Status: Finished

No More Secrets


Bad, very bad. I went to Sam’s bedroom and opened her door quietly. She had the covers pulled way up over her head, which was weird because it was already fifty degrees outside. I pulled back the covers, but Sam wasn’t there, it was a pile of pillows. I looked around, where could she be? Just as I was thinking this Sam’s window opened and she climbed in. She gasped when she saw me standing there.

“Lilly what are you doing here?”

“Looking for you! Where have you been?”

“Out with Ryan. We went to an all night dance club! It was awesome! There where lights and loud music and…”

“Charlotte knows.”


“She knows about Brendon.”

For once in her life Samantha was speechless. She sat at her desk and her face turned pale.

“Does she know about me and Ryan?”

The door swung open and there was Charlotte.

“Now she does.” Charlotte said with a smile. She came in and looked at us both.”And I won’t tell momma either.”

Samantha sighed in relief.

“Thank you Char. You have no idea…”

‘You are going to tell her, Samantha, along with Lillian. But, don’t worry; I’ll make sure Brendon and Ryan aren’t depressed after you two break up with them. I have friends who would love to meet them” She closed the door.

“This is insane! She can’t do this, especially to her own sister! What does she want?” I said pacing around the room.

“She can and she will.” Sam said in a small voice. “When she gets jealous there’s no telling what she’ll do.”

“But what does she want out of it?” I asked sitting on the bed.

“Isn’t it obvious?”

I shook my head.

“She wants Brendon.”

“But she’s never met him!”

She sighed.

“It doesn’t matter. Do you want to know how she and Ronald started going out in the first place? Ronald was engaged when Char first saw him. She was obsessed with him! She’d follow him around town; call him at ungodly hours of the night! Finally, Ronald’s fiancé tried to have a one on one chat with her. Char told the girl to break up with him or she’d blackmail her and that would defiantly make Ronald leave her. Well, the girl decided to step down gracefully, which was probably the better thing. And in the end, Char got what she wanted.”

“Then why did she break up with him?”

“She was tired and wanted someone different. And she’s found it. Maybe we should confess. Lying isn’t the way to start a relationship. And if we come out on our own, she won’t do anything drastic.”

I was supposed to step aside and let Charlotte, my evil cousin, take the only boyfriend I ever had? Let her walk all over me? No! She had done that all my life! This time I wasn’t going to let her. I left Sam’s room and walked over to Charlotte’s. This wasn’t going to be a short fight.