Status: Finished

Destiny Keeps Getting in the Way


[Melinda’s Point of View]

“Hmm, delicious.” I complimented Peter’s cooking. He smiled widely and I saw the sparkle in his eyes.

“I’m so glad you liked it. Means a lot coming from you.”

“It seems you actually learned something in culinary arts.”

We laugh. I went back to eating my chicken.

“Oh, look at that view.” Peter said looking on the other side of the room. I looked over and the scene made my heart stop.

Mackenzie was kissing Nathan.

“Don’t cry for him.” Peter said firmly but I was confused I wasn’t crying, was I? My hand touched my cheek where the warm liquid was falling down.

“I need to go, now!” I removed the napkin from my lap. I got out enough money to pay for the chicken and left it on the table. Peter grips my arm as I was almost out the door. “Just let me go.” I almost shouted. It got part of the restaurants attention which brought my eyes back to Nathan and Mackenzie kissing. “Please.” I pleaded. I managed to get a loose grip and start to run down the street.

I didn’t look back but I heard two people call my name. I ignored them and continued to run. It was foolish to run but it seemed like a good idea at the time.

[I hate him! I hate him!] I thought.

I slowed down as I made a right on a street. I removed the tears and held them back. I let out a shaky breath. It was so cold. I hugged myself. This wasn’t exactly the best part of London.

“A lady like yourself shouldn’t be alone.” A voice said from behind me. I jumped and looked and saw a man. He tossed his cigarette to the floor and stepped on it.

“Thanks for you concern.” I muttered feeling a little uncomfortable.

“Would you like a ride home?” He had a deep voice and a slight accent I couldn’t place.

“Uh, I’m pretty sure I was taught to never take rides from strangers.” I chuckled and turned to walk away. “Let alone talk to one.”

“My name is Devlin… there, I’m not a stranger anymore.”

“Nice try, but for all I know you could be a rapist or a serial killer.”

He chuckles. “You’re smart, Melinda.”

My blood froze.

This is where the girls stops and says ‘How did you know my name?’ And ends up in the morgue, so I started to run again and I heard the loud and heavy footsteps behind me.

I looked behind me and found no one, but I still kept running. I stopped when I saw people. I got to the busy streets and got a cab. I told the driver my address and he started to drive.

That was hella scary.

I could’ve been kidnapped for the second time in my life.

I got home and I went to my fridge and got out a bucket of ice cream. I took a spoon. I went through the channels and settled on a channel that was having a Harry Potter marathon.

It was on the fourth one, the Goblet of Fire. It was where Harry and Ron were in the Yule Ball. It’s a bit sad how I knew what they were saying.

I turned off the TV and went to sleep around midnight. I had to work tomorrow. I didn’t feel like going anywhere.

My phone woke me up.

I looked at the time. It was five in the morning.

I looked at the caller.


It read.

Why would she be calling so late? Wait it’s another time in Los Angeles.


“I’m so sorry to wake you up but you need to come as soon as possible.”

“What happened?” I asked getting worried about her tone of voice.

“Your friends… they were in an accident. They’re in critical condition.”

I was up. “What happened exactly?”

I was already in my room getting out my suitcase.

“They were going on a trip to Las Vegas and there was a car collision.”

“Shit.” I said thinking of the car collision that happened here not too long ago. “I’m on the next flight.”

We hung up. I called Dr. Albright. I had to lie because if I said my friend’s were in the hospital I couldn’t take any days.

“Hello?” She was asleep.

“I’m sorry to wake you, Dr. Albright but I just got a family emergency and I have to leave to Los Angeles immediately… my grandmother just died.”

“I’m so sorry dear, she’s in a better place. You take how days you need.”

“Just a couple. I’ll be sure to make all of those hours up, I promise.”

“It’s all right dear. Go with no worries.”

I felt bad for lying.

I got just a few clothes. I walked by the mirror and noticed I was still in my dress. It was all wrinkly and my makeup was runny.

I took a wipe to remove makeup and removed it. I changed into skinny jeans and a plaid shirt. I called the airport and took the next flight to New York where I would take another flight to Los Angeles.

[10 Hours Later]

“Where to miss?” The cab driver asked.

I was in Los Angeles.

“Long Beach Memorial Hospital, please.” I told him.

He didn’t ask and did as he was told. I didn’t want to go straight to my mom I wanted to see my friends. I didn’t have too much stuff in my duffle bag. I went to the reception.

“Um, Rodrigo Gonzalez?”

The nurse looked happy as she looked through the computer but then her smile faltered and I knew he was either dead or in ICU (Intensive Care Unit).

“Are you family?”

“Melinda!” I heard my mom’s voice.

She hugged me and I hugged her back.

“Are they all right?” I asked as soon as we broke the embrace.

My mom bit her lip.

“Mami, por favor dime!”

[Nathan’s Point of View]

I pulled from the kiss as nicely as possible.

“Look, Mackenzie,” I started. “I don’t like you that way.”

She frowns.

“Why not? Am I not pretty?”

Great, she’s one of those girls. “You are but, I’m in love with someone else.” I looked over to Melinda but she wasn’t there.

I looked around the restaurant and saw Peter outside. I frowned and without thinking I left Mackenzie and walked my way outside.

“Melinda!!” Peter yelled.

I saw her white dress run down the street.

“MELINDA!” I yelled louder.

I tried to run after her but my leg was still a bit stiff.

“This is all your fucking fault!” Peter took me by my collar and pushed me against the wall. “She was almost healed and you fucking do this to her!”

“I didn’t kiss her! She kissed me!”

“Didn’t fucking look like it from our point of view.” Peter growled.

“I’m going to get her back, Pete.”

“Melinda isn’t the same one since the wedding, Nathan! You don’t know shit about her!”

My nostrils flared. I took his arm and pried them off of me.

“I think I pretty much know her, Pete.”

“Did you know she’s a recovering alcoholic?” My eyes widen and Peter as a smirk. “That she cried almost every night blaming herself because you were in a coma? That nothing and no one could comfort her?”

“I was doing what I thought was the ri--” He punches me square in the jaw.

Two years ago that would’ve been dangerous for me, but my head was healed. He didn’t stop at the single punch. He continued to hit me and when I recovered a bit I hit Peter in the stomach.

We didn’t hold anything back and punched and kicked each other. All of our anger towards each other was vent out on the fight.

I landed some good kicks and punches but we both knew neither of us was going to give up. Finally someone noticed the fight and pulled us away.

“You stay the fuck away from Melinda!” Peter threaten.

“You actually think I’m going to listen to you, mate?”

“She’s not going to forgive you. You broke her heart.” He sneered.

He got me there.

“I’ll do whatever it takes to get her back.”

“Good luck, cause you’re gonna need it.”

I walked back inside the restaurant and went to the table and paid for dinner.

“Oh, my God, what happened to you?” She asked.

“Nothing. Come on, we’re leaving.”

[Devlin’s Point of View]

I watched as Nathan entered the restaurant with a girl.

“Is that her?” Mark asked besides me.

We were in a car across the restaurant and he had the binoculars.

“Is she Hispanic?” I asked as I took a long drag out of the cigarette.

“No.” He answered.

“Then it’s not her.” I said.

There was a chuckle from behind, Shane laughed.

“Are we going to be here long?” Shane asked.

“I just need to see her.” I said as I looked through my binoculars. “Ah, there she is.”

“Where?” Mark asked.

“Three o’clock white dress.” I said.

“How do you know?” Mark asks.

I took out the picture from a magazine that’s four years old. A girl in a bloody dress held Nathan’s body in a church.

“Wow, she actually got hotter.” Shane says looking at the magazine.

I turned on the car and moved to another street. I had what I needed. The others went home in their own cars and I stayed in my car.

I got out getting some fresh air.

“Melinda!” I heard.

“MELINDA!” My hands balled into fists at the sound of his voice.

Memories flushed back and the hurt.

I walked towards the restaurant when a girl came around the corner. It was her. Melinda Gomez.

“A lady like yourself shouldn’t be alone.” I said. She jumps and turns to me. I threw the cigarette on the floor and step on it.

“Thanks for you concern.” She said softly.

“Would you like a ride home?” I had to test her if she was smart.

“Uh, I’m pretty sure I was taught to never take rides from strangers.” She said with a chuckle. “Let alone talk to one.”

“My name is Devlin… there, I’m not a stranger anymore.” I smirked. She gives me the ‘are you serious look’

“Nice try, but for all I know you could be a rapist or a serial killer.”

I chuckled. “You’re smart, Melinda.” She passed the test but this meant she was going to be a challenge. As I said her name she started to run again. I didn’t go after her. All I wanted was to introduce myself.
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