Status: Finished

Destiny Keeps Getting in the Way


“Careful!” I squeaked when Devlin lowers me to the couch. “Thanks.”

“No problem.” He said sitting on the coffee table. “I believe a reward is in order.” He smirked.

I raised an eyebrow and chuckled. “A thank you wasn’t enough for you?”

“It’s never enough.” He grinned and I rolled my eyes at him.

“Who were you visiting in the hospital?” I asked.

“My grandmother.” His tone changed. At least I knew he cared about his family.

I wanted to ask a question that’s been on my mind for a while now. I didn’t know if it was the right time but it didn’t look like he was leaving anytime soon.

“Are you a mobster?” I blurted out and I looked into his intense green eyes with a hint of hazel in them. Now that I could see clearly it wasn’t hazel, more like a golden color. “ And more importantly, are you really marrying Lucy?”

He didn’t answer at me. He just looked at me. There wasn’t a certain expression he just looked at me.

“You have chocolate brown eyes.” He grinned changing the subject.

“Don’t change the subject.” I waved my finger and he laughed.

“Yes and yes.” He answered.

I didn’t know which surprised me more, that was a mobster or that he was going to actually marry the hag from hell. I shifted myself so I was sitting up straighter.

“Does Lucy know what you do?”

He nods.

“I take you and Nathan still aren’t speaking.”

I looked away from him and to the wall across from me and glared at it. “Thanks to your fiancée.”

He chuckled and I just continued to glare at the wall across from me.

“It’s kind of your fault as well.” He pointed out.

“I know! But he didn’t have to find out… ever.”

“Is there really something going on between--”

“NO!” I answered before he could finish.

“You have no feelings whatsoever for Peter?”

“As a friend or a brother… but never anything more.” I answered truthfully.

“Have you told him?”

“A thousand times, but he won’t listen.” I frowned.

Devlin started to wonder around my place. I found it kind of rude since he didn’t ask me. He looked around and stopped at the bouquet of red tulips.

“The perfect lover.” He said as his fingers touched one of the tulips. He took one from the bouquet and smelled it. He walked back to the coffee table. He also had the card in his fingers. “Shakespeare.”

“Yeah,” I said.

“Peter?” He raised an eyebrow and I shook my head.

“I don’t know, I asked him and he said he didn’t send anything.”

“I could find out if you want.” He offered.

“Ehh, I rather not.”

“What if it’s a stalker?” He said with a serious tone.

“I highly doubt it. I don’t talk to that many people outside the hospital.”

“Kind of pathetic.” He said and I smacked his arm.

“I have a life for your information!”

“Yeah and his name is Nathan.”

I couldn’t argue with that. We locked eyes and he was smiling at me sincerely, at least I hope it was sincere. There was several knocks on my door. Okay more like pounding. It made me jump and Devlin got into defense position. I saw him reached behind him.

“You have a gun?!” I hissed in a whisper.

“Always prepared.” He shrugged. “Are you expecting anyone?”

I shook my head. I heard the cocking of the gun.

“MELINDA!!!” I recognized that yell.

“Hide that gun.” I hissed. “I think it’s one of my brothers.”

He raised an eyebrow and walked to the front door and checked the peep hole.

“There’s a bunch of people outside.” He opened the door.

“Melin--who are you?” That was my father.

“Papa!” I yelled and I saw as my father passed Devlin and into the apartment. He saw me and immediately sat down where Devlin had been.

Others came in as well and they surrounded me. Everyone and I mean everyone was there: my mom, dad, brothers, Linda, Maya, Jeff and Brian. The began to ask a million questions at the same time.

“SHHH!!!” I yelled and they shut up. “One at a time.”

“Who is he?” Linda pointed to Devlin… who wasn’t there anymore. “Where did he go?”

“That was Devlin and he’s a friend.”

“What happened to you?” Victor--one of my brothers--asked as he gestured to my foot.

“Um, I was running and I twisted my ankle.” I lied, I didn’t want them to worry.

“You were running in scrubs?” Brian asked.

“I work at a hospital.” I scoffed.

“Oh right, duh.” Brian said with a little laugh.

“Is it bad?” My mother asked me.

I shook my head.

“I’m going to make you some hot chocolate.” She said and went straight to the kitchen. I don’t know how she knew where it was.

“What are you guys doing here?” I asked.

“Christmas is in two weeks and we wanted to be with you.” Manuel--my other brother and the twin of Victor--said.

“Yeah, we figured you would be too busy,” Jeff said with his arm around Linda. “So we came to you.” He grinned.

“That’s so nice.” I looked at my family and friends.

“Where’s Nathan?” Manuel asked looking around.

Maya, Linda and I exchanged looks and I laughed nervously.

“At work…” I said not knowing what else to say.

“He sleeps here?” My dad raised an eyebrow.

“Sometimes and dad get with the 21st century.” I joked.

He could be really old fashion sometimes.

“Where are you guys staying anyway?” I would love to have all of them here but I had no room.

“We got the empty apartment across from yours.” My dad smiled.

“Yippee.” I shook my hands a little.

“We should all go unpack.” Linda announced saving me from explaining myself.

Everyone started to move and I was alone with Maya and Linda. They sat at the coffee table too.

“Are you going to tell them?” Maya asked.

I nodded. “But I’m not sure what to tell them. I’m not sure if we really broke up or not.”

“Men are confusing.” Linda shook her head.