Status: Finished

Destiny Keeps Getting in the Way


It’s been two months since Nathan and I got together. It’s been nothing but heaven between him and I. We go out sometimes but most of the time we stay in and play video games or watching movies.

He would stay over at times and we would completely forget about the world outside of my apartment.

He would come over at lunch and he would talk to my friends.

I haven’t heard from Peter since the night I left the restaurant. I don’t blame him. It was fucked up of me to do that. I don’t know what I was thinking.

He didn’t deserve that. He’s been there for me and I wasn’t there for him when he needed me. I promised myself that I would go over to the restaurant whenever I could.

But right now I’m with Nathan watching 10 Things I Hate About You. I smiled. Heath Ledger was so cute. I liked the bad boy attitude.

The best part of the movie--hands down--is when he sings for her. I sang along with him.

“I love you, baby. And if it's quite alright, I need you, baby, To warm a lonely night.
I love you, baby. Trust in me when I say: Oh, pretty baby, Don't bring me down, I pray.
Oh, pretty baby, now that I found you, stay And let me love you, baby. Let me love you.” I sang.

Nathan laughs.

“What is so funny mister?” I said looking over at him.

He pecked my lips.

“You’re just so darn adorable.” He said.

I brought his lips back to mine. “I love you.”

He kept his hand on the nape of my neck and I had my arms around him. We stopped paying attention to the movie. He moved from my lips to my neck. It was incredible to feel his skin against mine.

It was like feeling whole.

I felt his hand on the skin of my hip it literally gave me electrical shocks but tiny ones.

“I’m ready.” I said with a shaky voice. God, I can’t believe I just said that. I sound like every teenager in America.

Nathan got what I was saying and pulled away. “Melinda, we don’t have to do anything you’re not--”

I kissed him showing him how much I wanted this and I wanted this badly.

I wanted him to be the one to ‘deflower’ me.

“How about…” He said pulling away. “We plan this ahead, love? So you can be absolutely su--”

I kissed him again but this time I went to his neck.

“It’s kind of hard being a gentleman when you attack me like so.” Nathan said but I knew he was enjoying it.

I laughed. “But I’m truly ready, Nathan.”

He looked at me and I looked at me. I wish I could know what he was thinking exactly. I touched his cheek.

“I promise you, I’m ready.” I assured.

Nathan sighed. “I want your first time to be absolutely memorable.”

“Ah, this is going to sound so cheesy and overused but here it goes: as long as it is with you it will be absolutely memorable.”

Nathan laughed. “Wow, that was cheesy and overused.”

I pushed him off of me and he continued to laugh.

“Mels, come on, love. You’re special to me I mean seven or six years ago I wouldn’t have cared less but… I’m older and I’m actually in love with you.”

“Yeah, I guess being in love does count.” I sighed and he glares and I laugh. “Okay, fine. But I’m telling you that I’ve been a virgin long enough. I mean, Linda and Maya aren’t anymore! Do you have any idea how that felt?”

“Embarrassing?” He suggested.

“Humiliating!” I growled a little.

“Right, okay. We’ll have sex… but tomorrow night. Let me make it special for you.”

“Are we really planning the day I lose my virginity?” I hid my face in my pillow.

He laughed a little. “Yeah, but we’re not like most couple, love.”

“True. We’ve gone through a lot of stuff.” I said lifting my head from the pillow. “Okay so today is Friday, which means tomorrow is Saturday. You have a whole day to make the day special.”

“You have to go out though.”


“So it can be a surprise!” He said.

“Ugh, fine. I’ll call Marcela, Alondra and Mike so we can have a day of shopping or something.”

“I love you.” Nathan said.

“I guess I love you too.”

[Next Morning]

I was dressed.

I held the umbrella and my cell phone with my other hand. It was raining rather hard today. Nathan thinks I’m going out with my friends but I’m actually going to visit Peter. I know it’s the last place I should be going because I’m going to lose my virginity tonight.

Wow, never thought I was going to say that.

[Peter’s Point of View]

His phone only rang once before he answered. I knew I was playing with fire but for Melinda I would take the risk of getting burned.

“O’Brien.” He answered.

“Good morning, mate.” I said leaving out any fear in my voice.

He sighed. “What do you want Watson?” Devlin yawned over the other line.

“Who is baby?” It was a female voice on the other line.

I smirked. “Busy night, eh?”

“Not your business, now don’t waste my time and tell me what you want!”

“All right. I know you want to get back at Nathan for what he did to you… seven years ago, I believe it has been and I know just the way.”

“You’re wasting mine and your time.” He said.

“Just come to my restaurant and I’ll explain everything.”

“I don’t need your help.” He said.

I grinned. “I know information you will need.”

There was silence on the other line. “I’ll be there in half an hour.”

I didn’t ask how he knew where I worked but I guess he already did his homework. I called Lucy and she would also be coming. This was going to be good.

I changed and walked out of my apartment.

I arrived at work just in time. It was a slow day, but Holidays always were. You’d think it would be busy but people prefer to dine inside instead of out.

I got a call half an hour later from Devlin.

“You didn’t tell me this slut would be here.” Devlin hissed. I walked out of the kitchen and saw as Devlin was a couple of tables away from Lucy who was reading a magazine.

“She’s part of the plan.”

He looks at me sternly.

“Come on, it’s all to get back at Nathan for what he did with her behind your back. Your best mate fuc--”

“Hurry the hell up. I don’t have all day.” He spat.

I walked over to Devlin and signaled Lucy to come. Her face froze as she recognized him. She took the seat next to me so we were both facing Devlin.

He was wearing a black suit with no tie and two loose buttons.

“You didn’t tell me we were having a reunion, Pete, otherwise I wouldn’t have come.” Lucy whispered at me.

“I don’t like it either.” Devlin said.

Lucy was surprised he heard her but she’s not the best whisperer.

“How is he going to help separate Nathan and Melinda?” Lucy hissed.

“We all want one thing… for them to break up.” I put simply.

“My plan isn’t exactly that.” Devlin smirked.

“As long as I get Nathan, I’ll do anything.” Lucy said with a smirk towards Devlin.

Devlin looked indifferent.

“Three against two, kind of unfair don’t you think?” He chuckled.

“All is fair in love and war.” I said.

“You love his chick?” Devlin smirked.

“He doesn’t deserve her.”

“The real question is… does she love you?”

“She is blinded by Nathan.”

Devlin looked from me to Lucy.

“And Nathan knows you’re trying to get his girl?”

“It’s been months since I’ve talked to either of them.”

Devlin looked behind me. “Well here’s your chance to talk to one of them.” He lifted his menu cart to hide his face.

I turned to see Melinda waiting at the lobby.

“Shit, what is she doing here?” I said turning back.

“She can’t see me!” Lucy said.

“I’ll take care of it.” I got up and walked up behind her.

She squealed and laughed.

“Damn it, Pete!” Her laugh was so sweet. “At least you’re not mad at me.”

“Why would I be mad? Is it because you ran out on my first day?” She looked guilty. “Or because you didn’t talk to me for the past two months? Or to even tell me Rodrigo died.”

“Okay, so you’re mad.” She said as she scratched the back of her head. “Look, I’m sorry. It all happened so fast. I saw Nathan kissing and I just freaked you know… I didn’t mean to be rude. Then my mom calls me saying my friends got into a car accident. Turns out I got there on time to see my best friend… practically my brother die.”

“You called Nathan instead of me.” I said solemnly.

Her eyes widen.

“I was there when you called him. I was talking with him and I waited for your call but it never came.”

“I’m really sorry, Pete. I was just so hurt and the first person I thought… was Nathan.” She whispered the last part. Her cheeks were a little red. “What can I do to make it up to you?”

“Just have lunch with me.”

She smiled and agreed.
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