Sequel: Just a Dream
Status: Complete

Dreaming of You


“What do you want?” Lexie asked after removing the cigarette from her mouth. “Why were you at my friend’s grave?”
 “Well, I guess it could be because that was my sister’s grave.” Matt replied calmly. He watched as her face went from confusion and mistrust to recognition and sorrow.

  “Matty,” She whispered, dropping her cigarette and running to him. He wrapped his arms around her, scrunching up his nose from the stench she was giving off. He pulled back, his eyes squinting slightly.

  “What the hell happened to you Lex?” he asked, looking her over. She had always been small and skinny, but she lost enough weight that he seen her rib cage through her black corset-style shirt. She was showing a lot more cleavage than he’s ever seen her reveal. Her black skirt barely covered her legs or anything else for that matter and her boots had three inch high heels and reached up to her mid-thighs. Matt looked away as she bent down to retrieve her dropped cigarette.

  “What do you mean?” she asked as she straightened herself back up.

  “You’ve only been awake a month and you’re acting like a completely different person.” Matt replied, his eyes trailing over her again. His gaze fell on a round scar just off of her left breast, where the bullet had hit her and sent her into the two year coma.

  “I’m the same person Matty.” Alexis replied, throwing her black hair back and off her shoulders. She took a drag of her cigarette and blew the smoke out, hitting Matt in the face. “Well, maybe not the exact same,” she said with a smile, flicking an ash onto the ground.

  “Lexie, you’re the exact opposite of how I remember you.” Matt said. “What happened to Tiff’s best friend? What’s this I hear about you doing drugs?”

  “Don’t mention Tiffany to me!” Alexis screamed. “I wanted to protect her. I tried! I failed.” She laughed humorlessly and sighed. “Oh and yes. I do drugs now, thank you. You’re a hardcore rock star; I bet you do more shit than I do.”

  “What are you talking about?” Matt asked. Alexis disappeared into her living room and came back holding something. Looking at it, Matt realized it was a copy of his band’s album.

  “Always knew you’d make it.” Lexie said, blowing out more smoke and throwing the cigarette onto the ground, stamping it out with the sole of her boot. “’Avenged Sevenfold.’ Nice name.” Matt’s thoughts weren’t on the fact that his dead sister’s best friend like his band’s stuff, they were on what she said before.

  “You’ve never been a stereotypical person, what the hell makes you think I do drugs just because I’m in a rock band?” Matt asked. “I never thought I’d hear that out of you.”

  “Oh please.” Lexie said, snorting with laughter. “I know all about the ‘sex-drugs-and rock and roll’ thing all rock stars have going.”

  “I know so many guys who are in it just for the music.” Matt said, feeling his temper rising.

  “Name 2,” Lexie said.

  “I can name people on my hands and toes, and on your hands and toes.” Matt replied.

  “You and your band don’t count.” Alexis said, turning around and walking into the living room. Matt walked into the house and shut the door behind him. He watched as Alexis went to a room he remembered was the bathroom.

  "So, have you talked to Ryan since you've been awake?" Matt asked, referring to her older brother who was also an old friend of his. He heard her snort with laughter again.

  "Hell no. Not since the day he found out I started smoking. The nerve of some people you know? One cigarette and it changes your life." he heard her say. "Why are talking to me through the wall? Come in here I won't bite."

  "That's not what I'm worried about." Matt muttered, walking toward the door she disappeared into. She was working on putting on eyeliner, even though it was way too dark. She probably had half a stick on her left eye alone. The rest of her eyes were done in a really bright red. It would of looked cool if it hadn't been for how much she had on. He glanced down to her lips and noted the black lipstick applied also too darkly. Matt shook his head, not believing that just two years ago, even a month ago, this was his sister's best friend. One of the sweetest, kindest girls he met. The girl he had fantasized about since first seeing her.

  "Earth to Matty," Lexie said, staring at him through the mirror where she was messing up her hair.

  "Don't call me that." He said darkly, turning and heading toward the front door.

  "Whoa, where's the fire?" Alexis asked, grabbing his arm to stop him. He jerked his arm from her grasp and ignored her question.

  "I have to leave." He said, opening the front door. "My band mates are waiting for me and they think I'm visiting my dad."

  "I heard about your mom, I'm sorry." Lexie said genuine sympathy in her voice. Matt couldn't make himself look around. He didn't even want her sympathy.

  "Yeah, me too," He replied before shutting the door and walking away from Alexis, hopefully for the rest of his life.
♠ ♠ ♠
Think Matt walked out on her for good? read and find out

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