Status: Finished

Destiny Keeps Getting in the Way


[Melinda’s Point of View]

I never wanted to wake up. Why did I wake up? It only brought me misery. Nathan was in a coma. The head injury he got during the ambulance crash had set it off. It didn’t help that he also got the injury from the bullet.

I didn’t cry once my parents told me. I can’t explain why I didn’t because I just don’t know. Maybe I was out of tears. Okay that was corny. I don’t know what to do.

I was out of the hospital after a month. Apparently I got some broken bones during the accident and they’re not going to heal as fast as I wish.

With a broken arm I went to Nathan’s room. He had the machines that helped him breathe. A nurse was helping him move so blood could circulate.

“Evening.” The nurse said.

“Evening.” I said and took a sit on the arm chair. “Can he hear me?” I asked the nurse.

She gave me a sympathetic look. “I like to believe so.” She answered.

“Me too.”

“Talking to him might help him.” She said.

“I brought a book to read.” I said taking out a book I checked out of the small library the hospital had.

I did this for the next three months. Until John said he was taking him to England to see a doctor over there that could help him.

I couldn’t say no, I had no saying in this. John was his father and he has every right to take him.

On August Nathan left Los Angeles and was transferred to a private hospital in England.

“You need to go back to school.” My father told me over dinner in the middle of August.

I looked up from my food and raised an eyebrow. “School?”

“You can follow your dream to become a midwife.” My mom chimed in.

“Your life cannot stop because of Nathan.” My dad said and he’s right.

Nathan wouldn’t want me to mope around. He would want me to go on.

Right now I guess is good to answer what happened to Juan and Cesar Rodriguez. Juan was caught and sent to prison for attempted murder and other stuff. Point is that I didn’t have to marry Cesar. Cesar took over his father, he’s innocent since he had no idea about the gun things. My mom went to his home to get my stuff back. I was back living with my parents.

I turned eighteen. So I’m eighteen.

After making some calls my dad got me into a community college. I didn’t want to rush things and overload my life with so many things at once. A four year university would be too much for me.

I lost all contact with Charles and Peter. I can’t give an exact answer as to why, but I think it’s because knowing their existence means that Nathan exist and it only hurts to even begin to think of Nathan. He was across the country and an entire ocean.

I had to go on with my life as selfish as it sounds. Our love has brought nothing but misery to us and everyone around us. Every time we came close to happiness something ALWAYS happened. It was foolish of us to think that our cursed-love could have a happy ending.

College was great. Rodrigo, Jeff and Brian went with me. Linda and Maya were Seniors in High School but would soon join us.

I got a job, I didn’t need one but I needed something that would distract me, so I got a job at Panda Express.

Over the next several months life seemed normal and good. I would put on a smile from ear to ear. I would say ‘I’m fine’ so many times that I would lose track. But deep inside I was miserable.

“Come on, sing for us!” Brian yelled as we were out. It was Rodrigo’s birthday.

“Please for me?” Rodrigo begged.

Right now some girl was singing ‘Rock Show’ by Blink 182 and she was pretty good and she was challenging anyone who thought they could do better than her.

“Why put fuel to the fire?” I asked.

“Because we know you can kick her ass.” Jeff said jumping up and down his seat. Jeff, now he’s going out with Linda. Rodrigo was skeptical about his friend dating his sister but after I talked to him he was okay with it.

“Come on, Mels, we know you can kick ass now do it!”

“I don’t want to kick ass.” I muttered.

“Come on, we dare you.” Brian said with a grin.

I narrowed my eyes. They knew I couldn’t back down on a dare.

“No, we double dog dare you!” Jeff smirked.

“We triple dog dare you to go up there and sing your ass off.” Rodrigo said.

I smirked. “You asked for it.”

I jumped off my seat and went to the stage in the café.

“It seems Lady Love has a challenger, tell us your name, hun.” The guy with the mike said.


“A lovely name.” The man smirked.

I rolled my eyes.

“What will you be singing for us today?”

“A couple of songs from different artists.”

“The stage is yours.” He said handing me the mike.

I smiled and took it. I walked over to the DJ and asked if he had the songs I wanted… just the instruments and not the actual person singing and he did, my lucky night.

“Let’s start this off, shall we?” I smirked.

“Hello there, the angel from my nightmare. The shadow in the background of the morgue
The unsuspecting victim of darkness in the valley. We can live like Jack and Sally if we want
Where you can always find me. We'll have Halloween on Christmas. And in the night we'll wish this never ends. We'll wish this never ends.” The crowd seems to enjoy my singing, even though I haven’t done it since… in a while.

“(I miss you, I miss you) (I miss you, I miss you) Where are you and I'm so sorry. I cannot sleep I cannot dream tonight. I need somebody and always. This sick strange darkness. Comes creeping on so haunting every time. And as I stared I counted. Webs from all the spiders. Catching things and eating their insides. Like indecision to call you and hear your voice of treason. Will you come home and stop this pain tonight. Stop this pain tonight.”

“WHOO! Go MELINDA!” I heard Jeff yell.

“Don't waste your time on me you're already. The voice inside my head (I miss you, I miss you) Don't waste your time on me you're already. The voice inside my head (I miss you, I miss you)
[x3] (I miss you, I miss you) [x4]”

I bowed as I finished the first song.

“And now for my second song.”

“Si yo quería ser esa mujer la madre de tus hijos y juntos caminar hacia el altar directo hacia la muerte y al final ni hablar los dos nos destruimos y al final que tal tu y yo ya no existimos No, No quiero ser esa mujer ella se fue a un abismo y tú no eres aquel que prometió seria mi súper héroe, y que todo acabo, no queda más seremos dos extraños, yo te olvidare, me olvidaras hasta nunca.”

The crowd was a little confused at first but then realized I was singing in Spanish. This song is by a band called Belanova ‘Rosa Pastel’.

“Y donde quedo, ese botón que lleva a la felicidad luna de miel, rosa pastel clichés y tonterías
y al final ni hablar los dos nos destruimos y al final que tal tu y yo ya no existimos No, No quiero ser esa mujer ella se fue a un abismo y tú no eres aquel que prometió seria mi súper héroe, y que todo acabo, no queda más seremos dos extraños, yo te olvidare, me olvidaras hasta nunca. Ta..ta..ta.” Though most had no idea what I was singing they liked it.

“And for my final song.”

“Tell me what I'm supposed to do, With all these left over feelings of you 'Cause I don't know
And tell me how I'm supposed to feel, When all these nightmares become real; 'Cause I don't know And I don't think you see the places inside me that I find you, And I don't know how we separate the lies here from the truth; And I don't know how we woke up one day and somehow thought we knew exactly what we're supposed to do. So leave me at the roadside, And hang me up and out to dry; So leave me at the roadside, And hang me up and out to dry.” I love this song by Rise Against.

“And I don't think you see the places inside me that I find you; And I don't know how we woke up one day and somehow thought we knew exactly what we're supposed to do. So leave me at the roadside, And hang me up and out to dry; So leave me at the roadside, And hang me up and out to dry. 'Cause I don't think you see the places inside me that I find you, And I don't know how we woke up one day and somehow thought we knew exactly what we're supposed to do, exactly what to do.” I finished.

Applause broke out.

“Clearly our winner.” The mike said raising my hand.

I bowed and curtsied. I got off the stage and went back to my friends.

“You totally rocked.” Jeff said.

“Why thank you.” I said. I smiled.

“I haven’t seen that genuine smile in a while.” Rodrigo said.

I gave him a weak smile. “It’s only been a couple of months, guys, you can’t expect me to be peachy keen after so many things happened.”

“I’m not saying that.” Rodrigo said. “I’m just glad you’re getting around to it.”

“Yeah, sure.”
We continued the rest of the night quietly. I was happy for the first time in months. They knew how to cheer me up and I’m so thankful to have friends like them.

“Melinda, is that you?” A familiar voice asked.

My heart dropped. I turned around and saw…

Peter, what are you doing here?” I asked clearly surprised to see him.

He was wearing expensive clothing and he had a girl in his arm, she was pretty.

“I’m here on a date,” He gestured to the girl. “Lacey this is Melinda, Melinda this is Lacey.”

I shook her hand.

“Nice to meet you.” She said. She was British like him.

“It’s been so long.” Peter chuckled.

I laughed nervously it has. It was the beginning of December it’s been seven months since I’ve seen Peter.

“It was nice seeing you again.” Peter said.

“Uh, you too. Are you staying in Los Angeles?” I asked.

“Yes, Charles and I are here for college.”

“Oh.” The atmosphere around us got uncomfortable. “Well, it was nice seeing you.”

“Yeah, we should have lunch.”

I winced internally. Lunch meant talking and talking meant talking about Nathan.

“Uh, sure.” I laughed. “Anytime, you have my number.”

“Good.” He smiled and nodded his head to the other guys and they nod back.
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