Halloween in Hollywood

Part One

-Linnae's POV-
We were sitting in our hotel room bored out of our minds. It was me, Aeseret, and Jeniss. Well Aeseret was out doing something don't know what but she said it'd be special. Jeniss and I were sitting on our beds listening to interviews with Hollywood Undead. It was one of our favorite bands.
“Kinda sucks we're stuck in Hollywood on Halloween” Jeniss said. I completely agreed with her. We were stuck here until November 5, because of some interview we had to do. Jeniss was a director specializing in music videos, Aeseret was a music producer and I was a special affects artist and manager for upcoming bands. We all worked together in Colorado which worked for us. We were friends in high school so when we got an assignment together we were happy.
“I agree. Stupid interviews. No one watches them!” I said. Aeseret walked in at that moment with shopping bags.
“I took the liberty to buy you both costumes and make-up!” she said tossing us each a bag. I smiled at the cloths in my hand. She knew me so well.
“Dear what are we going to do with these? We don't know Hollywood enough to trick or treat and none of our friends are here to have a party with.” I said looking up at her. I waned to know what we were doing before I took the time to destroy good clothes.
“We are partying. One of the producers here invited us. So go make your costume” she said shooing me into the bathroom. In the bag were some sheets of plastic to cover everything, which I did in fear of cleaning up later. I quickly ripped my clothes, splattered them with fake blood making them zombified and put them on. I then started applying make-up.
I finished soon after and walked out to let Jeniss do my hair like she always did on Halloween. I noticed her costume consisted of a sexy girlish dress that only a kid would were and her hair was in pig tails. She was going as a little girl.
Jeniss finished my hair soon and we placed the hat that I hadn't noticed at first on my head. I took it off to see it looked zombified and placed it back on my head. I was going as a zombie gangster. We took some pictures waiting for Aeseret before she walked out a minute later dressed as a mouse. She knew us so well.
“Come on we need to get there early so we can meet a few people” Aeseret said as she led us out of the room. I grabbed my hone, jacket and our room key before following and closing the door.
“Who would we need to meet in Hollywood except for Hollywood Undead?” Jeniss asked as we got into the rental car. I laughed at that. Jeniss was in love with J-Dog. Aeseret was in love with Charlie Scene. And me? I loved Johnny 3 Tears.
“You'll find out soon.” Aeseret said as she drove us to our destination. I was sitting in the back seat alone, staring out the window when an ambulance drove up next to us. The guy in the passenger's seat looked over and looked worried before he started laughing. He rolled down his window.
“You scared me for a minute.” he said laughing again. I smiled and nodded my head. I had outdone myself this time. We started driving again and soon arrived at our destination.
Walking in we saw a few people there. Six guys however caught my eye. Hollywood Undead. I'd recognize those tattoos anywhere. Aeseret dragged us up to some other people there.
“This is Jenna she's the producer who invited us. This is Linnae and Jeniss.” Aeseret introduced us, pointing to Jeniss and I as she said our names.
“Nice to meet you, enjoy yourselves, we're so sorry you had to come out on Halloween but it was the only free time we had.” she said smiling softly.
“It's fine this makes up for it” I said stealing a glance at Johnny 3 Tears as he walked past. Jenna must have noticed cause she laughed.
“That's George, he's only here cause we made him be here” she said nodding in his direction.
“Why wouldn't he want to be here?” Jeniss asked. She knew who he was judging by the look in her eyes.
“His girlfriend recently broke up with him so he's a little down” she said as another guy came up, Deuce by the looks of it.
“Hey babe who are your pretty friends?” he asked as he slid his arms around her waist.
“This is Jeniss, Aeseret and Linnae. I was telling them about George” Jenna said smiling at him.
“I'm Aron. Nice to meet you all.” he said looking at us.
“Hello” I said trying to be polite. Four other guys came up to us, who I could only guess to be the rest of the band.
“Hey Jen, where's all the booze?” one guy, Charlie Scene, asked.
“If you escort the lovely ladies to it then I'll tell you” she said looking at him and nodding towards us. He looked over and smiled.
“I wouldn't mind that” he said staring longer at Aeseret then the other two, I didn't care. Who I guessed to be J-Dog was staring at Jeniss.
“I'm Dylan” one of the other two guys said. He was Funnyman.
“I'm Matt” the other one, Kurlzz, said.
“You can call me Jordan baby” charlie said smiling at Aeseret.
“Jay” the other one said to Jeniss. They were getting laid tonight that was for sure.
“Hello, I'm Linnae, that's Aeseret and Jeniss” I said as George walked out again. He stopped when he got to us.
“This douche is George” Matt said. He grunted and smacked Matt.
“So Jen you never said where the booze was” Dylan said turning back to her.
“Kitchen where else would it be?” she said smiling. She then proceeded to make out with Aron. Dylan and Matt went to get some leaving me with the four people staring at each other, the couple making out and the guy who didn't want to said anything. More people showed up and the two who had left started talking to some.
“I'm gonna leave you all alone now” I said walking in some random direction. I found the kitchen and booze easily. Looking at what was out I took my time choosing between two things. Whiskey or plain beer. I heard a laugh behind me and turned to see George leaning against the counter.
“Having a hard time choosing?” he asked as he walked closer to me. I looked down before grabbing one, the whiskey, and opening it.
“Does it look like it?” I said. I hated being mean to someone whose girlfriend just left them but I had to make it seem like I didn't know.
“It did for a minute. So Jenna told you about what happened to me?” he asked shoving his hands in the pockets of his jeans.
“What makes you say that?” I asked taking a sip of the whiskey.
“I heard her. Your name's Linnae right?” he asked looking over the huge amount of alcohol.
“Yeah. George correct?” I asked knowing I was right he nodded before picking up a beer.
“I figured you would go for the whiskey” I said without thinking. He looked at me then outside and back to me.
“Why?” he asked moving to the door.
“You just seem like someone who'd drink whiskey is all” I thought fast, following him. He opened the door and let me go out first. As he walked out after me I heard Jordan, Jay, Jeniss and Aeseret walk into the kitchen.
“Well the only good whiskey is in your hands” he said pointing to the bottle.
“Oh” I said setting it down. He pulled out a cigarette and lit it up.
“You know that's bad for you right?” I asked him curiously.
“Why do you care?” he asked seeming a bit rude.
“Just telling you. I lost both of my mum's parents to smoking” I said looking at the pool.
As the night dragged on George and I sat outside drinking our chosen drinks. When we ran out.
“There's nothing good in there, we can hit the store down the street if you want” he said looking at my empty bottle of whiskey.
“I suppose. I don't have much money on me though” I said as he helped me up.
“It's fine I'll pay for a lovely lady” he said as he led us towards the gate. I was thankful he couldn't see my very childish blush. We walked in silence to the liquor store where we bought a shit load of whiskey. I checked my phone to see four text messages from Jeniss and five from Aeseret. Each one asked me where I was.
“Friends?” George asked as we walked back to the house.
“Yeah they were wondering where I was” I said texting them back. George stopped us from walking for a minute after I sent the text. He then pushed me against the fence we were by and started kissing me. I was confused until I just gave in and kissed back. I was in heaven, but it ended to soon.
“Sorry about that but we have some problems with a few guys and if they noticed who I was then it could've been bad. I don't want to get a lovely lady in trouble.
“This lovely lady has been in trouble before” I said smiling. “Anyways your a good kisser.” I added before walking off again. He caught up with me easily and put his arm around my shoulders.
When we got back Jeniss was making out with Jay and Aeseret was making out with Jordan in the back yard. George and I took our previous spots on the porch and we continued talking. I think by the time the clock hit eleven I was drunker then I have ever been. George and I finished all of the alcohol, Jeniss and Aeseret were gone, Jay and Jordan had taken them home and I was too awake and having fun to stop talking to George. His phone went off many times as did mine, but he only answered it once. I then got a call from a friend back home, Katrina, telling me to have a Happy Halloween. I was definitely doing just that.
“I should be getting home” George said about one. I nodded and agreed. We had the rental car but I was too smashed to drive it.
“How'd you get here?” he asked as we stood up.
“Aeseret, Jeniss and I drove here in our rental” I said picking up our bottles. George helped me and we threw them away inside.
“You can always chill at my place, I don't think you should drive” he said steadying me as I started to sway. I agreed. He led us out of the house and down the street to an apartment building.
“It's not much but I'm barley ever here anyway.” he said as he unlocked the door. It was sure as hell cleaner than my apartment.
“Cleaner than mine” I said smiling. He led me to his room and started looking through his drawers.
“Do you mind if I was this shit off?” I asked gesturing to my peeling flesh and blood. He nodded and I was thankful that I had already taken pictures. He showed me the bathroom where I proceeded to rid myself of the make up. He came back a moment later with a pair of boxers and a shirt.
“It's all I have” he said giving them to me. I smiled and took them before closing the door slightly. I took off my pants first and put on the boxers before taking off my shirt and putting on the other one. I walked out carrying my clothes. He took them from me and put them on a chair. I took my hair down and retied it into a pony tail. I noticed George staring at me then.
“Something wrong?” I asked him effectively getting his attention. He walked closer to the point he was right in front of me. Then he leaned down and kissed me again. I happily kissed him back before he picked me up and carried me to his room. He dropped me on his bed and continued kissing me. Soon we stopped and he laid next to me wrapping his arms around me and pulling the blanket to cover us. A while later I fell asleep in his arms with his blankets covering us.
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so it's not halloween anymore but i got this idea from a friend