Status: Finished

Destiny Keeps Getting in the Way


I looked myself in the mirror. I looked okay. These were clothes my mother gave me but I didn’t know what to do with. I’m not much of a fashion girl so when it came to combining things I was clueless.

But Lucy wasn’t.

She did my hair and makeup as well.

It was almost as if she was my friend. Weird. I know.

We took her car, she doesn’t drive she has a driver. The driver was named Lloyd. He was really nice. He opened the door for me.

I thank him as I got in. Lucy didn’t even glance at him.

“So!” She said. “How long have you been with Nathan since he woke up?”

“Um, two months, I think.” I said.

“Oh.” Was all she said.

The rest of the ride I explained what I did since we’ve last saw each other. I can’t even remember the last time I saw Lucy. She just wasn’t that important to me.

“So, you and Peter were pretty close while you thought Nathan was in a coma?” She asked.

I don’t know what she was implying, like if Peter and I had a relationship or something.

“We were just friends.” I said to make things clear. “Nothing ever happened between us.”

“I heard about what happened to Roberto, I’m so sorry.” She placed her hand on mine and gave me a sincere look.

I took my hand back. “Rodrigo,” I corrected. “And thank you.”

“Oh right, sorry. I get those names confused.” She chuckled.

I couldn’t tell if it was fake or not. If she was being fake or not. At times it seemed but then her expressions were sincere. Either she was truly sorry or she’s a good actress. Lloyd stopped.

“Thanks.” I thanked him when he opened the door. Once again Lucy didn’t acknowledge his existence.

“Don’t worry, ma’am. I’m used to it by now.” Lloyd tipped his hat.

I gave him a warm smile and followed Lucy into a really expensive looking pastry shop. The little bell dings as we walked in. It was small but you could tell it made lots of money because of how well done the displays looked.

“Lucy!” A voice called.

I looked over and saw a women.

She had her red hair in a bun. She was too cleaned to be a pastry chef. I looked to where she came from and saw that there were workers back there doing the actual cakes and things.

“Charlene.” Lucy said and they both peck each other’s cheek. “It’s so good to know you could squeeze me in.”

“Of course.” Charlene said and looked over at me. She smiled… forcefully. I guess she didn’t like me.

“Melinda.” I said offering her my hand. She took it as if it was infected and then wiped her hand on her pencil skirt.

I rolled my eyes.

It was going to be a long day. A long, long day.

“What kind of masterpiece are you thinking of?” Charlene asked.

“I’m thinking three layers.” Lucy gestured with her hands how tall she wanted it. I started to look around.

I remember when I was ten I wanted to be a baker. I didn’t always wanted to be a nurse. I was a kid who wanted to do so many things. One of them was to be a pastry chef. I saw how my nanny Laura would bake the cakes. I loved licking the bowl.

“Melinda.” Lucy’s voice brought me back.

“Yeah?” I said walking over to them.

They already had a tray of taste samples.

“What do you think of this one?” She asked.

She hasn’t even tasted it yet. I took the little plate and ate a bite of the chocolate cake.

“Good.” I said simply.

“Only good?” She raised an eyebrow.

Charlene laughed. “Silly girl doesn’t know about pastry. This is a special kind of chocolate.”

“It taste just like any other kind of chocolate cake.” I said simply.

Charlene gasps as if someone had slapped her.

“It just shows you don’t know anything.”

I shrugged went back to looking around. The pastry all looked to fancy. I would be happy with just a chocolate cake with strawberry jam filling.

It was my favorite.

Lucy asked me to taste another. Lemon.

Then a strawberry.

Then some other ones with champagne or wine. The wine one didn’t taste too good for me. But Lucy didn’t decide on any. Charlene glared at me as we exited the pastry shop.

“God, what’s up her ass?” I muttered.

“She was just offended.” Lucy said as Lloyd opened the door.

I got in and thank him again.

“I was just saying the truth. It tasted like a regular cake you could buy at a grocery store.”

Lucy laughs as if what I said was the most funny thing.

“You just don’t know taste.”

I don’t if that was an insult or not.

I shifted uncomfortably in my seat.

“Don’t worry. That is why you have me for.”

I checked my phone for the time.

It was only twelve.

Lucy’s phone went off with the ring tone of Britney Spears “Circus”.

“Devlin!” She said. “I miss you, love.”

I zoned out as she made kissing sounds and other stuff I’m trying suppress at the moment. I rubbed my temples. How could I already have a headache? Well I didn’t eat breakfast so that might have something to do with it.

“The boys want us to meet them at a restaurant so we can all have lunch together.” Lucy said.

“Oh, okay.” I looked out the window.

Lucy started talking about how she reconnected with Devlin. I wanted to mention I had met him before but that seemed inappropriate.

“We’re here!” Lucy announced.

We got off and Lloyd went to park the car. We walked inside the restaurant and said we were meeting someone here Lucy told the host the name of Nathan.

“Right this way.” The host said.

We followed her to an area that seemed full of rich people. All clothes looked expensive. Things I could afford but just seemed silly to have. When I saw Nathan a smile appeared on my lips.

I kind of jogged the rest of the way and hugged him. It felt such a big relief to be with him. He hugged me back. We kissed and then we pulled apart. He examined what I was wearing.

“I didn’t know you had these clothes.” He said.

“It was buried behind all those silly scrubs.” Lucy said.

I tried not to glare or narrow my eyes. I liked my scrubs.

“You look great.” Nathan said.

He pulled the chair so I could sit.

“Thanks.” I was sitting across from Devlin. Nathan was sitting across from Lucy.

Devlin winked at me and gave him a small smile. Nathan didn’t notice the wink because he didn’t say anything or looked any different.

“Did you have fun picking a cake for their wedding?” Nathan asked me.

I forced a smile and nodded.

“Oh good.” Nathan pecked my cheek.

“Oh Nathan, I wanted to know what time I should come in on Monday.” Lucy said. I watched as she put her hand on top of his. Any other girl would think it was friendly but I didn’t think so.

But… wait… why did she ask?

I looked over to Nathan. He looked a little flushed.

“For what?” I asked.

Lucy looked shocked that I didn’t know.

“Didn’t he tell you I’m going to be working for him?”

“No… he didn’t.” I said looking over to him. He seemed nervous.

“I’m sure he was getting around to it, right Nate?” Devlin intervened.

Nathan cleared his throat. “I was going to tell you tonight. Lucy wanted to work and she has secretary experience and mine just quit.”

“It’s all right.” I told him and gave him a small smile.

“Yeah?” He asked.

“Yeah, of course.” No. It was not all right at all.