Status: Finished

No More Secrets


Brendon and I spent four hours walking around town, talking, laughing and enjoying each other’s company. He was in a band with Ryan, Spencer and Jon, but they just played for fun. I asked if he ever wanted to become famous and he said,

“No, you never get any privacy. I’d be happy just laying low and playing my music. And I like going out with no one trying to attack me or my friends. Plus, what would I do without all that money?”

“Buy a new car?” I suggested.

Brendon laughed. “What? You don’t like Gertrude?”

“You named your car?”

“Why not?”

We stopped in a café` for lunch. Maybe it was my imagination, but a group of high school girls were staring at us. Brendon joked they were probably asking themselves why a beautiful girl would be going out with a guy like him. The truth was they were staring at him. I tried to brush it off; they were just stupid high school girls who gawked at any good looking guy. After we ordered our food, we sat down at a table and waited for our order. Over the noise of people eating and talking I could barely hear music from the radio. The announcer introduced the next song saying;

“And here’s the newest song from Panic! At The Disco called ‘I Write Sins, Not Tragedies’. The band comes from Las Vegas and lead singer…”

He was downed out by a group of people close to us laughing. I had never heard of Panic! At The Disco and with my love of music they couldn’t stay unknown for long. Maybe Brendon had heard of them, they both were from Las Vegas.

“Have you heard of Panic! At The Disco?” I asked leaning towards him. His eyes got really big for a second and his jaw tightened.


“Well, one of their songs was on and I’ve never heard of them before. I thought maybe you had.”

He relaxed and smiled.

“No, I haven’t. Sorry.”

After lunch, we drove to the park we went the day before and sat on the swings. Well, I sat on the swings. Brendon was behind me pushing lightly. He told me about his family, his dad was still in Las Vegas trying to sell their house. His older brother and sister had moved out, and his two other sisters would be joining them shortly after they moved back for the summer after year one at college somewhere in the Mid-West. They had moved because his parents didn’t like the big city and wanted to be somewhere a little bit smaller.

Then he asked about my family. So I told him about how Samantha had done a 180, personality wise, and how my mom really didn’t know I was out with him.

“Ahh.” He sighed.”Teenaged rebellion. But you can’t blame her. A girl like you should be seeing someone who can play tennis and has shares in the stock market.”

I laughed. “A girl like me? What do you mean?”

“Come on, Lilly.” He said laughing a little. “You are so rich; I bet you have people working for the people who work for you!”

“That’s not my house.” I said turning my head as I kept swinging.

“It’s what?” Brendon said looking slightly surprised.

“I don’t live there. It’s my aunt Deidra's . Sam lives there; my mom and I are visiting.” I explained.

“Oh.” He said.

“Does this change anything?” I asked worried. Was Brendon only interested in me because he thought I was rich?

“No. It doesn’t.” he said. “Actually, knowing I don’t have Yale graduates to compete with makes me feel better.” We both laughed.


“Well, I’m not exactly the richest guy in the world. Plus, you can’t forget that I’m a musician.” He said on mock sincerity.”We musician have a bad reputation for trashing hotels and hooking up with hundreds of girls we never know the names of.”

“Well,” I said seriously.”I hope I’m not one of the hundreds.”

He stopped the swing and pulled it close to him.

“You’re not. Don’t worry.” He said softly in my ear.