Status: Finished

Destiny Keeps Getting in the Way


[Seven Years Ago]

Nathan is seventeen and he has a best mate named Devlin O’Brien. He’s closer to him than with Peter Watson. Peter was his friend but Nathan knew that it was because their parents were.

Nathan and Devlin were inseparable. Nathan was the ladies man and Devlin was known to sticking to a single girl and that girl happened to be Lucinda “Lucy” DeFlur. Devlin and Lucy were the couple through out high school.

“You guys ready for graduation?” Charles said over lunch. He had his arm around his current lady named Michelle.

“You bet.” Nathan smirked.

“I can’t believe we’re graduating seems like yesterday we met in grade school.” Peter said.

“I just can’t wait to travel the world.” Lucy said.

Devlin kissed her cheek. “We’ll travel baby.”

Lucy giggles and nods. “Of course, babe.”

Lunch bell rang and it was time to head to their next class. Lucy and Nathan walked together since they had it together.

“You haven’t broken up with him, Lucy.” Nathan hissed.

“I’ll tell him, soon, baby, I promise. I do still care about Devlin I need to let him down easily.”

“I just want to be with you.” Nathan’s hand slips between her thighs and she moans.

The teacher enters and he takes his hand back.

Nathan and Lucy have been sleeping together for four months behind Devlin’s back. It was supposed to be a drunk night and a one time thing but temptation kept being thrown at them and they were only human after all.

Nathan felt guilty but he thinks he’s in love with Lucy.

After school Devlin and Lucy drive away. He drops her off at her place.

“I’ll be back at nine.” Devlin felt the luckiest guy in the world. He had the hottest girl in all of London and everything was fine.

Devlin and Nathan were in the mob business and they had little work tonight. They had to get money some guy owed their business.

Nathan and Devlin waited outside the bar and waited for the block.

Nathan took out a cigarette and lit it. He took a long drag before exhaling the white smoke through his lips and nose.

“I’m thinking of actually asking Lucy to marry me.” Devlin broke the silence.

Nathan looked over to him.


“I think she’s the one, man. I really fucking do. I mean, it’s not just the sex cause it’s amazing.”

Nathan should know.

“But… I just love being with her, ya know?”

Nathan shook his foot up and down nervously.

“Are you serious?”

“Yeah, why wouldn’t I be?”


Devlin thought it was a bit suspicious of Nathan to stutter but shrugged it off.


With ring in his pocket he walked up the drive way. He saw Lucy’s light on and he went inside the house. Her parents were out of town and he didn’t need to knock.

He went up the stairs.

“Oh… God!” Lucy’s moans hit him.

At first he thought it was a movie but then…

“Nathan. Harder, please, faster!”

Devlin sprinted the rest of the way and opened her door and watched his best friend was fucking his girlfriend. Devlin full of anger charged at them and Lucy let’s out a scream. Devlin lands a great right hook and doesn’t stop until blood pours out of his mouth and nose.

“Devlin stop!” He heard Lucy’s voice.

Devlin couldn’t stop his heart was broken and his felt he built a cold wall around his heart.


Devlin looks over to Lucy who had the bed sheets covering her. He poitns at her and she yelps and whimpers.

“Fucking slut.” He mutters and Devlin leaves the house.

He never went to graduation. He moved back to Ireland and broke all ties with Nathan Fullerton.

He swore that one day he will pay. He would hurt him and he would make him suffer.

[End of Flashback]

[Melinda’s Point of View]

I held my cell phone in my hands. Already crying my heart out and I needed some comfort. I didn’t who to call. I finally made my decision.

The phone ran twice before he answered.


“Nathan?” I croaked.

He sighs in relief.

“I swear I didn’t kiss her, she kissed me, I promise.”

“I don’t really care about that… Rodrigo’s dead.” I choked out and I couldn’t hold the sobs. “I really need you… do you think--”

“I’m taking the private jet, I’ll be there as soon as I can, I promise, love.”

“Thank you.” I hung up and hugged myself.

I continued to cry over the news. They weren’t able to save him but I was able to get a few last moments with him. We were talking like old times before he started coughing blood and once more I was smothered in the blood of someone I loved, but this time that person didn’t survive.

“Honey, you need to wipe that blood off.” My dad came over to me.

He put me on his lap and cradled me like when I was five years old and I was afraid of the dark. He started to shush me and I cried in his chest.

“It’s all right, mija.” (Sweetheart) He said over and over again for me. “You should go home.”

“I can’t. I’m waiting for someone.” I said.

“Who?” He asked.

“A friend.” I answered. “You’ll see, I’m going to see Linda. Have they told her yet?”

“Yes, her mother and father are with her, but you should go change.”

I looked at my bloody self and nodded.

“Right.” I said more like a zombie.

I changed my clothes and made sure I had no traces of blood. I went inside Linda’s room and found her softly crying. Her parents were gone.

“Linda.” I said.

She turns to me and breaks down.

“He’s gone, Mels. He’s gone!” She cries.

I wanted to tell her so many things, but I was my own mess. I laid beside her on the bed and cradled her and she cried on me.

We cried together.

We fell asleep.

I dreamt of Rodrigo. I was in the car with him and we were singing to ‘You’re Gonna Go Far, Kid’ by the Offspring, his favorite band.


“Hit’em right between in the eyes, hit’em right between the eyes! When you walk away nothing more to say. See the lighting in your eyes, see’em running for their lives!”

“Remember when we were kids we said we would go to Germany together?” Rodrigo’s voice was an echo.

“Of course.” I answered. “We said we were going to see where they make chocolate… wait that’s another place.”

We laughed together.

“You should go there.” He said while driving.

I was confused. “Why can’t you go?”

“Because I’m dead, Mellie, I’m dead.”

It was slowly dawning me his words and then a white flash blinded us both.

[End of Dream]

I gasped as I woke up. I felt a presence in the room. I looked and saw Nathan sitting on the armchair.

“Is it really you Nathan?” I asked.

He got up from the bed and walked to me his leg was still a bit bad.

“It’s me Melinda.” His voice said and I knew it was him.

I looked down and saw Linda sleeping soundly.

I quietly got off the bed and gestured Nathan outside. He followed me.

“Did anyone see you?” I asked.

He nods.


“Your mum and dad.”

I leaned against the wall. “How did they take it?”

“They didn’t ask for details but they were happy I was all right.” He spoke softly. “Melinda, why did you call me?”

“I needed you… I still do.” I whispered the last part but he heard it because he kissed me. My heart and soul felt alight. A light feeling making me a bit dizzy washed over me. I kissed him back softly. We didn’t rush things.

His lips were better than I remembered. He cupped my cheek. We both opened our lips to allow each other in. His tongue made me weak to the knees, his arm went around my waist because I was literally loosing the feeling of my legs.

After what seemed to me too short of a kiss we parted.

“I love you, Melinda.”

“I love you, too, Nathan. I am completely lost in love with you.”

He chuckles.

“I thought I lost you forever.” He confessed.

“You always had me, I was just being stubborn.” I smiled and looked into his eyes. They were so full of happiness and so were mine.

We were finally together again.
♠ ♠ ♠
