Status: Finished

Destiny Keeps Getting in the Way


“En el nombre del padre, del hijo y del spirito santo, amen.” The priest said during the funeral at church. (In the name of the father, son and the holy spirit.)

Nathan had his arm around me and I leaned on his shoulder. Rodrigo was in a coffin. I couldn’t wrap my head around it. It was all so surreal. I always thought he and I would grow old together and stay best friends.

I thought we had more time to go to travel the world. Makes you really think of the saying ‘You really don’t what you have until you lose it.’

My mom and dad didn’t ask about Nathan and I wasn’t ready to explain, plus I already forgave him. As much as how wrong he was I love him. I love him too much to stay away.

After church it was time to go to the cemetery. Linda and the others had a few cuts and scraps but since the impact came from the drivers side--Rodrigo was driving--he got the worst.

His parents looked extremely sad and it made my parents more protective.

At the cemetery I placed a wallflower meaning Friendship and Adversity. I walked back to Nathan. Rodrigo’s mom had to be taken away because she couldn’t stop crying. I felt a little hollow hole in my chest every time I took a breath.

We drove in the same limousine with my family.

“Where are you staying, Nathan?” My mom asked.

“At the Holiday Inn, ma’am.”

“You should check out and stay with us.” She smiled at him.

I looked over to my dad and he seemed fine with it. I squeezed his hand and he smiled.

“I can’t believe he’s gone.” I said.

My brothers that were sitting across from me and Nathan they looked sad as well.

“I keep thinking… he’s going to call me.” I choked back some tears.

“He will be missed, hun.” My dad said.

The driver stopped at the hotel Nathan was staying and I helped him get his stuff and check out. Soon we were back in my old house. I thought back to the time Nathan lit a whole bunch of candles while ‘Hero’ played. I think he was thinking about it too because we looked each other at the same time.

I led him to his room. I still had two more days before I had to go back to work.

“I think you need a day to relax.” He said kissing my cheek.

“What do you propose?” I asked.

“You just change into something comfortable.” He was out of the room before I could say anything.

I trusted him so I went to my room and changed into a pair of skinny jeans and a Joker shirt. I pull my hair up and as I looked at the mirror I noticed the bag under my eyes and how puffy they were.

The last thing that mattered to me was how I looked. I removed the runny make up and reapplied it. Ten minutes later Nathan and I were in a car going to the city. He drove, which surprised me because of his leg.

“How’s your leg?” It’s only been, what four or five days since I found out he’s alive?

“Better. I can still drive, Mels. Don’t worry.”

“Yeah, cause last time you drove everything ended so well.” I said recalling the accident that made me lose my memory. I was joking and messing with him, nothing serious.

He pouted and faked hurt. “I am insulted. I happen to be a very good driver and that only happened once.”

I giggled. “Sure… and I’m a bald man.”

“That would be gross since I still want to kiss you.”

We laughed. I couldn’t remember being this happy.

“It feels like I’m betraying Rodrigo.” I confessed looking out the window.

“Explain that.”

I shrugged. “I shouldn’t be having fun.”

“He would want you to have fun. Now, put that bandana to cover your eyes.”

I raised an eyebrow.

“Come on, love, trust me.” He said as he looked back and forth between me and the road.

I sighed and took the bandana and covered my eyes.

“You’re not taking me to a romantic getaway are you?” I smirked.

“Of course not.”

I gasped and he laughs. “It’s ten times better than a romantic getaway.” He promised.

I had no idea where we were going but it took half an hour to reach our destination.

“I forgot how LA’s traffic is murder.” Nathan mumbled and I laughed.

I heard as he opened and closed the door and I waited for him to open mine. When he did I reached for his hand, I took it and got out. Then a familiar sound came to me. There was many voices and I smiled from ear to ear already knowing where we were.

Then I felt his hot breath on my face.

His lips attached to mine and I couldn’t help but wrap my arms around his neck and bring him closer. He was so addictive.

He breaks it away and I whimper and he laughs.

He removes the bandana.

It was the old skate park. I looked around and saw as teenagers did tricks, flips and fell on their asses. I looked back to Nathan who was watching me watch the skate park.

“You know you’re the most wonderful guy in the entire world?!” I kissed him again for a couple of minutes before he popped the trunk and took out a skateboard.

“Due to my condition, I still can’t skateboard.”

“It’s all right, you can watch me kick ass.” I winked and went over to the nearest ramp. I thought I would forget how to do it, but it was like riding bike: you never forget.

With both feet on the bolts and I kept my balance--not too low or too straight--knees bent. I pivoted--or turned for a couple of seconds. I press down with the back foot and a little with my right, that’s popping.

After getting my act together I did a couple of ollie’s. I was so proud of myself when I accomplished it he first time.

I did good for a couple of tries until my fifth when I lost balance and I fell on my ass. A couple of people laughed as always and so did I. I forgot how much I missed to have scraps and bruises.

“I hella missed this.” I cheered as I went over to Nathan who was sitting next to him and removed the sweat from my forehead and smiled.

He kissed me and we were lost in each other for the next couple of minutes. We were making up for lost time.

[Peter’s Point of View]

I had to do something. Something fast because if I don’t I’ll lose Melinda forever. I couldn’t allow that. I wouldn’t allow that.

I did one of the most desperate things I could do.

Her phone rang twice.

“Hello?” Her voice was still shrilling even after all of these years.

“I have some great news, love.”

“Peter Watson?” She asked.

“The one and only?”

“What do you want?”

“Don’t you want to know about your precious Nathan?”

That got Lucy’s attention. “What is it?”

“Did you know he’s awake? Has been for the past three years.”

She gasps on the other line. “Where is he?”

“He’ll be back at London in a couple of days.”

“Why are you telling me this?” She asked.

I smirked. “I thought we could form an alliance, you see Melinda and Nathan are back together and that doesn’t benefit neither of us.”

“Melinda?” She spat her name with venom. “I’m in, what do I have to do?”