Sequel: Just a Dream
Status: Complete

Dreaming of You


Alexis watched from the front window as Matt got into his car and drove away. She upset him, she knew that right away. What she didn't know was exactly what it was that upset him so much. She decided it must have been the crack about him doing drugs. Screw him, Lexie thought as she looked around the empty house. She didn't need him. All he was her brother's old best friend and Tiffany's twin brother. He meant nothing to her personally, besides that he was the factor of her attention since 9th grade. She needed to get out. Picking up the cordless house phone, Alexis made a phone call, and a half hour later she was in her friend's car, driving away from the house with to many memories. Memories of Tiffany sleeping over, Memories of getting to excited of seeing Matt when he picked her up from those nights, or when he spent time with Ryan.

  "So, what's up?" Alexis's friend asked, pulling out a cigarette and lighting it, taking both hands off the wheel to do so. Alexis was used to that, but it still scared her slightly. "You look pissed."

  "I saw my old high school crush." Lexie replied. She deliberately left out that Matt was Tiffany's twin brother. She never even told anyone about Tiffany. Not as an insult of her memory, but because it was too personal.

  "We on for tonight?" the girl asked.

  "You know it Kara." Alexis said, smiling. Kara laughed and sped up, pulling onto the highway.

  "I know just what we can do right now." she said, merging into the fast lane. Alexis smiled; this was the life she wanted.

~Scene Change: hotel~

  "Hey Matt, took you long enough." Zack said as Matt walked into their hotel room. Matt just shrugged, not able to get the thought of Alexis out of his head.

  "Matt?" Zack's voice asked. "Matt are you okay? You're crying." Matt reached up and sure enough, his cheeks were wet with tears he didn't know he shed. He sniffed and cleared his throat.

  "I-I'm fine." he said, wiping at the tears still on his face. Zack didn't look convinced, nor was he about to give up.

  "Yeah right, and I'm a little school girl with a crush on you." he said, jumping up and down and clapping his hands for more effect. Matt chuckled, but didn't say anything else.

  "Matt, you can tell me." Zack said. Matt looked at his best friend and band mate and sighed. "We can go for a walk if you want."

  "Fine," he muttered. Neither said anything until they reached the park Matt used to visit all the time with Tiffany. He could still see her, even at 16, swinging, playing on the jungle gym, and just having a good time. "Did you see a girl when you walked up at my sister's grave?" He started finally. When Zack nodded, he went on. "That was Tiff's best friend when she was alive. Her name was Alexis Anderson. She and Tiffany did everything together. She was hit in the chest the day my sister was killed. She was put into a coma for two years. She woke up a month ago. I-I never told any of you this, but after Tiffany died, my mother was so upset, so grief stricken, she couldn't cope. She overdosed on her medication and died in her sleep." Matt paused, took in a deep breath and continued. "Dad found Mom in bed. She was dead and she was asleep right next to him. He woke up and she was gone. After we lost her, I sort of lost him as well. He started drinking really heavily. I didn't really mind because I was already 17 and could do whatever I wanted, but it was hard. My parents couldn't overcome their own grief enough to think they still had a son."

  "It was hard on all of you wasn't it?" Zack asked, stopping and looking at Matt. Matt nodded and looked up into the bright blue Californian sky.

  "I'll never get over it. Tiff and I had a bond that no one can replace. She wasn't just my sister, Zack. She was my twin sister."

  "So you'll feel the emptiness of losing her until you die." Zack summed up. Matt nodded again. He looked up and seen two teenage girls walking along the path in their direction. Laughing and having a good time. A flash of Alexis and Tiffany doing the exact same thing, two weeks before the tragedy, popped into his head. Alexis was the sweet, gentle girl he remembered and Tiffany, alive and well.

  "Matt?" Zack's voice interrupted his thoughts. Matt shook his head and ran his hands through his hair.

  "So, why so glum if you seen that Alexis girl again?" Zack asked, sitting down on a nearby bench. Matt sat down next to him, his elbows on is knees and looking down at the graveled path.

  "I went to her house after I went to see my dad." Matt replied finally. "She's so damn different. Everything that happened two years ago changed her for the worse. She's smoking, doing drugs and who the hell knows what else she's doing." Matt shook his head. "She's not the girl I remember." he muttered.

  "Not the girl you liked two years ago?" Zack asked. Matt nodded, then shook his head.

  "You're right." He cleared up. "She's not the same girl I liked." he didn't say his true feelings; he didn't want to acknowledge them. "Come on, we better be getting back. Everyone else will wonder where we are." They both stood up and was about to leave when something ran into Matt, knocking him to the ground.
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uh oh. Bad Matt. Don't go running into ppl! lol

more on the way soon!