Status: Finished

No More Secrets


The next morning I slept in. Well, later than I usually did. Mom had already eaten breakfast and all that was left for me was cereal, which was ok with me. I was ready for anything! Bring on college! Bring on life! I was ready! I could even stand to be around Charlotte and Samantha today!


I totally forgot about her turning over a new leaf. I needed to tell her about what happened last night! As I ran in my room to get dressed someone knocked on the door.

“Lil? Will you get that? I’m in the bath!” Mom yelled from her bedroom. I skipped to the door and there stood one of Deidra's staff members.

“Miss Lilly? This came to you this morning. It was from a young man who wishes to remain anonymous. He did tell me to give you a message.” He handed me a letter along with a lily.
I ran to the table and opened the letter. It said

“Parks are way cooler then rivers or old bookstores, and more hygienic. Nor are they for twelve year olds! I’ll pick you up at 2 and we can hang out in less muddy places. – Your Rescuer”

Was this a date? I ran out the door and down to the second floor. I found Samantha’s room easily. She had a blue bulletin board with her name on her door. I gently knocked on the door. From inside, I heard her say, “Come in.”

When I opened the door, Samantha was sitting on her bed writing in a journal. Her room was decorated in light blue. From her canopy, bed sheets, and rug to her closet doors and her desk. Samantha’s room wasn’t impeccably clean, but it was too clean for my taste.

“Samantha, guess what I just got?”

“Uh, I don’t know.”

I handed her the letter and she read it. She looked up in excitement and when I showed her the lily, she let out a squeak, but quickly covered her mouth. She pointed to the room next to her.

“Charlotte is still asleep. We can NOT let her find out. She’d run and tell momma, who doesn’t approve of musicians. She’d ruin it. Plus, she can get terribly jealous. Ever since she and Ronald broke up she’s been jealous of people who have boyfriends. She made her best friend cry, because she started going out with a boy right after Charlotte and Ronald were through. Her friend ended up breaking off the relationship because the guy wasn’t ‘her type’. Really, Charlotte blackmailed and threatened to spread nasty rumors if she didn’t. Her friend really did like him a lot.”

Wow. I knew Charlotte was evil, but not to her friends.

“Is this that why you’ve wanted to get out of Charlotte’s shadow?”

“Well, partly. But for years I’ve noticed how terrible she can be. Like the time she made you take all that junk from the store. I never wanted any, but she said that I did. And afterwards, I told her I was going to tell momma what really happened and she threatened to break my arm.”

“What did you do?”

“Well, she’s really not strong enough to break your arm. She can twist it behind you so you think it’s going to break, but that’s about it. But I promised not to tell, so she let me go.”

We both promised to not tell anyone about Brendon and Ryan and would cover for each other in the event of an emergency. It was nice, Samantha was treating me like family for once and I had someone to talk to other than my mom and Nancy. Sam, as I was now to call her, was going to come up to the suite later and help me find something to wear. I was so excited!

I waited in the living room for Brendon to show up. I didn’t want him to have to come to the door. And I hadn’t told mom I was going on a date. Sam helped me pick out a pair of skinny jeans and she let me borrow a pink tank top and pink ballet flats. I only had to wait a few minutes when I saw Brendon’s car turn into the driveway. I hurried outside so he wouldn’t have to get out his car.

He pulled up to the house and jumped out. He walked up to the stairs and stopped. I went down to him and smiled. That’s all I could do at that moment. He smiled back and took my hand. Here I go, I thought.