‹ Prequel: Take My Hand

Done Hanging On Maybe

Chapter Three

Katy stared nervously at the solid oak doors that had just shut a few feet in front of her. She could hear the organ music floating through the air on the other side mixed with the whispery shuffling noise that two hundred people make when sitting in anticipation.

The doors opened again and the music and shuffling grew louder as the next couple went through and began their procession down the hall. Katy watched as the candle light in the beautiful old church reflected off the cabernet colored chiffon the bridesmaid wore. As the next three couples went through, and the time for her own procession approached, Katy clutched tighter at the bouquet of ivory-white lilies and scarlet roses she held in her gloved hands. She could feel her fingers sweating underneath the ivory satin and had a momentarily panicked thought that her fingers might somehow stain through the gloves.

Her feet shuffled nervously and she resisted the urge to tug on the tight up-do her hair was held in or touch her crimson lips; again in fear of ruining satin encased fingers before the ceremony had even begun. The heels she had painstakingly selected for both fashion and comfort were beginning to dig into her toes the longer she stood in the front vestibule as though they too couldn't wait for the waiting to be over.

"Finally," she whispered to herself as the ushers moved to open the door to the church for the final time. Katy closed her eyes and whispered a quiet prayer that she wouldn't trip and stepped forward. Her foot crossed the threshold and she vaguely heard the music change its pace and the crowd shift; but her eyes were too enraptured in her surroundings to fully notice the sounds.

The stained glass windows that covered the walls of the old building had turned the late afternoon sun into a wash of colors over the room that near blinded her. The scents of incense, mhyr, fresh flowers and baked apples filled her nostrils as she moved slowly down the center isle to approach the large alter. She reached the halfway point of the procession, giving her a full view of the front of the church and her heart stopped at the sight of Greg standing mere feet away from her with a huge grin on his handsome face. She nervously smiled back as she reached the end of the isle, only to pause and step to the side where she immediately turned her attention to the back of the church as the wedding march began to fill the room and her best friend stepped through the doors on the arm of her father.

Katy cast a glance in the direction of the opposite side of the alter and winked at Greg who had reached around Mike's older brother to place a steadying hand on his shoulder as Holli approached. A light chuckle escaped the brunette at the dumbstruck look on her friend's face as his future bride approached him in a stunning gown of ivory silk. Katy glanced down at her own crimson maid of honor dress and shuffled so it lay a little more flattering before Holli reached the end of the alter and handed Katy her bouquet so they could begin the mass.

And as she watched her two best friends get married Katy couldn't help but keep looking to her right as she felt eyes on her; and each time she looked she caught her boyfriend's eye and felt her cheeks heat up.
"If anyone feels these two should not be wed; please speak now or forever hold your peace," the priest intoned and the congregation answered with silence. Greg half contemplated speaking up as a joke, but the thought of what Katy would do to him; to think nothing of Holli and Mike's reactions kept him quiet. The priest moved through the rest of the ceremony and finally reached his final duties, "You may kiss the bride. I give you for the first time, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Bahr."

Greg watched Mike and Holli kiss with a light blush as he wiped at his slightly damp cheeks in between clapping and hollering along with the rest of the wedding party and guests. He looked across the isle and laughed at the sight of Katy hopping around and cheering; in lieu of clapping as she was currently holding two bouquets of flowers.

The newlyweds walked down from the alter and Greg watched as Katy carefully handed Holli her bouquet before taking Roger's, Mike's brother and the best man, arm and walking down the isle herself. Greg followed with Cyndi, Mike's sister, appreciatively watching each step Katy took in front of him.

"What's with the smirk?" Katy whispered when they joined the reception line in front of the church.

"Your dress clings very very nicely to all the right places," Greg answered honestly and laughed at the smack she gave him on the arm.

"Don't be a tool," she warned him with a serious expression that quickly softened when he leaned down and lightly kissed her. "I love you," she added when he pulled back.

"I love you more."

"Not possible," she told him softly as she straightened up and turned her attention to the guests that were beginning to file out of the building.

"Hi Mom," Greg said in slight surprise as his parents moved past him with hugs and handshakes before moving onto Katy. "What're you doing here?"

"We just came for the ceremony," his father explained. "It's only a little over an hour home."

"You should stay for the reception," Holli quickly told them when she overheard the comment but Greg's mother waved her off politely.

"It's ok dear, we've got things to do in the morning. It was a lovely ceremony and you made a stunning bride."

"She did didn't she," Katy agreed with a huge grin.

"Yes she did. Not as beautiful as you'll look of course," Barbara said quietly as she hugged Katy sending the brunette into a deep blush. "But I might be biased."

"Let's not jump the gun ok?" Katy joked.

"If he doesn't ask soon I'm just going to adopt you."

"Alright, it's time we got on the road," Robert insisted and kissed Katy's cheek before they headed to the parking lot.

"What was my mom talking to you about?"

"Nothing," Katy responded and then thanked another guest for joining them.

It took about a half hour for everyone file out and say their congratulations to Mike and Holli, but finally the wedding party was able to walk together down the path towards the large barn that had been surrounded by tents for the wedding reception.

Katy strolled hand in hand with Greg in the back of the procession and paused at the top of the hill, "Look at that."

"It's stunning," he agreed shrugging out of his jacket and slipping it around her shoulders.

They continued down the path and took in the sight of a large barn with extended outdoor flooring so guests wouldn't be walking on the grass. The field was illuminated by citronella tiki torches, the full moon and sparkling lights strung through the trees.

"It's like a country fairytale," Katy sighed and leaned against Greg as they watched the guests begin to mingle and find their tables. "They got so lucky with the weather. I mean, it's October 15th but it's actually nice."

"I think we're being summoned," Greg pointed at where Holli was waving them over to the rest of the wedding party for their entrances.

"Take your coat back," Katy said as they walked over and handed it back to him. "They'll be taking pictures."

The next few minutes were a flurry of activity as the wedding party was introduced to the guests and finally the DJ announced that the bride and groom would have their first dance as a married couple. Katy heard Greg begin to chuckle next to her as the song started and she elbowed him in the side.

"Stop laughing."

"I'm sorry, I just thought Mike and Holli were more original then Bryan Adams."

"Well, "Heaven" is a beautiful song."

"But it's like everyone's wedding song," Greg whispered and Katy shrugged. "Promise me we'll pick something more interesting?"

"Who say's I'm marrying you?"

"Who said I'm asking," he shot back without taking his eyes off of the dancing couple.

"Good thing you're not then," Katy replied with a smirk.

"Good thing I'm not is right," he muttered with his own smirk. "Dance with me?" he asked a few seconds later when the second song came on and the DJ announced that couples should join the newlyweds.

"Of course," Katy replied and let Greg lead her out onto the dance floor in the middle of the barn.

"Now this," he whispered in her ear over the quiet music. "Is more what I thought they would have picked."

"I love this version," Katy agreed and continued to sway in his arms to Ryan Adam's version of Wonderwall. "It's so pretty."

"So," Greg interrupted the music again and had Katy raising her head off his chest to look at up. "What was my mom talking to you about?"

"Oh, that," she replied rolling her eyes slightly. "Exactly what we were just talking about. She's waiting, very impatiently I may add, for us to get married."

Greg simply shrugged in response and spun Katy around as the song ended.
"I can not wait to do this again," Holli whispered in Katy's ear as the two girls sipped from their glasses, champagne in one, sparkling cider in the other, on the edge of the dance floor.

"Do what? Stand and watch our significant others dance with toddlers?" Katy questioned her best friend as she pointed at where Mike and Greg were dancing with Mike's young nieces.

"Welllll, sort of," Holli groaned and poked Katy's side. "Seriously though. When are you two going to get married?"

"Whenever he asks I guess," Katy replied quietly. "Ball's in his court on that one. I might be modern. But I am not that modern. Besides, we're happy. I like being happy."

"I like you being happy too," Holli assured the brunette with a little smirk. "I'm just saying, don't be too surprised if we're doing this a little sooner then you seen to be expecting."

Katy eyed her best friend curiously and then followed the blonde's line of sight to where Greg was spinning around with a three year old. She immediately swung her gaze back to Holli and asked, "What do you know?"

"I know nothing," Holli responded quickly without looking over at her friend.

"Holiday Louise Bahr," Katy hissed and watched as her friend paled.

"Shhhhhhhhhh someone might hear you!"

"Oh good Lord, everyone knows your name is ridiculous. Remember the wedding invitations. Your parents insisted on the full thing."

"Do not remind me," Holli groaned. "One of these days I'm gonna get around to changing it legally Katherine."

"Katherine is a perfectly normal name. Totally doesn't work the same way."

"True...hey, does Greg even know your full name?"

"You wouldn't dare?!"

"I dunno, Katy. That's a pretty big secret."

"Do not even think about it Holiday," Katy hissed. "You tell Greg my middle name and I'll tell Mike who put pudding in his cleats before the homecoming game sophomore year."

"You wouldn't!"

"Try me," Katy growled.

"Oh fine, you win," Holli grumbled remembering the fight that had resulted in her boyfriend's feet being covered in chocolate pudding. "But only 'cause we lost that year."

"Hey baby," Greg suddenly whispered in Katy's ear causing her to jump. "What are you two talking about all secretive over here?"

"Nothing," Katy squeaked. "Nothing at all."

"Nothing sounds curiously a lot like something," Greg replied and kissed her cheek. "I love you. But I need to steal the beautiful bride away now."

"No!" Katy squealed and paled as her best friend literally cackled while Greg led her onto the dance floor. "Oh this is bad."
"Sooooo," Holli whispered as Greg led her around the dance floor. "When are you gonna do it?"

"I'm not sure I should tonight," Greg admitted quietly. "I mean, it's your night."

"Gregory Robert Garbowsky if you do not propose to my best friend tonight I will smash my cake into your face and not my husband's."

"That's a threat? More cake for me."

"Gregory," Holli groaned and dropped her head onto his shoulder for a second. When she picked it back up again she had a serious expression on her face and eyed him carefully, "You do want to propose right?"

"Of course I want to propose," he replied, his eyes drifting over to where Katy was staring in their direction nervously. "Why does Katy look like she's gonna puke?"

"Long story," Holli replied brushing him off. "Back to the matter at hand. Why are you so nervous about this?"

"What if she says no?"

"Yea, not gonna happen kid."

"How do you know for sure? She might laugh in my face. She hasn't really given me the impression she's dying to get married."

"She loves you Greg. Like, really really loves you."

"Well, I mean, I know that much," Greg muttered. "I just don't want to rush things."

A snort of laughter was the first sound Holli made at his comment; after she finally composed herself she continued verbally, "Rush things? Greg you two have been together steadily for a year now. I know that doesn't seem like long, but after everything you've been through? This is hardly rushing things."

"Are you certain?"

"Yes; besides, it's not like you're getting married tomorrow. Trust me Gregory. She wants you to propose."

"How do you know?"

"Confidential information my friend. Best friend code. I've already said far too much."

"Fine," he muttered and spun Holli out to be caught by Mike. "Dance with your husband. I'll be back." Greg waited a second and then crossed the dance floor to approach Katy again. He came to a stop in front of her and leaned against the wooden wall she was standing against. "You look lonely?"

"Nope," Katy replied smiling up at him. "Tell me something? Were you and Holli discussing pudding?"

"Pudding? What?" Greg questioned completely confused.

"Oh good," Katy whispered. "Nevermind. What's up?"

"Take a walk with me?" he asked quietly, taking her gloved hand in his tightly.

"Sure," Katy replied and waited as he slipped his coat jacket around her shoulders and led her out of the barn onto one of the many winding paths that led around the property. "It's so beautiful out here," she whispered once they were far enough away that they could only hear the soft strains of music from the party.

"Yea," Greg replied staring up at the starlit night sky. "They really went all out didn't they?"

"Yup," Katy agreed, stepping up onto a gazebo that they had used for pictures earlier. "What's up Greg?"

"I just wanted to spend some time with you alone," he told her with a slight tremor present in his voice. "Sit down with me?"

"Okayyyy," Katy laughed and took a seat on the bench next to her boyfriend, relaxing into his arms. "So? Alone time? Does that mean we get to make out?"

Greg forced a chuckle out as he knew he was expected to and nervously wiped his free hand on his slacks, internally cursing his nerves. Gently he pushed her up off his chest and stood from the bench, picking up a slow pace in front of her as he tried to formulate his words.


"Katy," he finally spoke aloud.

"Yes Greg," she repeated looking somewhere between amused and concerned. "Everything is ok right?"

"Uh-huh," he nodded. "So, umm, we've been through a lot together right?"

"Yes," Katy replied quietly beginning to feel a slight ball of dread forming in her stomach.

"And I mean, we've been together for a pretty decent length of time too. Considering we met over a year and a half ago."


"Ok, I'm really screwing this up. I'm sorry. I'm just, a little nervous," he muttered and wiped his hands again on his slacks. "I wanted this to be so perfect, I mean, the gazebo, the lights, you're all dressed pretty. And, ugh."

"Baby?" Katy asked with the beginnings of tears in her eyes. "Take a deep breath."

Greg took her advice and closed his eyes, inhaling and exhaling a few times, before opening them again and meeting her eyes straight on. Slowly he pulled a small box out of his pants pocket and opened it, holding it out and revealing a beautiful diamond ring. Very quietly he whispered the only words that mattered at that moment to him, "I love you. Marry me?"

Katy stared into Greg's eyes, barely glancing at the ring as she didn't entirely care what was in the box. As far as the brunette was concerned he could have handed her a cracker jack prize, it was the words that he had spoken that she focused on. Seconds later, with barely a sound out of her mouth, she jumped up and threw her arms around his neck kissing him passionately. She felt his arms wrap around her waist as his mouth responded against her lips. When they pulled back a minute or so later Katy's cheeks were damp and her lips were trembling.

"So?" he whispered again.

"Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes!" she finally shrieked and then kissed him again. "I love you," she whispered. "So so much. Now," she added quickly. "Lemme see my ring."

Greg laughed and took the jewelry out of the box, slowly sliding it onto her left ring finger before kissing it. Katy held the beautiful stone up to the light and exhaled, "Wow. It's gorgeous Greg."

"I knew you'd love it the second I saw it," he told her seriously, brushing a few stray strands that had fallen out of her up-do off her forehead. "I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you Katherine Jones."

"I think we already started on that Gregory Garbowsky."

"Yea, but soon you'll be Katherine Garbowsky."

"True," she whispered and stared at the ring and then back up at him. "You're kind of the best. Do you know that?"

"It's been said a time or two in the past," he joked and kissed her. "Hey, I have a question for you."

"Another one?"

"Yea, I'll ask while we walk. We don't wanna miss your speech."

"Oh shit, that's right," Katy gasped and began dragging him quicker down the gazebo steps towards the path back to the barn the reception was being held in. "What'd you want to know?"

"When we were ring shopping, I was gonna get your initials on the inside of the ring and I realized something."

"Oh?" Katy asked carefully, knowing exactly where this conversation was going.

"Yea, what's your middle name?" Katy groaned and stopped walking. She carefully avoided his eyes and muttered very quietly the name she despised with every fiber of her being. "Huh?"

"Gertrude," she spoke clearer, blushing bright red in the moonlight.

Greg blinked for a second and finally shrugged, "Eh, could be worse."

"It could?" Katy asked as they kept walking.

"Sure, your middle name could be your first name."

"Ew, don't even joke," Katy mumbled and slipped her arm around his waist as they walked back into the party. "Let's keep tonight about Holli and Mike ok?"

"They knew I was gonna propose," Greg admitted.

"Oh," Katy replied and shrugged. "Alright then. But no big announcements."

"Your the boss," Greg whispered in her ear. "Now go tell everyone again how Mike put mud in your hair and Holli kicked him when you guys were in nursery school thus starting off the second greatest romance the world will ever know."

"Oh I plan on it," she replied with a wicked grin. She swiftly kissed him and hurried across the room towards where Mike and Holli were waiting for her; she was immediately pulled into a huge hug by the bride before her hand was yanked forward and examined while Holli began talking very very fast.

"Shit, Holli's already planning the wedding," Greg muttered taking his own seat at the head table, next to where Katy's seat was located and watched as Holli, Mike, Katy and Mike's brother headed for the DJ booth to begin their toasts. Though in the back of his mind, as he met his fiance's eyes from across the room and raised a glass to their friends with her, he couldn't help but think Holli pushing their own wedding along wouldn't be the most horrible thing to ever happen to them as a couple.

"And in conclusion, I just wanted to wish a happy and long love filled life to my two oldest friends in the world. You two have been through everything good and bad with me and I can only hope that one day, when we're old and grey, we can look back on all these years together and resist the urge to invent a time machine."

The entire crowd laughed, no one harder then Holli and Mike, as Katy closed out her speech with a joke that only a very select people in the crowd understood or appreciated, but the love on the three friends faces only reinforced to Greg how right the decision he had all those many months ago when he had met the beautiful brunette and took a wild chance that something good might come out of it.
♠ ♠ ♠
That was a ridiculously fast "write". I was dying to get to the final scene of this story so the rest came super easy. Yay! We're getting married!!!!!

The next story "Since You've Been Gone" might take a few days to get started on. Hopefully, this three-parter and the big news at the end will tide you over. :)

Read. Review. Love.