Sequel: Just a Dream
Status: Complete

Dreaming of You


Matt watched as Alexis ran off. Swearing, he made his way back to the dressing room where Jimmy, Johnny and Brian were still sitting. He noticed Zack was missing.

“Where’s Vengeance?” Matt asked no one in particular. He saw Brian shrug his shoulders, not even looking up from his cell phone. Jimmy shook his head, showing he didn’t know, and Johnny just mumbled a slightly intelligible “I don’t know.” Matt plopped down on the couch, right next to Brian.

“So you going to tell us what’s up with you and that chick that Larry was with?” Brian asked, still not looking up from his phone. Matt glanced over at him, then to the other two, who was staring wonderingly. Shaking his head, Matt sighed.

“I guess I have to tell you.” he muttered. He started the way he did with Zack, explaining what really happened to his family after the massacre Tiffany was killed in. He went on to explain that he knew Alexis from Tiffany and how she changed over the month she had been awake. He was about to explain his feelings for her when Zack walked into the room.

“Matt, good you’re here. We all need to talk.” Zack said as he shut the door and plopped into a chair. “You know that after party we have to go to?” Everyone nodded, Matt saying, “I’m not going to it. I know she’s going to be there.”

“That’s exactly what I’m saying.” Zack said. “I knew you weren’t going to go the minute she appeared in the door. Her and that Ryan guy looks just alike so I knew it was her. Anyway, I knew you wouldn’t go, and after talking to her just now, I don’t blame you man.”

“You talked to her?” Matt asked. “When?”

“Not even 5 minutes ago. Right before I came back in here. She was with Larry and this other girl in the hallway. Anyway, the thing is, I was just talking to her and she showed her true colors. So, what I’m thinking is, we all skip out on the party. I mean, you don’t have to. I’m just suggesting it. But I’m skipping out for Matt. So he can have someone to hang with as well.” Everyone was silent for a few minutes.

“This girl is really bad news isn’t she?” Jimmy finally asked. Matt sighed, looking at the floor before standing up and pacing around the room.

“There was this guy I went to school with named Jackson Hollidae.” He began finally. “Jack, Ryan, Alexis’s brother, and I used to hang out all the time, even though I was a year younger than the two of them. They were my best friends.”

“Jackson; isn’t that the friend you and Ryan talked about earlier?” he asked. Matt nodded.

“Yeah. Well, anyway, Jackson was -I actually don’t know how to describe him. He was annoying. The type of person that you wouldn’t expect to be very popular. Well, he was, but only because he gave everyone whatever they wanted. He was the biggest pushover you could ever meet.

“So, why did you hang out with him?” Johnny asked.

“I honestly don’t know now. I guess Ryan and I wanted to try to change him, you know, toughen him up.” He chuckled bitterly. “Didn’t happen the way we planned. His parents kicked him out, so my parents let him stay with us. Well, he tried to make a move on Tiffany one night while she was asleep. I walked in on him. He was touching her inappropriately, kissing her and-“his voice trailed off. Taking a deep breath, Matt continued. “Anyway, I stopped him, threw him out of the house, and never talked to him again. I heard from other people though that he turned into a player, you know, getting whatever girl will take him, using them. Basically he turned the tables on everyone else.”

“He used that girl didn’t he?” Zack asked. Matt just shrugged.

“No idea.” was all he said, obviously not wanting to talk about it anymore.

“Well, I’m with you two.” Jimmy said. “She’s hurting our friend and acting like she couldn’t care less. I’m not going anywhere near her.”

“Same here.” Johnny said. Brian nodded, showing his agreement. Matt smiled, shaking his head.

“You guys sure?” he asked. They all nodded.

“Hell man, we’ll find a bar and get wasted that way!” Brian yelled, slapping Matt on the back.

“Okay, let’s get the hell out of here before Larry gets back.” Zack said, quickly throwing his things into his bag.
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now that's true friendship wouldn't you say so?