I'm Never Letting Go

Nothing's Makin' Sense At All

A million thoughts were running though my head at that very second; but I couldn’t voice a single one because as soon as Dr. Montgomery said that the baby needed to get out – we were rushed to an operating room. My bed was pushed out of the room I was in and in a minute I could see Alex anymore, which I knew scared me only as half as much as it must have scared him. I could hear a commotion going on somewhere behind us as we sped down the hallway and I knew that was my guys. And for a brief moment a smile made its way onto my lips.

“Okay Becca, we’re here; Now this is Doctor Rhys. He’s the anesthesiologist, he’ll be putting you down so that we can get this show on the road okay? First though, we have to get you out of those clothes,” Dr. Montgomery helped me up and handed me a hospital gown that I changed into. Lying back onto the table; they hooked me into five or six different machines. Time was very important here – too important.

“Dr. Montgomery?” I called for her just before Dr. Rhys was to talk me backwards into the anesthesia. She looked over me, her face and hands covered in white – but her pink scrubs that she had changed into stood out over everything else.

“What is it, Becca?”

I was so scared to say this, because it was my fear that was propelling me to do it, “Tell Alex to name her for me – before I wake up.”

She looked a little bit confused, but nodded anyways, “Sure.”

Just then Dr. Rhys told me to start counting backwards from ten, “Ten, nine, eight, seven… six-“


I had a dream. It was a beautiful dream where everything was bright and nobody died, and the invention of alcohol never happened – Through to some accord, I think even I would be disappointed by that. I remember sitting on a park bench watching children of all size run past, and then one ran directly towards. A smile lit my face. I knew this child, this beautiful girl with dirty blonde hair and chocolate brown eyes. She was mine. She was all mine and that filled me with so much joy – Joy, that reminded me of her. She pulled on my handed and led me through the park.

“Where are we going, honey?” I asked her. She simply shook her head and led on until we came to a huge white tent where music was playing loudly. We went through the flap and instantly my eyes set upon the band playing, it was All Time Low.

“Look,” Her voice tinkled, “It’s daddy!”

My heart soared so high up in my throat. She was calling Alex her daddy? I knew I had to be crying just then from sheer happiness. But, just then – My daughter pulled me in a different direction, away from the low stage where Alex was standing playing a song I was only catching snips of, it sounded like ‘Painting Flowers’ – I was sure of it. Following her, my eyes set upon a tall, slender man with jet black hair. Recognition and realization hit me all too slowly.

My little girl was in the middle of hugging this, this man when I choked out his name, “Jake?”

Throw My Cards Give You My Heart
Wish We Could Start All Over
Nothing’s Making Sense At All
Try To Open My Eyes
I’m Hoping For A Chance To Make It Alright.
♠ ♠ ♠
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