Status: Finished

Destiny Keeps Getting in the Way


[Next Morning]

I woke up to the sound of my brothers arguing outside. For a quick second I thought I was back in Los Angeles back when I thought Nathan was in a coma and when I thought I was never going to see his clear blue eyes again. I laid in bed a little longer. Out there… there was reality and in here in my room… denial.

I could deny my life but… I had to work. I then remembered my ankle and how I wouldn’t go back until next Monday so I stayed in my bed. I wanted things to be normal. I wanted Nathan next to me right now, I wanted to see his smile and have him tell me he loves me.

The door slammed open and Manuel and Victor jumped on top of me and yelled ‘cannon’. I huffed as their weight came on me.

“You little squirts are a lot heavier than I remembered.”

Victor gasps. “She called us fat!”

“Liar!” Manuel said.

I was happy to have them with me, but I should really tell them about Nathan. I didn’t want them to ask in case he showed up to pick up the clothes from his drawer. My mom came in to tell us breakfast was ready and then she argued that I didn’t have enough food in the fridge. I told her I usually ate out and she was mortified to say the least.

I told her I would be out when I changed. They all went out and I had a smile on my face. It’s a good thing I had my family and friends with me right now because it would suck to be alone. I got up and went to the shower.

I removed the wrap and showered and then used a ointment to help with the pain and then wrapped it again. Brian helped me go to the kitchen. He got muscles.

“Thanks buddy.” I said as he set me down.

A plate of eggs and bacon was in front of me. I dug in and ate very good. I almost forgot how good of a cook my mother is.

“When’s Nathan coming over?” My mom asked.

Maya, Linda and I almost choked on whatever we were eating. I almost choked on a bacon strip. My mom patted my back as I coughed. My face turned red and I looked at Maya and Linda and they gave me a look that said ‘you have to tell them’.

“He is…” I started and then cleared my throat. “Well, the thing is… he… is at work!” I laughed and then Maya and Linda gave me another look of disappointment. I couldn’t do it and I don’t know why, maybe because I didn’t want them to know.

I didn’t want to explain my problems to them. Suddenly I wasn’t so hungry anymore. I told them I wanted to go to my bed. This time Jeff picked me up. He walked over to my room and set me on the bed.

He didn’t leave. He sat on the edge of the bed.

“I know about Nathan, Mels.” Jeff said.

I gasped. “How did you--Linda!” I cursed her name.

“Look, I might not be Rodrigo but I’m like your second best guy friend, right?”

The sound of Rodrigo’s name always brought a hollow feeling to my chest. No matter how many times I hear it doesn’t ever get any easier to do so. I thought about his question. Yes, he was my second best guy friend so I nodded.

“Then, Linda knows it and she told me. And Maya told Brian.”

I scoffed.

“They have no secrets, Mels.” Jeff defended them.

“Yeah but they shouldn’t be telling my life story.” I retorted.

“Right, but they care a lot about you.”

“Uh-huh, so are you going to tattle tale on me to my parents?”

“Of course not, that’s up to you to tell them.” He said. “Now I only got a briefing when I cornered Linda--”

“Cornered?” I laughed.

He shrugs. “I had to anyway, so something about Peter and Nathan and Muse?”

I sighed. “All right here it goes and pay attention because I’m so not repeating myself twice.”

He nods.

I took a deep breath. “For some reason Nathan thinks Peter is trying to get between but really he isn’t. So one day actually… last Sunday Peter asked me to go to a concert--Muse--they were here in London for one single night and I said yes and he said I shouldn’t tell Nathan because he would go a jealous hulk on us and I thought he’s kind of right so I didn’t tell Nathan. I told Nathan I was covering for a friend and so I went to the concert met the band--”

“Whoa, whoa… you met Muse?” He raised an eyebrow.

“Yeah, Devlin knows them and Devlin introduced Peter and Peter introduced me to them so--”

“Who’s Devlin?” Jeff interrupted again.

“Oh, Devlin is an old friend of Nathan he backstabbed Devlin by sleeping with Lucy and so suddenly Lucy and Devlin appear saying they’re getting married but I’m not so sure because I have this gut feeling is all a lie because Lucy ‘accidentally’ told Nathan I had gone to the concert with Peter and it started this huge fight about trust, secrets and betrayal. He thinks I’m sleeping with Peter.”

“Uh, are you?”

My eyes widen. “OF COURSE NOT!!!” I yelled.

“Sorry, but back in LA you and him used to be pretty tight. I mean he was there when you went to rehab and--”

“Yeah, yeah… look I know but I’ve always loved Nathan and I still do. I would never cheat on him with Peter. I’m not that kind of girl and you know it. I know what it feels like to be cheated on… to be lied to and so I know it’s partially my fault.”

He smiles. “At least you’re taking responsibility for your mistakes.”

“Yeah and I still end up boyfriend-less.”

The door opened and my mom peeked in her head. “Mija, the boys want to go around London to see stuff, and so do your friends… will you be okay alone for a few hours?”

“Yeah,” I smiled and looked at Jeff. “I recommend the restaurant near Big Ben it’s so good.”

“All right, Jeff, sweetie we leave in ten minutes.” My mom send me a kiss.

I looked back to Jeff. “I wasn’t lying about the restaurant.”

He chuckled. “All right. Well, I’ll see you later and thanks for clarifying things.”

“No problem, I have nothing to hide.”

Ten minutes later they all said good bye and I was left alone. My dad brought the TV to my room and my mom brought me munchies so I wouldn’t have to go to the kitchen. I turned on the TV and watched some shows.

I don’t know their names because I mostly watched movies and Emo Power Rangers. I went to my lap top which was on my desk top. I checked my e-mail. Dr. Albright asked me how I was.

I wrote to her I was fine since my family and friends had flown in for the holidays. She replied pretty soon because she said she would be honored to meet my parents at the Christmas Eve party.

During the after noon Marcela, Alondra and Mike called.

“Your family came all the way from Los Angeles?” Mike said in awe. “Mine won’t even send me a Christmas card.”

Someone took the phone from him. “It’s Marcela, how’s the ankle?”

“It’s fine. I’m just useless right now.” I whined.

“Hey! You helped a pregnant lady after she nearly smashed in two.” Marcela said. “You should be proud.”

“How’s the baby girl?” I asked. “Has any relatives come forward?”

“No, nothing. We found her wallet-the mother’s-but there’s nothing. No one to come forward.”

There was another shift of the phone. “It’s Alondra, if no one comes forward the little girl she’s going to an orphanage…”

“Wait… the mother died?”

“Just a few hours ago. We couldn’t stop the bleeding and…”

Alondra knew I knew the rest. I sighed.

The doorbell began to ring. I groaned.

“Someone’s at the door guys, I’ll call you later.”

“Bye!” They all chorused. I set the phone down. It was going to be trick to get to the door.

“WHO IS IT?!” I yelled.

“It’s Peter!”

Okay, so I didn’t have to get to the door now. “USE THE SPARE KEY!!!” It was under the fire extinguisher not too far from my door.

I heard as he opened the door.

“Where are you?!”

“Bedroom!” I yelled back.

Soon he was opening the door. He stepped in and when he saw me he gave me a small smile.

“Devlin told me about your ankle, how is it?” He asked as he sat on the edge of the bed.

I sat up straighter and let me foot touch the ground just a bit.

“Yeah, he tackled me to the ground.” I said remembering. “Hurt like a mother-cracker.”

He chuckled. “What happened to the pregnant woman?” He asked.

“She uh… died this morning but her little girl is all right, but we can’t find any family so… she might have to go to an orphanage.” I said sadly.

“That’s horrible.”

“Who knows? Maybe a nice family will adopt her.” I thought positive for this.

“Right. I also heard about the fight and possible break up between you and Nathan.”

I looked at him and sighed.

“Devlin, again, huh?”

He nods.

“It’s mostly my fault. I lied to him and he feels betrayed for some reason.”

“We didn’t do anything, does he know that?” He asked.

“He keeps thinking something is going on with us.” I laughed a little and then stopped. “Sorry.”

“I care about you, Melinda.” He said getting closer. I didn’t think any of it so I didn’t move. “I would never doubt your words.”

“Don’t start, Pete--”

“Why do you insist on staying with a jerk who doubts you?” I sensed the anger and jealousy behind his words.

“I’m the one who planted the doubt by lying to him! Why are you acting like this?”

“Because I’m sick of you wasting your time on someone who isn’t going to believe you. Who isn’t going to be there for you when you need the most.” He gestured to my ankle. “God, Melinda, if you were with me I would give you everything you wanted. Attention, love and most of all honesty! I wouldn’t let anything happen to you. I would make the world bow down to your feet.”

Okay… getting a little scared now.

He was getting closer and closer.

“Why can’t you see how much I love Melinda? I love you so much it hurts every night to lay in my bed alone when I know you deserve to be with me and me only.”

Before I could push him way he got on top of me and started to kiss me. It was a forceful kiss. He pressed his lips against mine. I used my hands to try to push him away but he got my wrist and put them above my head, he used his body to make me stop squirming.

This wasn’t good.