Status: Finished

No More Secrets


I knocked on the door and waited for Charlotte to answer. I knocked again, was her room that big it took five minutes to walk to the door? I knocked again and slowly opened it. Charlotte was on her phone talking to someone.

“I swear it’s them! I’ve only caught a glimpse of them when my sister and cousin go out…She said his name was Brendon Urie, and I’m guessing the other is Ryan…” she stopped when she saw me in the doorway. “I’ll call you back." she put the phone down and started walking towards me."Well?”

“I’m not going to let you do this, Charlotte. You have walked all over me my entire life. It’s going to stop now! I know mom isn’t going to be happy with me, but she isn’t going make me stop seeing Brendon, she isn’t like that.”

“Are you sure? Are you sure your mom isn’t going to be so mad at you that she will force you to stop seeing him?”

“Why are you so concerned about this? What is in this for you?” I asked not really understanding why she was going to such lengths to break up Brendon and me.
She gave me a look as if to say “Are you stupid?” She walked behind me to close the door, but I kept my eye on her as she circled back around to face me.

“Do you really not know who you are dating?” she asked.

“Yeah, his name is Brendon Urie, and…”

“No, I mean what does he do? What is his occupation?” she emphasized. I stood there for a moment. He never did tell me what he was planning on doing after summer was over. I assumed he had some sort of personal life before we met, but I never asked him what he did in Vegas.

Charlotte grinned as this realization dawned on my face. She started giggling, which turned into full on laughter after a minute.

“Oh, my God! You don’t…you don’t…know?! “She cackled. I stood there trying to keep calm. I was mad she was mocking me and scared that she knew something about my boyfriend I didn’t.

“Are you done?” I asked when she paused to take a breath.

“I honestly didn’t think you were that stupid, Lilly!” she said. “I honestly thought you were smart enough to figure something this OBVIOUS out, but I guessed wrong.”

Annoyed I snapped.

“Then tell me what it is you know.”

“Brendon is famous. Or at least he is going to be.” She said.

“What?” I said. It was my turn to laugh at her stupidity. “No he’s not, he can’t be famous.”

“Has he ever told you why he is going to New York?”

How did she know?

“He said he was…visiting friends.” I said getting scared.

“Of course he is.” She said going to her laptop. I stared at her as she got on the internet.

What was going on? How did she know Brendon was going to New York and why was she convinced he was famous? She turned back to me with her laptop in her hands. The website that was displayed was half covered by a Moulin Rouge style windmill and a picture of four guys sitting on a red faux leather couch, looking somberly into the camera. They were half hidden in shadows cast from a yellow tinted light that gave the picture a dark look.

In the background, where two men who looked very familiar, they were slightly out of focus in the picture and wearing black and white smoking jackets appropriate for a gentlemen’s club in the early nineteen hundreds. The one in the white jacket has his head turned to the side and looked like Brendon’s friend, Jon. The man in the black smoking jacket had half of his face hidden in shadow, but the other half you could see had a dark circle of eyeliner surrounding his eye. He resembled Ryan, but Ryan never wore smoking jackets or eyeliner. The two men in the foreground were also wearing black and white jackets. The man in the second black jacket had bangs in his face and was also wearing eyeliner. But the one foremost in the picture caught my attention.

He was wearing a white jacket and had eyeliner on like his other two band mates. His dark chocolate eyes stared at me from the computer screen and his light pink lips jumped out of the yellow tinted light from the photo. I knew those chocolate eyes, flecked with gold and perfectly surrounded by dark eyelashes. And I knew those lips that had very recently been pressed to mine and tasted like spearmint gum.

“Do they look familiar?” Charlotte said quietly.

“Why…How did you know?” I asked her quietly. For the first time in a long time, Charlotte and I were face to face.

“My roommate listens to the band, and I guess you can say we both became big fans. She loves Ryan, she says he has such an adorable baby face and writes lyrics that make her melt. She knows everything there is to know about him. I, however, am a fan of Brendon, and those lips.” My eyes narrowed. “He’s an amazing singer! Have you heard him? Well, no you haven’t ‘cause then you would have realized who he was. He’s so gorgeous, I just wanna…”

“He’s MY boyfriend.” I said. “Whatever you want to do, you can shove it!” I shouted as I backed away from her.

I made my way to the door, my mind racing with the fact that Charlotte knew more about my boyfriend than I did. I closed the door behind me, and sat in the hallway. I wasn’t sure what to think, Brendon was in an upcoming band, had a fan base (one that my cousin was a part of), and was going to be leaving to New York in a few days.

I jumped up from the floor and marched down the hallway. I would deal with Charlotte and whatever she was planning to dish out on me later. There were more important things to deal with.
♠ ♠ ♠
So, the last few chapters are comming up! YEAY! And, just so you know; the time line is WAAAY screwed up. It's supposed to be a few hours, but alot happens.