Status: Finished

No More Secrets


Over the next month Brendon and I saw each other two or three times a week. Sam and Ryan where seeing each other as well. Sam and I had to devise a plan for getting out of the house. I was ‘running’ every once in a while or going to the bookstore and Samantha had ‘yoga’ twice to three time a week. No one suspected a thing. And for some strange reason, Richard, the guy from Deidra's party, kept calling me! He wanted to go get lunch or have me play golf with him and some of Charlotte’s friends. At first, it was weird and I would make an excuse to not go, then it just got annoying and I stopped answering my phone when he called. Charlotte was too busy parting with friends to notice her sister’s absence and Deidra was too caught up in her ‘work’ to notice anything.

Mom on the other hand, was a different story. She was constantly asking me where I was and what I was doing. When I told her I was out jogging she asked if she could join me. On the day we were going out jogging together, I had a sudden case of cramps and couldn’t go. In my room I called Brendon on his cell phone and told him I’d see him the next day. It was hard work, but well worth it when I did see him.

One day, I hadn’t been able to meet Brendon because he and Ryan had to go to band practice. He had it three times a week, but forgot about it and had to cancel our date. It was late, and I was in my room listening to the C.D's that Nancy gave me and playing with the panda Brendon won. He said it looked a little too feminine to be in his room. I felt my cell phone vibrate next to me and I picked it up. It was Brendon.

“Hey.” He said.”What are you doing?”

“I’m listening to music. What about you?”

“We just finished practice. What music are you listening to?”


“Good music!” He said. “You wanna go do something?”

“Brendon, its 11:30 at night. Isn’t that kinda late?”

“It’s never too late to go out with your girlfriend!” he said sounding scandalized.

Girlfriend? I was his girlfriend? Well of course I was! I mean he didn’t flirt with anyone else; he didn’t hold hands or kiss anyone else. I WAS his girlfriend.

“I’ll try and sneak out.” I said “But I’ll have to wait until mom goes to sleep.”

“Ok, I’ll wait until your lights are out and I’ll come to get you.”

“Alright, I’ll see you later.” I said.

“Bye, then.”


It took mom forever to go to bed. I had my light out, lying in bed and was waiting for her to go to sleep. But she wouldn’t! She was in the bathroom, then on the balcony and walking around the suite.

Finally, at one she turned off the lights and went to her room. I got up and started dressing. Just as I was about to leave the suite, I heard soft clicking at the window to my room. I quietly opened the window and looked over the window frame. Brendon was waiting below throwing pebbles at my window. I waved and motioned to the front of the house. He nodded and I turned to leave. But as I left my room, I could hear mom getting up! I slipped out the doors to the balcony and shut them as silently as I could.

Brendon hadn’t gone too far, and I snapped my fingers for his attention. The bathroom light turned on and he understood I was stuck. That’s when I noticed the lattice work next to the balcony. Brendon saw it too and we both smiled. Actually he started laughing at me as I tried climbing down. On solid ground again Brendon choked back laughing as he told me that was the funniest thing he’d ever seen.

We snuck around the side of the house and walked down the driveway. He had parked around the corner and when we got to the car he smiled.

“Do you like star gazing?”

Brendon drove us to a spot outside of town where we could see the stars. We laid on the hood of his car, which was nice and warm and pointed out constellations. I actually didn’t care for star gazing, but I didn’t let Brendon know that. It was nice, lying on his car with him. We spent hours looking at stars, and I was getting tired. I scooted closer and lay my head on his chest. I closed my eyes and listened to his heart and his steady breathing and fell asleep.

I was woken up by the sun shining in my eyes. I looked over at Brendon who had also fallen asleep. Our clothes where a little wet from the dew, but I was still comfortable. I laid back down next to him a stroked his cheek. He smiled but kept his eyes closed.

“Brendon, it’s time to wake up.” I said.

“No it isn’t.” he replied sleepily.


“Five more minutes.” He said turning towards me. He opened his eyes and softly kissed me on the lips. I wasn’t cold, but, I got goose-bumps. He sat up and stretched.

“I guess I should take you home now.” He said looking out at the town.

“Yes, please.”

“Let’s do something later. Like, I don’t know.” He paused.”Let’s go to the park!”

“You always wanna go to the park.” I laughed.

“I like swinging.”