Sequel: Just a Dream
Status: Complete

Dreaming of You


~Time elapse: 2 hours later~

“No man. You don’t want to do that.” Jimmy said laughing. Matt watched his friends, his family, as they sat around the hotel room, using the phone to crank call people. Middle school stuff, yes, but still fun.

“Why not?” Brian asked, smiling and reaching for the phone.

“Dude, you can’t prank call your own parents. They’ll know it was you the minute you start talking.” Zack said.

“Not if you use the right type of voice.” Johnny said, receiving a punch from Jimmy.

“Matt, what do you think?” Jimmy asked, turning to him. Matt just shook his head, showing he wasn’t getting involved. He’d been a witness to too many Jimmy/Zacky/Brian/Johnny fights and wasn’t about to add his own name with a slash.

“Come on Matt, tell me what you think.” Brian said.

“No way dude. I’m not getting in the middle of this.” Matt said, taking a swig of his Cola. He didn’t want to drink tonight, so he stuck with getting a caffeine rush.

“Party pooper!” Johnny shouted. Matt just laughed, which died too quickly.

“What’s up Matt?” Zack asked, looking at him with concern. Matt just shook his head and took another drink of his soda.

“Go ahead and do it Brian, isn’t your dad away anyway?” Jimmy asked. Brian looked thoughtful for a minute.

“You know what,” Brian answered. “I think he is damn it. I really wanted to pick on him too.” he sulked. Everyone laughed, even Matt, but like last time, his laughter stopped abruptly. Matt looked at the digital clock on the nightstand. One in the morning. It was getting late.

“Hey guys, I’m going to my room and getting to bed.” Matt said, finishing off his soda and tossing it into the trash. Everyone groaned, but said goodnight as well. Shutting the hotel door behind him, Matt stood in the hallway for a minute before deciding he needed to go on another walk. He always thought more clearly when walking and alone. He reached the lobby and was about to cross the room when Larry walked through the front door, Alexis and her friend Kara on either side of him. Matt quickly rushed down a hallway, away from the elevators, and waited for a full minute before continuing to the front doors. He stepped out into the cool brisk night, inhaling deeply, and headed for the park he and Zack was at earlier. The first bench he came to he sat down, his elbows on his knees and his head in his hands. He didn’t know how long he sat like that, but the next thing he did know was that someone was sitting beside him quietly. He looked up and seen it was Zack.

“I knew something was wrong.” Zack said. Matt straightened up and sighed, his back cracking from leaning on his knees for so long.

“What am I going to do Zack?” he asked after a long silence. “I can’t stop thinking about her. No matter what I do, I can’t get her out of my head. I keep hoping that this is just a dream, that’s she’s still in the coma and that she’s still the same way as she was before.”

“You know she’s not Matt,” Zack said. “She’s probably never going to be the same person again. You know if it wasn’t for the band we would fire Larry for being an insensitive ass wipe-“

“Fire him.” Matt mumbled. “While you’re looking for a new manager, look for a new singer as well. I’m done, I’m out. I’m going to stay home and help my dad. He really needs my help.”

“You can’t quit Matt, not after we worked so hard to get here.” Zack said.

“I can’t do this anymore Zack. I can’t.” Matt stood up and walked away. After a few feet he turned and seen Zack was still sitting on the bench. Matt turned back around and started walking again. About another 10 feet further, he collapsed onto the grass, and looked up into the sky.

“TIFFANY!” he shouted. “GINA, RANDY, MOM!” Tears poured down Matt’s cheeks. “What have I done?” he asked out loud. “What did I do to deserve this? All I ever did was love you guys. Why did you have to do that Mom? Couldn’t you tell I needed you!? You only cared about yourself, never about me, never about Tiffany. It was always you!” Lying back, Matt felt tears falling down his face.

“Matt,” a soft voice said from behind him. He turned around and seen Alexis standing behind him, her own tears leaving black lines of eyeliner and mascara on her cheeks.

“I’m sorry.” she said before turning and running. Matt watched her go, and he knew it was for good.

“Lexie!” he shouted without thinking. Stopping abrutly, she smiled and started running back toward him. Matt ran toward her, meeting her half way.

“I’m sorry.” he said, his voice muffled from having it pressed into her slender neck.

“No, I am. You’re right, of course. Tiffany wouldn’t want me like this, and I don’t think she would care if we were together. She always considered me and her sisters anyway.” Matt chuckled, remembering how much Tiffany said she wished it was true. What he didn’t remember until just then, however, was that she always said it with teasing, and with the barest hint of hope, in her voice.

“She hinted to me that she was okay with it.” Matt said out loud. “She was constantly saying how much she wanted you as a sister, but the way she said it hinted the hidden meaning.” Alexis giggled while Matt gave off a booming laugh. “I’m sorry Tiffany. Go ahead and haunt me for my stupidity.” he muttered. Alexis laughed again.

“Matt are you okay?” another voice asked. Matt was getting a little tired of being snuck up on.

“Perfect.” he replied, turning around, and stopping short when he seen it was his father. “Dad?” He asked shocked.

“Hey son.” Charles said, he was holding a beer bottle in his hand and wasn’t even able stand up straight. “Hey, it’s Lexie!” he shouted. He stumbled his way toward them.

“Dad, get home.” Matt said. “You’re drunk and if you get caught you’ll be arrested.”

“No thank you.” Charles said, taking a drink from his bottle. “I needed to talk to you’re mother anyway. Do you know where she is?”

“She’s dead Dad. She died two years ago after Tiffany.” Matt said, looking down at Alexis. She was watching Charles with confusion all over her face.

“What are you talking about?” Charles asked. “Rachel’s fine, so is Tiffany. She’s with that one girl, Alexis.”

“Dad, Alexis is right here. Tiffany and Mom died. Don’t you remember?” Matt asked. Charles didn’t answer. He just turned and walked back down the path. It was dark out so they couldn’t see him after a few minutes. Alexis looked up at him, concern in her eyes.

“I hope he’s okay.” Alexis said, grabbing Matt’s hand. Matt didn’t respond. He squeezed her hand, and started walking back toward the hotel. They passed the bench and Zack was gone. He must have gone back to the hotel already. They stopped and waited for the road to clear. Everyone’s going to have a fit when he walked in with her. Matt knew that right away, but what they didn’t realize was that she’s exactly the way she was before. She might have been playing him, but he doubted it.

The road was clear to cross, so they started walking together. Right in the middle of the street, tires squealed and headlights flew down the street. Matt had just enough time to push Alexis out of the way before the car rammed into him, sending him into total blackness at once.
♠ ♠ ♠
oh no...Matty got hit by the car!!! =[ is he okay?