Angel Don't You Cry

Know that I will never marry

Delilah’s POV

Frank and I were up all night answering questions for the police and watching them investigate my house. It was quite easy to know how shot my mom. The guy didn’t deny he didn’t. He could have careless if he went to jail. I still cried. I didn’t know how my mom is.

I didn’t get any sleep. Restless. Finally I feel asleep on the lawn. I couldn’t go in my house I couldn’t be on the porch. I could only be on the lawn. That’s where I sat and cried on Frank’s shoulder. That’s where I fell asleep.

“Delilah,” Frank said. I wasn’t even sleeping for 3 minutes.

“You can stay at my house,” He said. I sighed.

“No, it’s okay.”

“Delilah… you’re a mess. You’re covered in blood. You need sleep.”

“I can’t just leave.”


“I need clothes… I can’t even get in my own house.”

“Well… ugh…oh you have your gym clothes at my house.”

“No, I’ll just go get my own clothes.”

Frank shrugged. I got up, Frank did the same. I went over to an officer.

“Excuse me… sir… do you think I could get some clothes from my house?” I asked.

“Yes ma’am. We’re only examining the front room. But you’ll have to go around the back,” he replied. So I went in the house and got my clothes. I grabbed the necklace my mom and dad gave me for my 9th birthday. It was one of those lockets though. One had a picture of dad and the other had a picture of my mom.

Frank and I left. I cried more on the way home. I cried non-stop. You would think my eyes would be dry by now. You’re sadly mistaken.

“What happened?” Frank’s mother asked running over to Frank and me as we walked though the door.

“Delilah, go take a shower… I’ll explain things to my parents,” Frank whispered. I nodded and took my stuff up stairs with me.

I left everything just rinse of my body. All the blood all the tears and dirt. The grass. But that doesn’t mean I stopped crying. I would maybe stop for like 2 minutes but just start back up again. I got out and did my hair after getting dressed. I was tired as heck.

Frank’s POV

I explained every thing to my parents. They seemed pretty upset themselves. Delilah came down. She was in her plaid pajama pants and had a black shirt on. Her dark hair wet and pulled back into a ponytail. Still she had tear stains on her cheeks and looked awfully tired.

While my parents tried to comfort her I went and took a shower myself. I felt so much better with all the dirt off of me. I went back down stairs and Delilah was sitting there with a full cup of coffee in front of her. She stopped crying. The smell of coffee usually helped her clam down. I don’t know how but it did.

“Delilah, you can sleep in my bed,” I said. She looked back and me and smiled weakly. “

“Good-night,” She said sleepily to my parents as she got up from the table.

Delilah lay in my bed.

“Good-night,” I said turning the lights off and heading towards the door.

“Frank,” She said weakly.

“What?” I asked.

“Don’t leave me,” She replied. I turned back.

“Here,” She said moving closer to the wall giving me room to sleep.

“No, that’s fine I’ll just sleep on the floor.”

“No,” she said strictly, “an amazing friend like you deserves a bed.”

“My parents will kill me.”

“No, I think they’d under stand. I’m not gonna do anything.”

“Fine… it’s not like they come in and check on me anyway.”

If they did they would tell me.

I sat on the bed with Delilah. As soon as she fell asleep I was going to sleep on the floor. Two people; small bed; uncomfortable. But Dee fell asleep fast. She was so cute when she slept. Like a puppy. I smiled to myself and got off the bed. After taking blankets from down stairs I put them on my floor next to the bed.

I felt bad for Dee when I noticed her clutching her necklace as she slept. She told me her mom and dad got it for her for her 9th birthday. And that’s what I thought about for the next 15 minutes trying to get to sleep on the floor.

Delilah and I woke at about the same time. We went down stairs to eat.

“How did you sleep?” I asked walking into the kitchen. Delilah sighed.

“Fine, I guess,” she responded.

“Oh… well…. Ugh… did you want something to eat?”

“No… I won’t eat it.”

I nodded.

“Frank, Delilah,” My dad said walking into the kitchen. Delilah and I quickly turned around and looked at the arch way where he was standing.

“We’re going to head over to the hospital to go see Rebecca. We figured you guys would want to go,” he said. Delilah nodded. Where she went I went… well not everywhere. Delilah went up stairs to get dressed. When my dad made sure she was up the he turned towards me.

“What are you going to do for her?” He asked.

“I don’t know” I sighed.

“What does she listen to?”

“Avril Lavigne.”

“Do you know how to play any on guitar?”

“I think just two.”

“Well are they sad?”

“Most of her songs are.”

“Well then play those for her.”

I smiled. “You think she’d like that?”

“You’re mother loved it when my band played for her.”

I nodded.

“Sounds great,” I replied. Delilah came back down stairs. After I got dressed, and Delilah got her stuff together, we left. Ashley had no clue yet. It was probably all over the news though.

Delilah’s POV

“We’re here to see Rebecca Hanson,” Frank’s mom, Linda, said to the woman at the front desk. Soon we were able to go see her. I didn’t even know where she got shot. I know sad isn’t?

Frank and I walked in the room first. My mom was watching TV. I bit my lip as I tried not cry.

“Hi, Mom,” I said. She looked my way and smiled. I ran over to her.

“Mom,” I said still biting my lip. I found out that Scott, when he shot, just missed my mom’s heart. We were at the hospital all day. Nothing big happened. Nothing until the doctor came in. I looked up at him… and he didn’t look so happy.

“Is there something wrong, doctor?” my mother asked.

“Excuse me folks, but I’d like to talk to Ms. Hanson and her daughter alone,” he said looking at Frank and his parents.

“No problem,” Frank’s father said as he and his family turned towards the door. Frank looked back and my and smiled. I smiled back until the door was shut. My mom and I fixed our eyes to the doctor.

“Ms. Hanson-“

“You can just call me Rebecca.”

“Rebecca… during the operation this morning we discovered a tumor in your heart… it’s been there too long it can not be removed. It is growing around the heart … half of your heart is already covered. We’re estimating you have about 2 to 4 months left. We would suggest chemo but like I said it’s not curable. If you would like to give chemo a try you certainly could.”

“No… that’s fine… if nothing can cure it then there no point in chemo,” my mom said calmly.

“Mom,” I said softly.

“Sweetie, if nothing can fix it then we shouldn’t waste money on chemo,” She said.

“Excuse me for a moment,” I said getting out of the chair. I ran out of the room.

“Delilah what happened?” Frank asked. I didn’t answer him… I ran to find a bathroom. My eyes burned as I tried to hold the tears back but running didn’t help. I let it out as I still ran now with tears running down my face.

I finally found and bathroom. I pushed the woman’s door open and ran into one of the stalls then locked it.

After crying for a few minutes some one called my name. It sounded like Frank’s mother, Linda. I took a deep breath and opened up the door. Linda turned around and smiled at me.

“Sweetie, what happened?” she asked walking over to me. I walked towards her and gave her a hug.

“Linda,” I cried, “My mom… she…she….”

“She what?”

“She only has 2 to 4 months to live because of some stupid tumor in her heart. Nothing can fix it because it’s been there too long, and she won’t try chemo because she said there’s no point if nothing can cure it.”

Linda hugged me tighter and rubbed my back.

“I’m not going to have a mom,” I cried softly.

“Delilah, honey, your mom knows what’s best for her. She was told nothing… not even chemo could fix this tumor. She’s not going to take the risk of loosing all of her money because then she can’t support you,” Linda said after I had calmed down.

“I know… but just the fact that she’s the only nice family I have left is kind of hard to handle. She’s never going to see me graduate from high school. She’s never going to see my wedding or the first record my band makes. She’s not going to see our first concert in a basement. She’s not going to see me grow up,” I said still sounding a little weary. My small whimpers bounced of the bathroom walls while Linda put her hands over my hunched shoulders.

“I’m gonna miss her,” I added.

“Me too, Delilah, me too,” Linda said softly.

After just a few more hours in the hospital I said good-bye to my mom and left with Frank and his parents.

“Delilah, are you staying the night again?” Mr. Iero asked. I shook my head.

“She said ‘no’,” Frank told his father, “Did you want me to stay over your house.”

I looked at Frank and smiled, “Would you?” I asked.


“Then sure.”

“Mom, can I stay over at Dee’s?”


“Awesome,” Frank and I chimed.

We soon pulled into Frank’s drive way so he could get his clothes. I called Ashley on my phone while I waited in the car with Frank’s dad.

“Oh my god, hey,” Ashley said quickly.

“Hey,” I replied.

“I’m so sorry! Did you want me to stay over tonight?”

“How did you know I was going to ask?”

“I didn’t.”

“Okay, well get your stuff together… We can pick you up.”

“Alright… bye.”

“Bye,” I said about to hang up.

“Wait,” Ashley exclaimed.

“Huh?” I asked putting the phone back up to my ear.

“Who is this we you speak of?”

“Frank and Frank’s Dad and I.”

“Oh… ugh okay bye.”

“Ha. Ha. Bye.”

“So we’re picking up Ashley, too?” Mr. Frank’s dad (I always wanted to say that) asked.

“Yeah,” I replied. Frank came out of the house a few minutes later and sat in front.

“I’m guessing you called, Ashley,” he said looking back at me.

“How does everyone one about Ashley,” I groaned. Both Frank and his Father laughed.

“Hey, Ash,” Frank and I said blandly as she got in the car.

“Hey,” she replied. She closed the door and buckled her seat belt. Leaning across the seat she gave me a hug. I hugged her back. A few minutes later we were at my house. My Aunt Libby was home… the lights were on. I gulped as I walked up the stairs. The blinding head lights of Mr. Iero’s car seemed to make it look like the car was pulling out of the drive way and driving back down the street.

I opened the door. It was clean in the house. The wall was clean… or probably just repainted… the floor … well there was a rug over the spot where my mom had gotten shot. It looked normal. And so came the beginning of a long night.