Status: Finished

Destiny Keeps Getting in the Way


“Maybe it’s a sign.” Linda said over the phone.

“Yeah.” Maya agreed she was on line too, we were doing a three-way call.

“I wouldn’t call it a sign, exactly.” I sighed.

“Uh, yes it does.” Linda said. “You’ve been avoiding the Nathan subject for a long time now, I think it’s time you confront it.”

“Confront it? How am I supposed to confront something like that?”

“I think you should go to England.” Maya said.

“And do what?” I started to raise my voice. “Nathan is still in a coma!”

“No need to raise your voice and it was only a suggestion.” Linda defended herself.

“Shit, I’m sorry, it’s just been so frustrating.”

“We understand but you need to cool down.”

Whoa I never met to brag!
But I got him where I want him now!
Whoa I never meant to brag!
But god it feels so good.

I reached for my iPhone.

Peter Watson the screen read.

“It’s Peter.”

“We’ll let you go.” Linda said.

“Bye.” We all said at the same time and hung up.

The ring tone continued I wasn’t sure if I should answer, but I did anyways.

“Hello?” I asked.

“Melinda, it’s Peter.”

“Yeah, I have caller ID silly.” I laughed and he laughs nervously.

“Oh, right. I was wondering if you’re up for lunch tomorrow.”

“What time?” I said.

“Twelve okay with you?”

“Yeah, my math class doesn’t start until one forty-five, so it’s good. Where do we meet?”

“At the Starbucks near your school.”

I furrowed my eyebrows. “How do you know which school I go to?”

He chuckles. “I was a professional criminal, Melinda. I have my ways.”

“Stalker.” I muttered and he laughs.

“It’ll be good to see you.” He said.

“Yeah.” I said.

After an hour of conversation we hung up. I took a shower and went to sleep. I looked at the ceiling.

“I think I’m drowning asphyxiating I wanna break this spell that you created. You’re something beautiful a contradiction I wanna play the game I want the friction. You will be the death of me, yeah you will be the death of me. Bury it, I won’t let you bury it. I won’t let you smother it. I won’t let you murder it. And our time is running out… our time is running out you can’t push it underground you can’t stop it screaming out…” I muttered softly as sleep took over me.

I woke up at six since class started at eight and I still had to beat the LA traffic to school. I took a quick shower, blow dried my hair and then straighten it. I applied not too much makeup and made my way to school.

“Adios, mami.” I said giving her a kiss on the cheek as I’m used to. (Bye, mom)

“Adios, mija, y que dios te bendiga.” She said giving me the blessing. (Goodbye honey and may god bless you.)

“Gracias mami, y a ti tambien.” I said and walked out of the house. (Thank you and you too.) My dad finally has a respectable job and is no longer a ‘crook’.

My morning classes went by a bit too slow for me. For some reason I was actually looking forward to lunch with Peter.

I got to the Starbucks on time. I saw him already outside waiting for me.

“Hey.” We greeted each other with a awkward hug, you know those where you think one person is going one way but it’s actually going another and you don’t want to crash so you go the other way but they do the same thing… yeah that.

“How was classes?” He asked as he opened the door for me.

I thanked him. “It was okay, a bit slow today. Usually time goes by a lot faster.”

“It’s nice to slow down sometimes… enjoy life, you know?” He said as we got in line to order.

There was a fairly long line.

“Yeah, it is.”

He laughs.

“What?” I asked.

“I can clearly see you have not stopped and smelled the roses.”

I got what he was saying and frowned. “I do enjoy life!”

“Really? How many times do you go out?”

I stammered a bit and he laughed harder than last time. I glared at him.

“Just because I occupy myself with school work doesn’t mean I don’t enjoy life.”

“You need to stop and smell the roses, Melinda!” Peter insisted.

“What will it be?” I didn’t even notice the line had moved so fast.

“Um, I’ll just have a grandee frapuccino, vanilla, please and cinnamon bun.” I ordered and took out my wallet.

Peter’s hands covered mine.

“It’s on me.”

I chuckled. “No need, Pete.” I said handing over a twenty.

“You don’t like to be taken care of, do you?”

I smiled. “Not when I can take care of myself.”

“I’ve always liked that about you.” He smiled.

We took seat after he ordered his and waited for our orders.

“So, what are you majoring in?” I asked.

“You know you want to ask about Nathan, Melinda.”

A lump formed in my throat. “Ha, caught me.” I laughed nervously.

“He’s still in a coma with no signs of recovery.”

The lump grew three times larger.

“What about all those fancy doctors John said he was taking him too?” I asked.

Peter sighed. “It doesn’t always work that way, Mels. You can have all the money in the world but you can’t change things.”

I frowned. “It’s not fair.” I whispered.

“I know it’s not.”

“It should be me in a coma.” I said feeling the fireworks coming but I pushed them back.

“Don’t say that!” Peter scolded. I looked up surprised by his tone.

“That bullet was for me.”

“Nathan knew what he was doing.”

“Humph… destiny just keeps finding ways to separate us.”

Finally they called our order and I got my frapuccino and cinnamon bun.

“Nathan will make it through, trust me.” Peter said putting his hand over mine. I didn’t like the gesture and pulled my hand back.

He got the memo and didn’t try anything again. After lunch I couldn’t really concentrate on math. Nathan had made no progress since he left. That was not good at all. I got home too mentally tired.

I laid on my bed and thought… I really need a drink.

I went down to my dad’s office that was empty. I took his Jose Cuervo and a shot glass and looked at it but then downed it down in one gulped. I shivered as the burning liquid went down my throat.

I took another two shots and I started to see things moving that weren’t supposed to be moving.

“Melinda!” I heard a deep voice call.

I looked towards the entrance and found my dad.

“Daddy!” I smiled. I walked over to him… well I tried but ended up tripping with my own two feet and landed on the floor.

“Melinda.” My dad called out for me.

I started laughing and rolled back to my back. My dad picked me up by my elbow. I laughed uncontrollably.

“Why did you drink so much?” He sighed as he saw the Jose Cuervo at his desk.

“Because… life just plain sucks.” I said.

“You need to get yourself together.” He sighed.

I don’t know why but that got me mad.

“It’s all your fault!” I yelled at his face.

He was confused. “If you wouldn’t have made that arranged marriage then Nathan would be fine and we would be so HAPPY together.” I saw the hurt in his eyes but I was drunk and didn’t stop my ranting. “Por tu pinche culpa!” I yelled in Spanish and then started crying. (It’s your fucking fault.)

“Por favor, mija.” His voice was breaking. (Please, honey.)

“How can you look yourself in the morning knowing you’re the cause for my misery, huh?!” I yelled.

“I am your father and I demand respect.”


“Melinda!” I heard my mom’s voice.

I turned around and frowned.

“You’re not any better, mom… cheating on dad.”

“THAT IS ENOUGH!” My dad took me by the arm and raised his hand.

“DO IT!” I yelled.

“Sebastian, NO! She’s drunk!” My mom defended me. I didn’t need her to defend me. I looked into my dad’s eyes.

I took my arm back. I stumbled backwards and found a chair to balance myself. I started to cry and went to my knees and hugged myself. I felt so pathetic and stupid.

“I’m sorry!” I sobbed. “I-I didn’t mea-mean it.” I said. “I just… I just--”

“Honey, it’s okay.” My mom said bending down and hugged me. I cried on her shoulder.
♠ ♠ ♠
This chapter is to show that she’s only human and she’s not Wonder Woman that has everything under control, so don’t get mad at me for making Melinda a little bitchy whilst drunk.