Status: Finished

Destiny Keeps Getting in the Way


“I think it’s a trap.” Maya said over the phone.

I called them around ten at night so it was only two over there in Los Angeles. I told them about Lucy and Devlin. I even told them how I met Devlin before but didn’t say anything.

“How would it be a trap?” I asked. “They’re engaged. There’s a ring and everything.”

I was in my favorite pajamas--Betty Boop--eating Cookie Dough ice cream. I had my feet propped on the coffee table. I had my money slippers which I adored. A teddy bear Nathan gave to me a couple of weeks ago. It’s an injured teddy bear that needs lots of love to get better. His exact words.

I had my I-phone between my ear and shoulder as I switched the channels and settled on a re-run of Emo Power Rangers. It’s… weird.

“Uh, hello, to get closer to the both of you.” Maya said.

“It doesn’t look like it.” I said as I took the ice cream and set it on the coffee table so I’m able to hold the phone in my hand.

“Look, Lucy sounds like a real bitch.” Linda said. “I say stay away.”

“But… she kind of… asked me to be one of her maid’s.”

“And you said no.” Maya said.

I laughed nervously.

“WHAT?! You said yes?” Maya and Linda shrieked.

“The bitch cornered me okay?!” I exclaimed.

“She got to me one afternoon and took me to this big fancy restaurant… in my freaking scrubs! Anyways she gave me this stupid puppy eye look and I just couldn’t say no. I have a heart you know.” I said.

“I think you feed of drama, Melinda.” Linda sighed.

“What? No.”

“If you didn’t then you wouldn’t let the drama in. Lucy and this creepy Devlin are drama and you’re letting them in!” She said.

I shook my head.

“That’s not true.”

“Oh yes.” Linda said in a sing-song voice.

“There isn’t going to be any drama because Lucy isn’t going to try anything on Nathan. She has Devlin and he isn’t an eyesore, okay?”

“Are you saying he’s cute?” Linda asked.

“I can’t deny that he is, because he is. He has an Irish accent.”

“What is it with you and guys with accents? Is it some kind of fetish?” Maya asked.

We laughed together.

“No. I’m just saying his accent is attractive.”

“Is that why you fell for Nathan? Because of his sexy British accent?” Linda said.

“No, not only that.” I joked. “Guys here like girls with American accents. They say it’s a turn on.”

“I’m so booking a flight then.” Maya said.

“What about Brian?” I asked.

“I can do what I want. He doesn’t own me.” She said.

“Yeah, we’ll go together. There’s Christmas break coming. We should go Maya.”

“Totally. I’m sure our parents won’t mind.”

I smiled. “I can’t wait. You’ve got to meet Alondra, Marcela and Mike. They’re the best.”

“Marcela? Like Cesar’s mother Marcela?” Linda asked in a bitter tone.

“Not the same person, of course, but they have the same name. She’s awesomeness, guys, no worries.”

“Mike, eh? Is he cute?” Maya said and I could just see her wiggling her eyebrows.

I laughed. “He’s decent.”

“Any news of dear old Peter Pan.” Of course Maya was talking of Peter. It was his nickname.

“Yeah, I went to visit him a couple of days ago. I went to apologize for just walking out of the restaurant.” I had told them everything. Even about me and Nathan having sex already. It took a while to calm them down after that.

They kept asking questions.

I felt like I was going to explode.

They wanted details, which I so did NOT provide. I have a limit.

But now talking about Peter made me feel kind of sad.

“I think it’s good you’re not talking to him. He always gave me the psycho vibe.” Maya said shuddering.

“Pete’s not psycho.” I assured.

“Are you sure?” Maya asked. “You never know.”

“I’m sure. He’s been my friend for four years, I think I would know him pretty well in that time period.” I said.

“Just be careful, cause I don’t trust him.” Maya said.

“Agree.” Linda said.

“Fine, but you guys are crazy. Peter would never do anything to hurt me. He cares about me. He’s happy Nathan and I are together.”

“I just know he’s plotting against you two.” Linda said.

I laughed.

“Why would he do that?”

“Uh cause he’s like in love with you.” Linda said.

I sighed. Not that same old story again.

“He knows I don’t feel the same way. I bet he’s moved on by now. I mean come on.” I said laughing. “A guy wouldn’t like me for so long and not make a move right?”

“Wait, you would’ve gone out with him?” Maya asked.

“Eh… yeah, maybe.” I said.

“Melinda Bella Gomez!” Linda scolded.

“What if Nathan would’ve woken up and you were with his best friend?” Maya asked. “See?! You do feed off of drama.”

I sighed and threw my head back.

“You guys are impossible.”

“We’re your friends and we’re here to tell you the truth not sugar coat it, okay?” Linda said.

“Damn right.” Maya said.

“And that’s why I love you guys so much.” I smiled. “You tell me the truth no matter how cruel or cold.”

“Yeah and you would do the same thing for us.” Maya said.

“In a heartbeat.” I said.

After another hour of gossip we decided to hang up. The next morning would be Saturday. My day off.

The week just seemed to have flown by.

I went to sleep. I was already adjusted to the time which I was so happy about because I hated up staying up and getting only a few hours of sleep.

I woke up to the sound of phone vibrating against the wooden stand.

“Hello?” I answered groggily.

“Morning sunshine!” Lucy’s voice was a real wake up call.

I sat up.

“Lucy?” I checked the time. It was only seven, I still had another hour of sleep.

She giggles.

“The one and only. You have to help me go cake tasting.”

“I thought you had to do that with your fiancé?” I said yawning.

“Yeah, but Devlin’s busy.” She said. “Please come with me?”

“Uh, let me check with Nathan and I’ll call you back.”

“I already did.” She said.

“Huh?” I asked. “You called Nathan to ask if I could with you?”

“Not exactly. I asked if you two were doing anything and he said no. He’s going somewhere with Devlin to rekindle their friendship or some crap like that.” She said.

I raised an eyebrow. “Rekindle their friendship?” I repeated.

“Yeah! So, please come? It would only be a couple of hours.”

“Okay, pick me up in thirty minutes.”

There was a knock at my door. I got up and walked over.

“Wait, there’s someone at the door.” I said to Lucy and opened the door.

She was there with a big smile. “Surprise!”

“You knew I would say yes?”

“Of course. You’re kind and stuff.” She said walking inside without being invited. “Nice place.”


“So, thirty minutes? Really?” She asked. “That’s how long it takes you?”

“Is it not enough?” I asked.

She scoffs. “Of course not! It takes time to be perfect. You can get there too… if you’d try.” She said.

I narrowed my eyes. She took my arm.

“Come on, shower and then we’ll start on making you look ridiculously good looking.”

I laughed.

“You saw Zoolander?” It was one of my favorite Ben Stiller movies.

“Last night with Devlin.” She said. “Come on, we have a long day ahead of us.” She pushed me to my bathroom.
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