Status: Finished

Destiny Keeps Getting in the Way


I wanted to scream but his lips were kind of over mine. I did try to wiggle out even though his body was keeping me in place. Then a bright light turned on and I kneed him. He groaned and the grip on my hands is loosened. I take the opportunity and push him away, since he was caught off guard he fell to the floor. I didn’t care about my ankle and I got up and as he looked up at me I raised my fist and gave him a right hook right across the face.

I cradled my hand since it hurt like hell. I raised my foot to kick him but he caught it and he twisted it. I fell to the floor since my right leg was bad. He tried to crawl on top of me again but I used my feet and pushed him away. I crawled backwards to get away from him.

He tried to get me again but I used my free foot and hit him again across the face, bad choice because it turns out I used my sprained ankle to do it and I just hurt myself even more but at the moment--with the adrenaline pumping--I didn’t care about my ankle.

I got up using the counter as support and as Peter tried to get himself together I looked for something to defend myself. I found an umbrella next to the counter, it wasn’t much but it was going to help me defend myself. I took it and pointed to Peter, I leaned on my left foot and crippled my way over to the middle of the room. I took a stance of defense.

“Get the hell out, Peter!” I snarled at him.

Peter spat blood on the floor. I guess I kicked him on the nose and it brought blood. Good. That bastard deserves that and more.

“Melinda, ple--”

“No! I don’t want any fucking excuses! I want you out of here and don’t ever try to contact me Peter or I swear I’ll get a fucking restraining order.”

“I didn’t mean to--”

“I don’t care! Get the hell out!” I yelled at him. I didn’t feel as mad or angry as I felt betrayed. He was supposed to be my best friend. He got up and looked at me with pleading eyes. I shook my head. “Get out. Just get out, Peter.”

“I’m not giving up Melinda because you belong with me! I’ll make you see.” His eyes were full of something I’ve never seen before. There was so much anger, jealousy and most of all determination.

Without another word he left the room but I didn’t loosen my position until I heard the front door close. I fell to the floor exhausted. What took over Peter? I’ve never seen him so aggressive before. I took at my wrist and they were red and my lips felt bruised. I ran my hand through my hair and I tried to calm down. I wanted to cry. This reminded me so much of the time Jacob--Nathan’s cousin--tried to rape me… it was the night Nathan saved me.

Now, he didn’t because I drove him away. I did something my pride usually didn’t let me do. I crawled to my phone and called Nathan.

For some reason he actually picked up.

“Hello?” He answered.

When I heard his voice I just broke down. Everything just came tumbling down on me.

“You were right.” I said through my sobs. “Peter… he…”

“What did he do?” There was panic in his tone, he cared about me that made me feel a lot better.

“Can you please come? I don’t… want to be alone.” I confessed. I was afraid Peter might come back. I was afraid of my best friend! Ex-best friend.

“I’ll be there in ten minutes.”

We hung up. I smiled a little. He was there for me. I stayed on the floor and after about ten minutes the door opened of my room and Nathan was wearing a suit. His eyes searched the room until they landed on me.

He was by my side in seconds. He knelt down and cupped my face.

“What happened?” He asked.

“He broke… he just lost it.” I said.

His eyes searched for wounds on my body.

“He tried but nothing happened.” I said.

His hands went down to mine and I saw the anger flash through his eyes.

“He hurt you.” He growled.

“I can’t believe I didn’t see it before… I just shrugged it off all of the time but… I shouldn’t have.” I said.

“It’s not your fault… I should’ve been here.” He said. “What happened to your ankle?” He asked as he looked at it.

“Oh, um… I was almost ran over yesterday.” I said like nothing.

“What?!” He yelled.

“I’m fine, Devlin pushed me out of the way and in the process I guess I sprained my ankle though it hurts a lot more since I used it to kick Peter in the face.” I winced a little when I tried to move it.

“You were almost ran over and you didn’t call me?”

We locked eyes both of us knowing the answer to his question. He scooped me up and set me on the bed.

“Why did you call me?”

That I could answer.

“My family’s here and I didn’t have anyone else to call. I didn’t want to worry them.” It was only half true.

“Your mum and dad are here?” He asked.

I nodded. “Plus the twins and Maya, Linda, Brian and Jeff.”

“So the whole gang.” He smiled a little bit.

I laughed a little too. “Yeah.”

He checked my ankle and the touch of his skin against mine felt so familiar and safe. I winced again when he turned it a little.

“It’s not broken, but you’ll definitely need to stay off of it for a while.” He said.

“Great,” I muttered. I wiped away the tears from my eyes. “Could you not mention this to anyone?”

“You don’t want to worry your friends and family, I get it.” He said.

“They came for the holidays oh and they don’t know about the car incident. I told them I fell while running at the hospital.”

He wasn’t looking at me as I told him but he did laugh a little when I finished.

“What?” I asked.

“You’re still lying.”

I blushed of embarrassment.

“They’re called white lies.”

“But lies nonetheless, Melinda.”

“I’m only trying to protect my mo--”

“You’ve got to stop lying.”

“You are not the greatest example, Nathan.” I growled a bit.

He nods. “True.”

“Thank you for coming, I wasn’t sure you were.”

“What makes you say that?” He asked.

“We haven’t talked in days… you’re mad that I didn’t listen about Peter, even though you were one hundred percent correct.” I muttered.

“I understand why you didn’t believe me. He was your best friend, I get it. I went about it the wrong way.” He admitted. “I should’ve not blown up like I did.”

“I should’ve have lied about the concert. I’m sorry and I swear on everything that’s holy to me I didn’t sleep with Peter.”

We locked eyes again and I knew he believed me.

“I know that.”

I blinked. “You do? For how long?”

“Since you told me the first time.” He sighed.

I scoffed. “Really?”

“I know it was stupid of me to have even thought about it but… I just I’ve always known he loved you.” He said.

“It doesn’t matter if he loves me or not. I don’t love him and that’s what you should’ve counted.”

“How do I trust you again?”

“I trusted you after what you did to me.” I said. I raised my hand before he was going to talk. “You lied to me for years… how do you think I felt when I saw you awake? I felt betrayed… like I wasn’t good enough for the truth.”

“That’s how I felt too.” He said.

A silence took over us. Neither of us wanted to say anything and the silence was just so hurtful.

“So what now?” I asked.

He opened his mouth but the front door opened and a roar of laughter filled the air. My family was here.

“Please don’t say anything all right?”

“Of course.” Nathan said.
♠ ♠ ♠
