watched more cars go by and let the crisp fall air fill the living room.

“Roxanne,” Gerard said interrupting my thoughts. I rolled my eyes and shut the door.

“Arthur,” I responded in the same tone. Gerard shrugged.

“You thought of it… not me,” He said.

“Whatever,” I shook my head.

“Did I do something,” Gerard asked.


“Then what’s wrong?”

I was just about to reply but there was a knock at the door.

I turned around, “I’ll to you later,” I said as I put my hand on the cold door knob.

“Hiya,” Frank said happily. Ashley stood next to him and waved.

“Hey,” I said moving a side to let them in. I shut the door behind then as they took their coats off.

“Frank said he thinks he saw your mom in a blue car just a few minutes ago,” said Ashley, throwing her jacket on a chair. I shrugged and nodded.

“He saw right,” I replied.

“I told you,” Frank boasted. Ashley rolled her eyes.

“Was she with that creepy Scott dude,” she asked.

“Yeah,” I sighed.

“I don’t like him,” Frank said.

“Neither do I. The guy tried to tell me how I should do my hair this morning,” I said.

Ashley laughed, “And what did you say?”

“No the question is: what did he say for me to respond?”

“What did he say for you to respond,” Frank asked.

“'You have such a beautiful face why do you hide it behind your hair?',” I said in an imitating voice. Ashley shook her head.

“And what did you say,” asked Frank.

“Because I know what I’m doing,” I said.

“Ohh Burn, son,” Frank responded. I told them what happened with my mom and me, too.

“So she just got home and then she left again,” Ashley asked as she sat forward on the couch. I nodded.

“Your middle name is Roxanne,” Frank asked. Ashley and I sighed and looked at Frank.

“Can we stay on topic please,” Ashley asked.

“This is on topic! Delilah’s Mom said her full name,” Frank defended.

“Okay well then let’s stay on the ‘mom leaves so soon’ topic,” I suggested. Frank gave me an accepting look.

“When she’s with Scott she starts acting all strict mother like and when she’s not she’s just like a teenager,” I explained.

“Well maybe he’s bribing her into being like that or something,” suggested Frank.

“But what if he’s not,” I asked.

“But what if he is,” Ashley replied.

“Dee if your mom has been acting weird even when she’s not with Scott then he’s changing her some how,” stated Frank.

“What else has she been doing,” Ashley asked.

“Does taking longer in the bathroom count? Staying out later than she says… Rarely has time for me… do those count,” I asked. Ashley nodded her head slowly and sadly.

“Guys my mom is the only close family I have and with her acting like this is kind of hard,” I added.

“You know what I say,” Frank asked. Ashley and I quickly shot our heads in his direction.

“Let’s order pizza,” I asked. I wasn’t smiling either.

Frank shook his head, “No… I say we follow him and your mom and see what they’re really up to.”

Ashley and I looked at each other.

“And since when do you think Dee is-“

“Let’s do it,” I said cutting Ashley off. Ashley looked shocked. Frank nodded.

“Okay,” Frank smiled. He put his hand out palm down.

I put my hand on top of his, “I’m in”

Frank and I glanced at Ashley. She hesitated to put her hand in. The look on her face turned from troubled to serious with in seconds.

“I’m in,” she said strongly throwing her hand on top of mine and Frank’s.

I picked up the phone and called my mom’s cell.

It Rang… and rang.

Rebecca: Hello?

Delilah: Hi, Mom!

Rebecca: Sweetie, what do you want?

Delilah: Mom, Aunt Libby wants to know where you’re at.

Rebecca: I’m at Olive Garden…

Delilah: Okay, I’ll tell her.

Rebecca: Let me talk to her.

Delilah: Ugh… She’s taking a shower.

Rebecca: Well, when she gets out tell her to call me back.

Delilah: Okay.

Rebecca: Alright bye.

Delilah: Bye.

“Olive Garden,” I said after hanging up the phone.

“Well there’s only one olive garden close to us the other one is like 10 miles away,” Frank said.

“Yeah but how are we gonna get there? We can’t walk, it’s too far,” Ashley said. Frank thought about it for a few seconds.

“Ugh…” he hesitated.

“Well, I have bikes,” I pointed out. Frank’s eyes lit up.

“Perfect,” he added. I grinned and lead Frank and Ashley into the garage.

“I’ll get my bike,” I said.

“Why don’t Ashley and I just go get our bikes and we’ll be right back,” Frank said. I shrugged.

“I don’t care go right a head,” I said. Frank and Ashley left to go get there bikes… they’d be back in about ten minutes.

“So, you listen to Frank but you don’t listen to me… you said it was against the law,” Gerard said as he nudged me with his elbow.

“Yup” I replied, “that was earlier though… I didn’t even know the guy … it’s wrong to stalk some dude you don’t know.”

Gerard nodded in agreement.

“So are you just gonna follow them every where they go?” he asked.

“That’s the plan,” I replied.

“How are you gonna hide the bikes?”

“Well we’ll put them in the back.”

“Well what if the go to Scott’s house and they see you guys following them?”

“Ugh… well depending on where he lives as long as- this is where walkie talkies come in handy,” I said jumping off my bike I ran into the house and grabbed 3 walkie talkies out of the kitchen drawer. They all worked perfectly. I went out into the garage with Gerard.

“Walkie talkies,” I said.

“So you’re gonna have Frank or Ashley follow Scott and your mom on the side of the road wile you and Frank or Ashley take the short cut?”


“Back! What are the walkie talkies for?” Ashley asked as she jumped off her bike.

“Wait until-“

“Back” Frank said interrupting me. I shrugged and explained what the walkie talkies are for.

“Frank, you follow them” Ashley said quickly.

Frank sighed and nodded his head, “Fine.”

“Awesome.” I said. We quickly went over the plan and rode our bikes to the olive garden.

“That’s his car” I said softly as we rode though the parking lot.

“Frank, follow that car,” I added.

“Okay,” Frank called. We went around the back and parked our bikes there. And just to explain what we’re gonna do…

Ashley is gonna go into the olive garden and look for my mom and Scott after being seated. I don’t know how she’s going to do that but she will. She’ll let Frank and I know when they’re leaving and then leave after they do. Frank will watch for them to go into the car and follow them while I wait for Ashley. She should be out with in 3 minutes after they leave. Then we’ll let Frank know when we’re on our way and he’ll tell us what street they’re on. Ashley and I will take a short cut and catch up to Frank but we’ll stay in the sort cutting area. Then it’s all that other sneaky stuff after we meet them at the house. After we find out what’s going one we’ll ride back to my house and act like everything’s normal for when my mom does came home. Or at least I will… Frank and Ash won’t stay so long.

Ashley went in.

Me and Frank waited for her to say something. It was getting darker and colder. I pulled my hoodie closer to my body. I peaked around the corner at Frank. He was pressed up against the cold stone wall. I sighed and walked over to him. He turned his head and smiled at me. I smiled back and leaned up against the wall. Neither of said anything. Then when Ashley’s voice came over the walkie talkie, I went back behind the building.

“Okay. I got my seat… it’s like 2 tables behind your Mom and Scott,” She said. The static made her voice sound a little raspy.

“Okay,” I replied holding in the talk button.

“What do I do?” Gerard asked.

“Not talk” I replied. Frank heard me even though he was along the side of the building.

“Dee who are you talking to,” He asked though the walkie talkie.

Crap I thought.

“My self,” I replied back.

“Oh okay.”

I felt kind of bad for Ashley. People were probably looking in her direction wondering where the voices were coming from. Then again it was a resturaunt, who would be paying attention to someone else?

Frank and I waited until Ashley said they were leaving… which was about 15 minutes. The poor girl probably was waited on and she probably said she only wanted water or something.

“Okay, they’re leaving,” she said.

“I’m on it,” Frank replied.

“Frank, be careful,” I said.

“Don’t worry… I’ll be fine,” he responded.

I sighed. This was so wrong… but I had to know what was going on with my mom.

“And I’m off,” Frank said.

I peaked around the corner again. I watched as he sped out of the parking lot.

“Clear of parking lot,” he said.

I looked at my watch and waited for Ashley. “Let’s go,” Ashley said running up behind me. She hopped on her bike and we sped of.

“Okay, witch way?” I asked Frank.

“We’re going down Court road,” He replied.

“Okay, we’ll cut though the park then,” I informed both Frank and Ashley.

“Alright,” Frank said.

“Court is a long road!” Ashley called out. I nodded as I looked back at her.

“I know” I added. Ashley and I breathed heavily as we sped quickly down the bike path in the park.

“We’re turning down West Blood Drive now,” Frank said.

“Alright, we’re coming up on that,” Ashley replied.

Ashley and I took about 3 minutes to get to West Blood Drive and took a 3 minute break to let them get a head. We took off. Kids played in the street.

“Crap, move,” I mumbled.

“EXCUSE ME!” I said Ash and I sped down the middle of the street.

“YOU’RE EXCUSED!” a boy shouted.

“THANK YOU,” I yelled back. I was too far but I think I heard him say no problem.

“Okay… just turn down white thread and then Penny… by my cousin’s house,” said Frank.

“Frank, we don’t know your cousin,” I said.

Ashley and I turned down White Thread. We passed lots of white house and grey houses with white in them and yellow houses with white fences and railings on their porches. No I know why it’s called White thread. There’s a thread of white houses.

“Well you’ll see my bike,” Frank said.

“Well okay. Just don’t let Dee’s mom see us,” Ashley replied.

“Well, even if she did we would just say we were going with Frank to see his cousin,” I said.

“Perfect,” said Frank.

Ashley and I we’re super tired from riding our bikes so fast and it was a long street.

“Okay Ash… we’re turning in like 5 seconds,” I said into the walkie talkie.

“Why do you have to tell me though the walkie talky?” Ashley shouted.

“Because it makes me feel like I’m under cover,” I replied into the walkie talkie again.

“You are under cover,” sighed Ash though the walkie talkie.

“I know.”

I looked back at Ash when I was about to turn down Penny Drive (I know weird names… well a lot of streets have weird names).

“DELILAH” Ashley yelled. I looked forward.

“Shit!” I yelled swerving out of the way of the car that was driving down the street. The car screeched to a stop. I went around the car and waved to the driver as my cheeks burned of embarrassment. She waved back and smiled. Ashley and I continued riding down Penny.

“You’re an idiot,” Ashley said as we steadily peddled our bikes down the street.

“I know,” I said turning red again.

“There’s Frank,” Ashley said changing the subject.

We raced over to the drive way.

“Holy Crap,” Frank exclaimed. Who wouldn’t scream if a person on a bike was head straight towards you? Ashley and I laughed. Frank sighed as he looked at me, since I was the one who almost ran him over, and shook his head.

“You just want to run over me, don’t you?” he asked. I nodded jokingly. Frank gasped and pushed me.

“Oh crap,” I yelled as I lost my balance and fell. My bike fell with me.

“Whoops,” Frank said. All of us laughed.

“Sorry,” he said still laughing a little as he pulled my bike away from me. He wheeled it about a yard away and then dropped it.

“Thanks,” I said rolling over into a sitting position.

Frank held his hand out, “You’re welcome”. I smirked and grasped his hand and he pulled me up off the ground.

“First you almost get hit by a car… then you almost hit Frank with your bike and then you make him push you so you fall off your bike… today is just not your day is it?” Ashley asked. I shook my head and said no. Frank introduced us to his cousin, Dave.

“Hey, Dave… Do you happen to know anything about Scott Belwood?” I asked.

“Yeah he’s dating some chick named Rebecca. She’s come over a few times for poker parties she’s really nice,” Dave explained.

“I’ll be sure to tell her you said that,” I said smiling. Dave looked confused.

“I’m her daughter,” I added.

“Ooh! You’re the one she’s always saying stuff about,” Dave realized as he nodded.

“What has she been saying about Dee?” asked Ashley. Frank looked curious to know as well as I did. Dave hesitated to say anything.

“Dave… What did Dee’s mom say about Dee?” Frank asked slowly.

“She… okay… she said she felt bad for you… that you didn’t have a father as you’re growing up. And everything you’re going though in school. She said that she’s holding back on yelling at you and punishing you because you get too much of that in school,” Dave explained. I don’t know why she would have to yell. I never did anything wrong. Ever! What was there to hold back?

“She said she didn’t care if you liked Scott or not… she likes him and that’s all that matters. As long as you know how to take care of your self and don’t ever need her. She’ll keep leaving you at home by your self just to be with Scott. She could care less about what you think,” Dave added.

“She would never say that,” Gerard exclaimed. I shook my head.

“She would never say that,” I said to out loud, but I was thinking to my self.

“I bet she was told to say that,” Ashley said rolling her eyes. I shrugged. I didn’t even care… what ever she had said hurt.

“But what about Scott?” Frank asked.

“Oh… he’s ugh… he’s one of those guiltily ‘but I didn’t do it’ kind of guys… you’ll never get answers from him… he’s too good of a liar,” Dave said, “And it seems like every night when I’m on my computer out of the corner of my eye I always see your mom and Scott standing there. He’s always touching her. Soon it comes to be too much and I have to close my blinds.”

I blinked in shock.

“She wouldn’t,” Gerard said.

“She would,” I whispered.

“No she wouldn’t,” Ashley said.

“That’s what I said,” I lied.

“Oh,” she replied.

“What else does he do?” Frank asked.

Dave shrugged, “Nothing really…”

I nodded.

“Well, then we’ll just have to watch tonight,” Frank said. Ashley and I shot surprised looks at Frank.

“You’re kidding?” I said.

Frank shook his head.

“We didn’t ride our bikes all the way out here to just talk about what goes on in that house,” He added. Ashley sighed.

“Well lets hurry it’s getting darker,” she said.

“We can’t rush them into doing whatever they’re doing,” Frank stated.

“Delilah what ever happens, don’t cry” Gerard whispered as he rubbed my back. I sighed and nodded.

“Let’s do this,” I said.

“It’s a good thing these windows are a little bit closer to the ground so we can see what’s happening,” Frank said as knelt down under the widow.

“Yeah,” Ashley whispered. I quickly nodded. I put my hood on over my head. As did Ash and Frank. We had to try to get a cell phone in the house some how after calling it and then run over to Dave’s house and watch though his bed room window as we listened. Frank called my cell phone. I put it on speaker… it was easier to hear anything that was going on.

“How are we gonna get this in?” I asked. Frank shrugged.

“I don’t know” he said. I took a quick peek into the window and got back down.

“He has a lot of un opened packages,” I said.

“We can’t package your phone… you’ll never get it back,” Ashley said.

“Oh yeah,” I whispered. We heard footsteps walking over towards the closed window. We all looked at each other in panic and jumped into the bushes. Ashley was in the bush across From me and Frank and she looked at us as if she just saw a ghost. Frank grasped my hand tightly. I tried not to breath so hard when the window opened.

“It’s hot,” Scott’s voice said. He closed another window and we heard him walk away. Then as we crawled out of the bushes we realized he had the screen window open. I smiled evilly. I placed my phone on the window ceil but it was tucked tightly into the corner. With out saying anything we scurried back to Dave’s house.

Frank’s cousin sat on the computer like he usually did and Frank, Ash and I all watched out of the window. We kept Frank’s phone on speaker but it wasn’t up so loud that you could hear it down the hall. We decided we would whisper instead of talking really loud.

“Rebecca, you are the most beautiful creature on the face of the earth,” Scott said smoothly as he bushed my mom’s cheek with his finger tips. I rolled my eyes.

“Cheesy much,” I whispered. My mom snickered.

“If Delilah was here she’d say that was cheesy,” she said.

“She knows you well,” Gerard laughed.

“Shh. Shh. Shh. Right now it’s just me and you” Scott said putting a finger on my mom’s lips. I shook my head.

“That’s what you think,” Ashley whispered. I smiled.

“Exactly,” I agreed in a whispered tone.

“Shh,” Frank hushed. Scott rubbed my mom’s lowers back and crept his hand under her shirt.

“What the hell is she doing?!” I said angrily but still in a whisper. We continued watching as the tension got higher and the touching got touchier. And I couldn’t stand it.