Status: Finished

Destiny Keeps Getting in the Way


The next morning the first thing I did was take my birth control pill. I’ve been using to regulate my period because something it would come too heavy.

We also forgot to use a condom the first time and we weren’t taking any chances.


“When you look me in the eyes, I catch a glimpse of heaven.” I sang as I waited for my coffee by the vending machine.

Alondra came next to me. “God, didn’t we agree that we would only sing Jonas Brothers crap if we got--holy… mackerel! Melinda, you got lai--” I covered her mouth before half of the hospital found out. Her eyes were wide with joy.

“Shh.” I warned and she nods feverously. I took my hand away only to have her scream and jump around in joy. I rolled my eyes but laughed.

Suddenly she became serious. “With Nathan?”

“Who else?” I said.

“Aw, he popped your cherry, is that how you Americans say it?” She laughed and I nod.

“Yeah, the teenagers say that, we’re adults, Alondra.” I pointed out but inside I was all giddy.

“Well, how was it?” She whispered.

I sighed and smiled. “It was beautiful. He was gentle the first time--”

“Ooh, must’ve been a hot, hot night.” She winked and I nod.

“He sang to me.”

“Ooh, you got a romantic, my first time was in the backseat of a beat up car and I was half drunk.” She sighed. “Lucky, you, which song did he sing?”

“It’s by Chase Coy, he has an amazing voice. The title was… When You Say or something like that.”

“I’m guessing it wasn’t only Saturday you spent love making.” She bumped her hip with mine and winked again.

I laughed. “You’re right. On Sunday we turned off our phones and just stayed in the apartment.”

“I wish I had a man like Nathan Fullerton.” Alondra sighed.

Our beepers went off. It was time to work.

At lunch Nathan couldn’t come because he had to work. He works for one of the biggest business in London. He did it all on his own.

My phone went off. It was Nathan. A big smile appeared on my face.


“How is the most beautiful woman in the planet doing this fine afternoon?”

“She’s enjoying her cheeseburger with some fries and soda.” I answered.

“I was thinking tonight we could visit my father.” He said.

“Yeah, it’s been a while since I’ve talked to him.”

“He’s been busy.” Nathan said.

“I figured. What time should I be ready?”

“Eight. We’re going to my place so you don’t really have to wear anything fancy. Plus you look beautiful in absolutely anything?”


“Yeah, you look better naked, but I guess clothes are necessary.”

I laughed.

“God, I love your laugh. It makes my heart skip a beat.”

I blushed.

“And your compliments are making me blush in front of my friends.”

“Tell them I say Hi.” He said.

“Nathan says Hi.”

“Hello Nathan!” They chorused back.

“You lucky bastard, you got Melinda!” Mike said as he laughed.

Nathan laughs as well. “I’m gonna have to worry about Mike, now?”

I laughed. “Not at all, mi amor.” (Love.)

“I love it when you speak Spanish.”


I got off work just in time to go home and change.

I was brushing my hair when I heard the door open. Nathan obviously has the key to the apartment.

I waited for him to come to my room like he always did. But he didn’t.

“Nathan?” I called out. Nothing.

I’ve seen enough scary movies to know what I should stay where I was, but I didn’t.

I walked out of the room with my heart pounding in my chest. I looked around for a weapon. The closet in the hallway had a bat. I tip toed to the hallway closet. I opened the door slowly making sure it didn’t make any creaking sounds.

I gripped the wooden bat and closed the door carefully.

“Nathan?!” I called out again.

I walked to the living room and found no one. I looked at the front door. Did I lock the door? I think I did. Shit, I can’t remember.

I walked towards the kitchen and found no one again. I felt movement behind me and I swung out of instinct.


He caught the bat with his hand. Fast reflex. He looked worried.

“What’s wrong?” He asked.

I shook my head. “Nothing. I thought I heard you come in… I guess it was just a long day at work.”

He gave me a small smile and pecked my lips.

“Come on, let’s go.”

I took my keys and bag. We got in his car and drove towards his dad’s place.

“How’s Hannah?” He asked.

“Better. Only one more month and she’s due.” I said.

“That’s great, love.”

We talked about each other’s day until we reached John’s place. It was a mansion of course. He parked on the oval parking. He opened the door for me.

The front door opened and John was waiting for us. I smiled at him.

“Melinda, it’s good to see you.” He said opening his arms. I hugged him.

“You too, John.”

“You’re not mad at me anymore?”

I shook my head. “I understand.”

“Many times I wanted to tell you.”

“It’s all right. I understand, John, now let’s eat. I haven’t eaten anything since lunch.”

He led us to the dining room. There were no servants for the day. It was just the three of us.

“I heard about Rodrigo, I’m sorry to hear about that.”

“Thanks. But you know what they say, ‘he’s in a better place’.”

He nods.

“How are you liking London so far?”

“It’s great. I love the weather.”

“Not much of a sunny girl.”

“Yeah, I can stand a little heat but I prefer the cold.”

John laughs.

“How’s work?”

“Good, there’s your good days and your bad days. Mostly good.”

We continued to talk about just small things.

It was a good day.

The week went by fast. Nathan brought some clothes from his place since he spent most of his time at my place. We are happy. We are together and I couldn’t ask for anything more. I literally have everything I’ve wanted in life.

He kissed my neck and I felt the goose bumps all over my body. I brought him closer to me. I wasn’t as shy as I was the first time. I was more dominate. But right now he had my hands above my head and took advantage.

He pulls back and removes his shirt. I pull off mine. He attacks my chest and I moan at the feeling of his skin against my own. It always brought a feeling of being whole and being complete.

His lips were soft and every now and then he would bit my neck like a vampire and I actually liked it. I found out I like the rough kind of love making. Kinky? Maybe but don’t judge until you’re tried it. Which I’m not saying you should.

Nathan caught up with my kinkiness and didn’t hold back. He gripped my hips and brought me lower. I was suddenly regretting wearing jeans because it was the only material getting in my way of what I wanted.

He kissed a trail of kisses between my neck and my shoulder and I moaned his name very lowly and softly. I heard his growl as he unzipped my fly and pulled down my jeans. The bulge in his pants got bigger. I was half naked under him again. I arched my back and took off my bra.

[After Hot Kinky Sex]

Like always he held me with our bodies bare. I listened to his heartbeat.

“Sing for me, Mel?” He asked.

“Any in particular?” I asked.

“No.” He said.

I thought about what to sing. “Late at night when all the world is sleeping. I stayed up and think of you, and I wish on a star that you somewhere you are thinking of me too. Cause I’m dreaming of you tonight till tomorrow. I’ll be holding you tight and there’s nowhere in the world I’d rather be than here in my room dreaming about you and me.”

“Wonder if you see me ever and I wonder if you know I’m there, if you looked in my eyes would you see what’s inside would you even care? I just wanna hold close but so far all I have are dreams of you. So I wait for the day and the courage to say how much I love you. Yes I do.”

“That’s too sad.” He pouted and I laughed.

“It’s from one of my favorite artists.”

“Yeah, but that song is about wishing to have your love and you have me.”

“Aren’t we conceited.”

“No, just confident.” He smiled.

“Okay now you sing me one.”

He clears his throat.

“I love you, I’ve loved you all along. I miss you been far away for far too long. I keep dreaming you’ll be with me and never you’ll go stop breathing if I don’t see you anymore. On my knees I’ll ask last chance for one last dance cause with you I withstand all of hell to hold your hand. I’d give it all--”

“And you say my song is sad? Have you seen the video?” I laughed.

“Something with a firemen, right?” He said.


“Okay, okay. Hmm, you think of one first.”

“Mi destino ya estaba sellado contigo Y el corazón te entregué Y aunque el mundo intentó separar los caminos Nunca olvidé Tus caricias marcaron mi piel Y tu voz mi Corazon En tus brazos el cielo encontré Y en tus ojos la fe.”

“And what does that translate to?”

“My destiny was already sealed with you and I gave you my heart and though the world tried to separate us. I never forgot. Your caresses marked my skin and your voice my heart. In your arms I found heaven and in your eyes the faith.”

He smiled. “I loved it. I love you.”

“Te amo, Nathan. I love you.”