Status: Finished

Destiny Keeps Getting in the Way


“Come on, Mels, spill to juicy gossip.” Alondra insisted the next day in the morning.

“There’s nothing to tell, Alondra.” I said and backed up my lie with a small laugh.

Alondra narrowed her eyes at me. “I know there’s something because the way you spoke to Nathan.”

“And how would that be?” I asked.

“Like you missed him.” I blushed and went back to checking the chart.

“I have to go check on Susan.” I said. I really did. She was still recovering from the surgery from yesterday.

I knocked on her door lightly.

“Come in.” She told me.

I walked in and found her in bed with the blinds close.

“It’s a beautiful morning.” I said walking over to the curtains and opened it.

It was one of those rare sunny days.

“Did David die because of me?” Susan asked.

It took me a second to figure out that David was going to be the name of the twin that died.

“No, ma’am it wasn’t because of you.” I said seriously.

She broke into hysterics sobbing. I set down my chart and hugged her. She hugged me back.

“You must be strong for the baby.”

“I just can’t help but feel that I could’ve done something to prevent this.”

“This was way out of your control. You must understand that things happen for a reason.” I told her the same thing my mom told me after Nathan got into a coma.

“I could’ve saved him.” She was using my words now.

“No… you couldn’t.” I held her and sh-ed her.

I gave her something to sleep because the bangs under her eyes told me she wasn’t sleeping and she needed rest get better.

I walked out of her room and saw Nathan leaning against the opposite wall. My eyes widen. I didn’t expect him on this floor.

“You said we could talk and I need to talk now.” Nathan told me seriously.

I looked around making sure none of the residents were looking because I would get in trouble.

“Nathan… it’s a bit early.” I said shifting my weight uncomfortably.

“What time is your lunch?”

“I’m… I--uh… eleven thirty.” I answered.

“I’ll meet you in the cafeteria.” He said and began to walk away.

I placed my hand over my heart to make it stop beating so fast. I walked over the nurse’s station.

“Why are you all flushed?” Alondra asked.

“I-uh--um… it’s nothing.” I muttered and chuckled.

She looked back to where I had been with Nathan and frowned. Good he was gone.

“Why won’t you tell me?” Alondra asked.

“It’s a long and complicated story.” I sighed.

“It’s been a slow day!” Marcela chimed in from behind the desk.

“Come on, we’re buddies.” Mike smiled.

I chuckled.

“All right. Here it goes.”

I told them a short story of my life. How I was kidnapped by three boys. How I fell in love with one of them and it’s been a roller coaster ride since then. I told them how he broke my heart. I told them about the car accident that caused me to lose my memory.

“That’s why you hate it when the driver goes faster than forty-five.” Marcela said.

I nodded. “A little traumatized.”

“Who wouldn’t be?” Alondra said. “But go on.”

I told them how I met a boy who I thought I knew from somewhere appeared and made me happy. I went on with the rest of the story and they gasped and awed. I told them how I found out that Nathan had been awake for three years and how mad I got.

“Well honey, he had a good reason… sort of.” Marcela said.

“What would be his reason be, Marcela?” I asked. “We’re having lunch to ‘talk’.”

“Then he’ll tell you today. Look Nathan sounds like a good guy.” Alondra said.

“I actually this Peter guy is better.” Mike said.

The girls gave him a glare.

“What?” They said at the same time.

“He’s been there for her for a while now. I know a thing or two about guys, you know.” Mike said. “If he’s stuck through all of this time then he really likes her, possibly love her.”

“I know he does.” I said.

“Then why don’t you just move on from this Nathan and just be happy with Peter.” Mike said like it was obvious.

“Because she didn’t move an entire country and ocean to be with Peter.” Alondra answered for me and she was right.

I smiled. “Thanks so for listening guys.”

I went inside of the nursery and smiled. Here I could clear my mind. Little Nick was starting to cry to keep the others from waking up I picked him up and started to rock him back to sleep.

I kept him in my arms for a while.

Then I felt eyes on me once more.

I looked and saw Nathan. I blushed. I walked over to Little Nick’s crib and set him down. I took off the protective wear and threw them in the trash.

[Nathan’s Point of View]

When I saw her holding that baby something in my heart tug. I knew right there that I wanted her to be the mother of my children. She had a smile that I haven’t seen in years. It was sincere and pure.

She looked at me and my heart skipped a beat. With just a single look she did that even after all these years. She smiled and set down the baby on the crib and walks out of the nursery.

“I thought we were going to meet in the cafeteria.” She said.

“It’s twelve Melinda.”

She looks at her watch and smacks her forehead.

“Crap, I’m sorry. I lost track of time.”

We made eye contact and like before and always everything seemed to melt away. She was so beautiful.

“So, let’s go have lunch.” She said and my eyes went to her lips.

My dreams taunting me. I’ve dreamt of her so many times that I think it happens every night.

“Let’s go.”

We walked side by side. She told me about how her friends hooked up.

“Linda and Jeff, Maya and Brian got together and trust me you’d think it would be nice but it’s kind of creepy.” She said and I laughed.

We reached the cafeteria.

“How are your brothers?”

“Great. Turned thirteen not too long ago.” She took a burger.

One of the many things I loved about her was that she didn’t care about what she ate, but at the same time didn’t go overboard.

“And your mum and dad?” I asked as we took a seat.

“Great, went on their third honeymoon.” She said. “What’s going on with you?”

I laughed a bit but I knew we were both avoiding a certain subject. “I actually graduated from business school.”

Her eyes widen. “Really? That’s great. You’re going into business then?”

“Yes.” I said slowly. My stuttering was better but when I got angry it would just rise up again. My leg is a lot better in a month I should be able to walk on my own.

“That’s cool.” She said taking a bite from her burger. “So, how did you and Mackenzie meet?”

“She works in the balance clinic.”

“Oh.” She said.

“We have nothing in common.” I said and I saw the little smile on her lips. “What about you and Peter?”

Internally I was full of jealousy.

“What about us?” She asked.

“Are you two…” I struggled with the word. “In-intimate?”

She looked at me with confused look.

“You think Peter and I are having sex?”

“Well, you two seemed so… close.”

She looked uneasy. Was it true then?!

“Nathan… um… I’m still… a virgin.”