Status: Finished

Destiny Keeps Getting in the Way


Next morning I woke up with a killer headache.

“Shit,” I muttered as I felt a throbbing pain inside of my head. I moved to my side and found two Advil and a glass of water. I remembered what I said to my parents and felt so awful. “What did I do?” I groaned.

You got drunk and started yelling at your parents, that’s what you did. I thought bitterly. I got up and took the pills.

I look just like buddy holly uh-oh
And you’re Mary Tyler Moore
I don’t care what they say about us
Anyways, I don’t care about that

“Hello?” I answered my phone.

“Good morning,” Peter said with a cheerful tone I wasn’t feeling.

“Good morning.” I said back.

“What’s wrong?” He asked immediately.


“Come on, you can tell me.” He said.

I sighed. “I got drunk yesterday and yelled at my parents.”

“I’m sure they understand.”

“I said some pretty mean things, Pete.”

“Like what?” He asked.

“Like blaming my dad that Nathan got shot and other stuff.” I didn’t know if he knew about my mom and John so I kept that to myself.

“You were drunk, you didn’t mean it.”

“I know. But it still doesn’t make it right.”

“What are you doing today?” He asked changing the subject and his tone to a much brighter one.

“Nothing, Tuesdays are free.”

“No work?”

“Not until tomorrow.” I sighed. “Why?”

“We’re going to a theme park.” He said.

“On a Wednesday?” I questioned.

“Uh, it’ll be empty!” He said.

I laughed at his spontaneous tone.

“Okay, which theme park?” I asked.

“Six flags!”

[Months Later]

Hanging out with Peter became more and more frequent. It was really fun to be with him. We would go on random--I want to say the words Play Date because they aren’t dates--anyways we would go to these random ‘play dates’ and had a blast together.

I started to smile more often.

My friends noticed and they were happy.

Now it’s my birthday and I just turned nineteen.

“Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear Melinda, happy birthday to you!” My brothers invaded my room and started jumping on my bed. I groaned and kicked them off my bed. I laughed as they whined.

“Feliz cumpleanos.” My mom said giving me a kiss on my forehead followed by my dad. (Happy birthday).

“Thank you.” I said stretching out of bed. Luckily my nineteen birthday landed on a Saturday.

“Um, your brothers and your dad and I will be gone at six for your party.”

I was having a party. I didn’t plan it. Linda and Maya did. They were so excited they go to plan it.

“No alcohol!” My dad said pointing his finger at me.

“I know.” I said annoyed that he’s been on my case all the time.

The maids and my nanny Laura sang to me as I entered the kitchen. Laura made a cake for me. It was of chocolate with strawberry filling, my favorite. I thank them and they sang to me in Spanish.

“Estas son las mañanitas, que cantaba el Rey David,
Hoy por ser día de tu santo, te las cantamos a ti,
Despierta, mi bien, despierta, mira que ya amaneció,
Ya los pajarillos cantan, la luna ya se metió.
Que linda está la mañana en que vengo a saludarte,
Venimos todos con gusto y placer a felicitarte,
Ya viene amaneciendo, ya la luz del día nos dio,
Levántate de mañana, mira que ya amaneció.
El día en que tu naciste nacieron todas las flores
En la pila del bautismo, cantaron los ruiseñores
Quisiera ser solecito para entrar por tu ventana
y darte los buenos días acostadita en tu cama
Quisiera ser un San Juan, quisiera ser un San Pedro
Para venirte a cantar con la música del cielo
De las estrellas del cielo tengo que bajarte dos
una para saludarte y otra para decirte adios.” I love to hear the Mexican version of Happy Birthday.

“Are you going to have a piñatas?” Manuel asked with bright eyes.

“I turned nineteen years not months.” I said and ruffled his hair.

“I love piñatas.” He mumbled and crossed his arms.

I laughed.

“I have to go pick up and Linda and Maya to start the decorations and whatnot.” I said and hugged everyone.

“Your forgot to blow out your candles and make a wish.” Laura said bringing the cake as I was walking away.

I smiled and closed my eyes.

I wish Nathan could wake up. What else could I wish for? I had health and luckily a stable economy. I had friends who loved me and my family. I only wanted one person and that was Nathan.

One year ago yesterday… he took a bullet for me and ended up in a coma. A year since I’ve last talked to him. Since he said ‘I love you’ to me. After I blew out the candles I walked out of the house.

I picked up Linda and Maya.

“So, do you have the decorations?” Linda asked.

She was a perfectionists so everything had to be perfect.

“Yes and yes to all of your other questions.” I said and she scowled at me. “I love you too, Linda.” I laughed and she stuck out her tongue at me.

“Well, then let’s get this started. What time are your parents leaving?”

“They said six.”


“They said no alcohol.”

“Well that sucks.” Maya frowned from the back.

Linda and I laughed.

“I’m not an alcoholic!” She shook her fist at us. Maya likes to drink. She’s definitely not an alcoholic but we know that if there’s drinks at the party Maya is sure to go.

“We know, we know.” Linda stifled a laugh along with me.

“Bitches.” She muttered.

We laughed harder.

“We know you’re not, we just like to make you suffer.” I said looking at her through the rear view mirror.

“Sadist bitches.” She muttered and folded her arms.

The decorations looked nice. Mostly just wall decorations and making sure nothing valuable was near anywhere in case people tried to bump or steal something.

I locked my dad’s office.

By six everything was set. My parents were taking Manuel and Victor to Disney Land and staying at the hotel. The staff had the weekend off so I had the house for myself all weekend until Monday.

The DJ arrived on time and started setting up. Since I was still a kid inside I got a jumpers of Batman, Spider-Man and TMNT. There was food and soda and of course a room with all kinds of games like DDR and Rock Band and plain karaoke.

I went to my room and changed into my party clothes. Linda and Maya were in their guest rooms doing the same.

She found a cute dress last week to wear for the party.

Knock! Knock!

“Come in.” I said as I zipped up the dress.

“Oh, hell no.” Linda said. I turned to her she was wearing a dress that was very revealing, but that was her. That was her style. “Tell me you’re not wearing that. That-that church dress.”

“It is not a church dress!” I defended it. “I found it at Forever 21.”

“Mels, this is a party not a social event.”

“Uh, that’s the definition of party.” I smirked.

She took my arm and pulled me out of the room. She dragged me to hers.

“Somehow I knew this was going to happen so I came prepared.” She said digging through her bag and took out a black fabric. She held it out to me showing me it.

“Uh, where’s the rest of it?” I asked I looked in the bag.

Linda laughs. “You’re so silly sometimes.” She pushed the fabric to me and walked out of the room. “You’re not leaving this room until you that dress on.”

I frowned. I looked at the dress like it was from another planet and to me it was because I didn’t wear those kind of dresses.

I got out of the cute dress I had and slipped on the black one. Oh, my Gosh it made my boobs look so huge! My entire back was exposed and though I had the body to fit it in I felt so naked.

“Linda!” I yelled.

She came in and smiled. “You look so hot!” She said.

“I look like a hooker, all I’m missing is the clear five inch heels.”

“You look hot and you’re nineteen, Melinda not twelve. You have body you should show off.”

“I don’t want to!” I growled.

“Too bad!”

We heard as the DJ started playing music.

“Looks like the party started.”

“Why do I let you influence me so?” I muttered as we walked out of the room together. Maya met us at the top of the stairs. She looked cute in her dress that looked from Forever 21. “Why can she wear something church-y?” I demanded.

“Because it’s not her birthday.” Linda said.

“Because it’s not her birthday.” I mocked her and she stock out her tongue. “Oh, so mature of you, how old are you again? Eighteen?”

“Still a year younger than you.” She said with her chin up. “Let’s go now.”

We descended down the stairs and eyes fell on us. I held my head up. I did look hot but not in a slutty way which brought me comfort. I looked at familiar faces from college classes and some people I’ve never met in my life.

I talked to colleges and had a good time. Somehow drinks got involved and I started to have some beers. Liquor right now would get me drunk too fast and I wanted to enjoy the party instead of throwing up and yelling at people.

“Wicked party?” A warm voice said in my ear.

I twirled around and saw Peter with a beer in his hand. He looked handsome. Really handsome… I had too many beers.

“HEY!” I hugged him. He hugged me back. “Glad you made it.”

“Me too, and you look… wow.” He said leaning back a little to get a good look at me. I saw as his eyes roamed all of my body. “You’re hot.” He said.

“Thank you and you look very hot too.” I smiled in a flirty way at him. I’m buzzed.

“Want to dance?” He asked.

“Definitely.” I said.