Sequel: Just a Dream
Status: Complete

Dreaming of You


It happened to suddenly. Nobody had time to even think. One minute, everything was fine, the next, there was a line, a panic. This is the day Alexis Anderson life changed forever. Once the sweetest girl you could ever meet, she began her downward spiral that day. The day that changed the lives of the Huntington Beach high school class of 2006.She sits under a tree, staring at the stone, tears rolling down her face, thinking back to that day.

  "Alexis, where are you going?" Tiffany asked, her long blonde hair flowing behind her. Alexis just kept walking, heading for the gymnasium.

  "Why are you going in here?" Tiffany asked, looking confused. Her light brown eyes, always so soft and beautiful, glimmered in the bright lights of the room. Still, Alexis did not reply. She ran into the girl’s locker room and ran straight to her gym locker.

  "Tif," Alexis said finally as she put in the combination to unlock the locker. "I need you to do something for me. I have a bad feeling something's going to go on. Please, be careful." Tiffany laughed.

  "You always did worry too much Lexie," she said, pulling back her hair into a slopping ponytail. Alexis didn't reply and grabbed a notebook from her locker. Slamming it shut, she quickly turned around and seen Tiffany had already left the room. Alexis sighed. That was Tiffany for you. Just as Alexis walked into the hallway, there was a scream followed by gun shots. Alexis looked around and seen Tiffany with a smile on her face, but shock in her eyes. Looking down, Alexis realized Tiffany had been shot.

  "TIF!" Alexis screamed. She ran to her friend, but before she would reach her a burning pain hit her in the chest. She looked down and seen she was shot as well. Tiffany was laying just a few feet from her. Lexie stretched out her hand and the same time Tiffany did. Their fingers locked together.
~End flashback~

A noise startled Alexis from her memory. Someone was talking to her

  "Excuse me." The male voice said again. Lexie looked up and see a man staring at her. He was gorgeous. His hair was shaved, but it fit him nicely. She looked at his eyes and froze. Light brown, the exact same shade Tiffany's had been. Alexis, stood up and ran, not thinking of the scar that was still healing on her chest. She ran two feet when it started to burn, but she ignored it. She couldn't look at him.
He watched as she ran. He didn't mean to frighten her, he just wanted to ask her who she was and why she was at his twin sister's grave. He watched until she disappeared, then turned and placed a bouquet he was holding in his hand on the ground. Lilies, they had been his sister's favorites. She loved the scent and look of them. He never understood why, but he just let it go. There was so much he never knew about her, now it was too late. She was gone.

  "Shads!" A voice yelled from behind him. He looked around and seen his friends behind him.

  "Hey." He mumbled. They stopped just short of him and glanced at the headstone he stood in front of.

Tiffany Rosaline Sanders
Born: July 31, 1989
Died: July 31, 2006
Beloved daughter, sister, niece and friend

"17?" someone asked. He looked up and nodded.

  "Yeah Brian, her 17th birthday." he said.

  "How did she..." another started asking.

  "Die? An asshole went to her school with a gun. She was the first one shot Zacky. Her best friend was shot right after her, but last I heard of her she was in a coma still."

  "Matt, we need to get going."

  "I know Johnny. I just had to see her. You guys go ahead. I want to visit my parents before we leave."

  "Want company?"

  "No thanks Jimmy, I'll be fine. I'll meet you back at the hotel." Everyone turned and left, leaving Matt alone with his sister's grave and his thoughts. He left soon after they did, heading toward his father's house. Their mother had killed herself after Tiffany was killed, not being able to bear with the grief of losing her daughter. Matt felt the pain of losing her everyday, everywhere he went. He had a special bond with Tiffany since they were twins. She died, and a part of him died as well. Matt walked into the house without knocking, knowing his father was probably drunk. Losing Tiffany had been hard on everyone.

  "Hey Dad," Matt said as he entered the living room where his father was sitting, beer in hand.

  "Want one?" Charles Sanders slurred in response. Matt shook his head, sitting down in the easy chair. "You need to give that up." he said, referring to the alcohol his father was consuming.

  "Hey did you hear? That, what's-her-name girl woke up a month ago. Out of the hospital as well," Matt's heart skipped a beat. Alexis? She was awake? He thought back to the girl who was standing under the tree, and realized it was her. Alexis Anderson was at his sister's grave and he ran her off. She had changed in the month she's been awake. He could tell. Her hair which was a really light brown was now black as midnight. Her eyes, which used to be so full of life, looked hollow and dead. Dark circles stood out against her paper white face. She has changed, and not for the better.

  "No I didn't hear that." Matt answered his dad. Charles nodded and took a swig of his beer, belching and wiping his mouth before replying.

  "Yep, girl's no good anymore. Has more drugs in her system than a pharmacy does in its inventory." That didn't sound like Lexie, but with the way she looked mere hours ago, Matt found himself not all that surprised. He wished she wouldn't do it though. She was to smart and to pretty to get involved in things like that. Leaving his father's house an hour later, Matt decided to go to Alexis's parents' house. It was a 3 minute drive. He looked at the familiar house. Too often he complained about having to drive the 3 minutes to pick up his sister, which he know wished he could go back and do it over again. Sighing, Matt got out of his car and walked up the walkway to the front door. He was about to knock when the door opened and Alexis stood in front of him, a cigarette dangling from her mouth.
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first chapter of...probably about 10 or so...IDK lol
but here ya go...enjoy peeps
and comments are greatly loved here