Angel Don't You Cry

If there is a tomorrow.

Delilah’s POV

“Gah! I’m Gonna have nightmares!” Frank screamed. Ashley and I shot a ‘shut up’ look at him… soon that became a worried expression on all three of our faces. My phone was on speaker… and that wasn’t good. Quickly we looked back out the window.

“Turn the lights off,” Frank said quickly. Ashley jumped up and turned the light switch off. My mom looked out the window. All I saw was her sigh when she saw my cell phone before we all ran out of the house. I left my phone with my mom… I didn’t care about it right now. Frank, Ash and I all hopped on our bikes and peddled as fast as we could to get back to my house.

“Please, don’t be home,” I mumbled.

“Dee we’ll stay with you,” Ashley said putting her bike in my garage.

“Thanks,” I smiled. Frank nodded. We ran into the house and tried to make everything seem normal. Well… my Aunt Libby was home. She seemed a little different… she was nicer to me. Not too much nicer but nicer. She only left me with a warning. That warning was, “Don’t you ever leave when I’m not home.”

It sounded pretty motherly to me… but I know why she wanted me to be home when she was… so she could take all her anger out on me. Frank quickly turned the TV on and we all ran plopped on the couch. All as in me, Ash, and Frank. My mom would be home shortly after that incident.

Frank’s cell phone rang.

“Hello? Oh hi… yeah… alright fine… okay…. Bye,” He said as he talked on the phone.

“Okay I gotta go,” Frank said standing up. Ashley nodded.

“I should get going too. It’s getting late,” She said getting up herself. I stood up too.

“Okay, well then I’ll talk to you guys tomorrow, I guess.” I replied smiling. In a few minutes they were gone. I quickly turned the TV off and ran into my room. I didn’t want to cry in front of Ashley and Frank. Flash backs of my mom taking Scott’s money so I was paid less attention to. He bribed her. He bribes her!

“Shh,” Gerard hushed wrapping his arms tightly around me.

“Gerard, why would she do that? I thought she loved me,” I cried.

“Delilah she- she,” He struggled to say what he wanted to.

“Delilah I don’t know the answer to that,” he confessed.

“It’s okay… I don’t expect you to know everything,” I said wiping my tears. Gerard frowned.

“I’m sorry,” he whispered. I bit my lip.

“Don’t be,” I cried finally hugging him back. It felt like he was actually there. But leave it to Scott and his stupid car to ruin the moment. My mom was home… and I was d-e-a-d dead. I parted from Gerard and he was gone.

Frank’s POV

What will become of our dear friend?” I sang.

Where will her actions lead us then?” Ashley sang back.

All though we’d like to join the crowd.

In their enthusiastic cloud.

Try as we may it doesn’t last.

And will we ever end up together?

“Okay Frank… I think we made our point,” Ashley said quickly. I laughed.

“Well okay,” I replied.

No I think not… it’s never to become… for I am not the one,” I quickly concluded. Ashley looked at me and shook her head. A blue Saturn caught my eye as it drove down the street 23 miles an hour.

“She’s Jack,” I whispered.

“What?” Ashley asked as she tracked the blue car herself.

“Jack is dead… she’s Jack,” I cleared. Ashley rolled her eyes.

“A few too many times have you seen that movie, Frank. A few too many,” She sighed.

Delilah’s POV

I couldn’t lie to my mom again. I had to tell her how I really felt about some dude that’s bribing her into yelling at me. I hopped it worked. I don’t want my mom to get hurt. I loved her no matter how much pain she just put me though.

Sighing, I opened my door and went into the kitchen pretending I was hungry. Tear stains and traces of running eyeliner stayed on my face. I bit my lip as I emerged from the dark hall way. My mom and Scott stood there with unpleased expressions. I held my breath.

“Delilah, we need to talk,” My mom said harshly. She slipped past me and walked into her room.

“Now,” she said.

Frank’s POV

“Alright, then I’ll talk to you tomorrow,” I said as I waved to Ashley.

“Yeah,” Ashley said walking though her front door.

“Crap,” I murmured. I left my cell phone at Dee’s house… my parents would kill me if I didn’t have it with me. Quickly I ran down the street. From a distance I could see the blue Saturn parked in Dee’s drive way.

Crap, I thought.

I ran onto the porch and just walked in the house. Scott stood there with a shocked look on his face but then glared. I could hear Delilah’s mom yelling and Delilah crying.

“You should probably stay here,” Scott said as he closed the door. I sat on the couch, terrified. I texted Ashley really quick.

Only if there’s a tomorrow.

Delilah’s POV

“Why would you even think about doing that?!” My mother yelled.

“Because I had to!” I yelled back as tears streamed down my face.

“What I’m doing is none of your business!”

“You’re my mom! You’re supposed to at least let me know what you’re doing sometimes!”

“I don’t have to do anything!”

“Mom, why can’t you just be yourself around me and Scott? Why do you have to be that kind of mom that acts like she doesn’t care about her children? Why can’t you just be like you used to?”

“Delilah you have to under stand things change!”

“They don’t have to change like this!”

“Why does it matter all of the sudden? All you ever did was take advantage of me!”

“Mom, I never did that! I love you! But lately it seems like you haven’t loved me!”

“Just because Scott is around doesn’t mean I don’t love you!”

“Then start acting like you did when dad was alive! When he died! Before Scott even started coming over every single day!”

“Like I said things change! Delilah I’m going to be the way I want whenever I want-“

“And I know you don’t want to be like this! Mom I know that Scott is bribing you to act like this! I know! And why can’t you just go to the casino like you used to and win money that way? Why can’t you just work extra hours like you used to?”

“One day when you’re in love you’ll know!”

“Mom I am! And I haven’t changed at all! I don’t change when ever I see him!”

“I don’t change when I’m around Scott!”

“Yes you do! Mom you haven’t cared a bit about the burses on my arm ever since Scott
came around! You come home and them you leave 5 minutes later after you and I just talk for 3 minutes! You leave me here with Aunt Libby every night and I can’t leave because she can’t be home by her self. I have to invite Frank and Ashley over here! I don’t like it this way!”

“Well, there has to be some other reason!”

“I don’t like Scott, mom! He’s ruining our life! You don’t spend time with me anymore!”

“That’s it… you’re grounded.”


“No! Go apologize to Scott and go get ready for bed.”

“Mom,” I whispered.


“Mom, please just let me finish."

“Fine, finish.”

In a normal voice I started to explain things to my mom.

“Mom, I don’t like this guy. He bribes you… he speeds down the street… he’s taking you out of my life. I’m getting so used to being stuck with Aunt Libby every night, that one day you’ll come home at 2 in the morning and I’ll be dead. I don’t like this guy in our house mom. He scares me.”

I let a few tears escape from my eyes. My mom looked a little like she was going to cry too.

“Sweetie I have a life too. Can you at least let me live it? I love you… and I hope you know that. But Scott… sweetie, I love him and it would kill me to just let him go. I’ll try to be home more and more often. Just give me some time,” she explained. I smiled weakly and gave her a hug. We cried together. The moment was ruined again, but of a different reason this time.

“Delilah!” Some one screamed, “Delilah!”

I parted away from my mom.

“Delilah!” the person screamed again.

“Frank,” I gasped running to the door. My mom and I ran down the hall way.

“Scott what are you doing?!” my mom yelled. Scott dropped his belt, as Frank lay almost crying on the floor.

“Nothing,” Scott said. I ran over to Frank.

“Oh my god,” I said softly kneeling down. A tear slowly ran down Frank’s face. I hugged him and he hugged back.

“Delilah was right about you,” My mom said angrily. Scott looked at me. No he glared at me. He pulled me away from Frank and pushed me.

“Don't ever push my-” my mom started but my Aunt Libby covered her mouth.

“Don’t hurt her,” Frank yelled getting up. Scott turned around and hit him hard making Frank pass out… again. Scott slammed me up against the wall. My breathing got heavier.

“Fucking bitch,” he mumbled.

“Get off me!” I yelled. Scott smirked and shook his head and backed up. I saw the look on my Aunt Libby’s face as Scott pulled a gun out of his back pocket. Aunt Libby’s eyes widened and were full of worry.

“Go stop him! He’s gonna go on a rampage killing every in this house. I’ll take care of Delilah’s Friend,” She said quickly pushing my mom forward. I watched as my Aunt quickly pulled Frank, who was now gaining his concusses back, out of the house. Scott had the gun pointing right at me.

Frank’s POV

I noticed I was out side with Libby.

“Come on,” she said hastily bringing me around to the side of the house.

“Stay here, okay?” she asked. I nodded confusingly. And she ran back into the house.

Delilah’s POV

He got ready to pull the trigger. Every thing seemed like it was going in slow motion. My mom ran over to me and pushed me out of the way the second the gun went off.

“Mom,” I screamed as she fell to the ground. Blood was splattered on the wall. My Aunt Libby ran in and pushed Scott as he aimed the gun at me. He dropped and gun as he and my Aunt fought punching each other in the face.

Soon Frank and ran in and saw me laying there hugging my mom. Blood slowly dripped out of her mouth. He ran over and pulled both of us out of the house.

“Some one call the police!” Frank yelled. But it looked like someone already did. A police car was on its way down the street. I hugged my mom.

“Mom, I’m sorry,” I said crying. My mom smiled.

“Sweetie, I love you,” she said weakly.

“I love you, too.”

“I never stopped. And I’m sorry I was wrong. You were right. I should have listened to you earlier today.”

Frank started crying himself.

“Rebecca… it’s our fault. We should have never spied on you.”

“No… you we’re right to. I would have never knew how Delilah felt if you hadn’t.”

Police cars now surrounded our house along with ambulances and fire trucks. The Police squad ran into my house. I didn’t care though.

“Ma’am please excuse us. We have to take your mother to the hospital,” a voice said behind me. I backed away and hugged Frank.

“Mom, don’t leave me alone…” I cried as the paramedics strapped her into a stretcher. They started carrying her away.

“I won’t, Delilah” she said.

“Mom,” I yelled trying to run after her. Frank held me back.

“Mom,” I screamed. Tears ran down my face non-stop.

“Delilah, clam down,” Frank said.

“Mom, I love you!”

I feel onto my knees and cried. Frank and Gerard hugged me. I cried hard. So hard I can’t even explain. And I wasn’t prepared for what was to happen.