Status: Chapters coming slowly but they are coming

Two The Story of a Struggle Within

Chapter 1: The Beginning

My name is Jeremy and this is my story. I must tell it fast because if i don't i may unravel and i fear that no one will ever know the truth. Everyone always thought i was the good kid playing it cool on the straight and narrow the thing of dreams; creative smart emotional social and always looking to understand. In reality i was a warped child never fearing death fascinated by it welcoming of it but i wasn't always nuts no as a young boy fresh in a new school it was a different story for one of few times in my life i was normal.

It was Second grade i had changed schools because i barely learned a thing in First grade at the local public school. Somehow i managed to fit in perfectly in a school full of believers when thus far i was not impressed. I knew of God and his story. He created humans they betrayed him he thrust them out of paradise and that he sent his only begotten son to die for us wonderful but where is the smiting and world destruction at the hands of the wrath of God? That bothered me that's not how i viewed a God to be. In this new school however, i quickly made friends with the other students. There were 24 of us. Each of us still with no given path but mine would soon be shown though i didn't realize until now.

It was recess i had met my friends already and we were well acquainted you can say. We began talking and then we decided it would be fun to chase another little girl around the play area which was the church parking lot. It may have seemed harmless for we were just little kids. We didn't think of the deeper consequences but it is that act of pestering that little girl that would shape my destiny. That girls name... Quinn.
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Your friend,