Status: Finished

Destiny Keeps Getting in the Way


Christmas Eve came around too soon. It was only a week away and I still had some things to get for Mike, Alondra and Marcela. My ankle was a lot better and I was back at work. The baby girl of the mother who died went to adoption. I felt really bad because the little girl literally had no family but soon some nice family would pick her and give her a good life. The adoption agreed to keep me updated about her monthly.

Nathan and I have been getting back on track. We kissed a couple of times and it was like kissing him for the first time, but each time was the first time. We haven’t had sex because well… my apartment is always full but neither of us minded because we wanted to take things slow.

What I’ve noticed is that he has someone following me around everywhere. I wasn’t stupid. I saw the same black car following me in the new one that he got me the same one so my parents wouldn’t suspect. I don’t know if it’s to protect me from Peter or that he doesn’t trust me, but I rather think it’s for the first one.

Peter has gone AWOL since the day I kicked him out. Am I worried? A bit, yeah, he’s a whole new different person.

It’s hard to deal with your best friend turning psycho. I’ll admit having that car follow me around made me feel a lot safer.

Right now, I’m in the mall looking for a present for Mike. Since he’s a guy it was a bit trickier to get him something that he would like. I already got Alondra some Gucci bag and Marcela a Prada bag.

I went to a store that had mostly men clothes and I asked an employee what is the ‘in’ thing for guys in England right now. All I know is that I bought Mike a shirt and pants that cost me three hundred dollars in total. I didn’t mind though. I have the money to spend thanks to my savings.

I was on my way back to the car when I saw a familiar car. I didn’t pay attention to it since I was more concerned about getting back home since it was already ten at night. I put the bags in the backseat and when I turned around I yelped when I saw Devlin.

I smacked his arm. “Goddamn it, Dev, you fucking scared the shit out of me!”

He chuckles. “Sorry, lad.” Two men appear behind him. There roughly around the same age as him.

Both of them had dark hair but the one on the right had bright blue eyes that reminded me of Nathan and the other had a darker shade of color. They were very attractive. The kind of attractive where you think you really don’t have a chance at all.

I smiled towards them.

“These are my friends Shane and Kane. Shane, Kane this is Melinda.” Devlin introduced everyone. I offered my hand for a handshake.

“Nice to meet you.” I said to Kane he was the one with the eyes like Nathan and the other one was Shane who had a really nice smile.

“We’ve heard so much about you, Melinda.” Shane said as I shook his hand.

“Thanks, I wish I could say the same but Devlin here has never talked about you.” I said with a warm smile.

“Aw, man, I thought we were friends.” Kane whined like a child and I could tell I was going to like Kane.

Devlin laughs. “I guess I was too focused her on beauty.” Devlin said with all seriousness.

I shook my head. “Such a flirt, dude, now what are you doing here so late?”

“Same as you,” Devlin pointed to the backseat of my car, “some late shopping.”

I laughed nervously. “Yeah, I had no idea what to get my friend Mike; he’s a dude so yeah.”

Devlin smiles. “It’s all right, I’m not a great shopper either but I had to get you something special.” He tapped my nose and I smacked his hand away.

“Nah-uh, dude. Hands off the merchandise.” I gestured to myself and laughed.

The others too.

“Well, I have to go before Nathan’s spy starts suspecting something.”

Devlin’s eyebrows furrowed. “You’re being followed?” He looked around as if the guy was going to jump out any second.

“Uh, yeah, after what happened with Peter… he’s not very comfortable with me being alone.” I said rocking back and forth on my heels.

He looks confused.

“Oh right,” I blushed, “he kind of tried to rape me a couple of weeks ago and ever since then Nathan has someone following me around everywhere.” I laughed a little at the end.

“He cares about you.” Kane said but it sounded more like he was surprised that Nathan cared.

“Yeah,” I just told two complete strangers I was almost raped. I didn’t think about it, it just slipped. Damn. “Well, I have to go. Nice meeting you Shane, Kane.” I nodded towards them.

I turned towards my door but Devlin’s hand stopped me.

“Have lunch with me tomorrow. I have a surprise for you.” Devlin smiled warmly at me. His green eyes were shining in the darkness.

“Uh, yeah sure, but it has to be quick.”

He smiled wider. “No problem, it’ll be fast, well depending on your decision.”

I furrowed my eyebrows a bit but nodded and got inside of my car. I turned it on and went off my way. Like always I saw the headlights of the black car behind me. I went to my apartment and was happy to see that my family was waiting for me.

Maya and Linda were making hot chocolate later.

[Devlin’s Point of View]

“She seems like a nice girl.” Kane said as we were back in my apartment to discuss my plans. You see I have different plans than Peter’s but Peter was a big help in getting to know Melinda a little better.

“She looks like a good fuck.” Shane said drinking from his whiskey.

I sent a death glare over him.

“She’s off limits boys.” I told them seriously. “I don’t want you scaring her, Shane.”

Shane looked offended and scoffed. “What do you mean?”

“I mean, don’t stalk her and don’t try to rape her. I know you.”

Shane grinned. “All right, fine.”

“If my revenge is going to work I need Melinda in her right mind to do what I want her to do.”

“What about Peter’s plan?”

“It isn’t going to work.” I said as I took a sip from my own whiskey.

“How do you know?”

“Because Nathan will stop at nothing to beg for forgiveness.”

Kane thought about it, he has always been a bit slow but then his eyes brighten up and he caught up. “Oh!”

I rolled my eyes.

“But… isn’t that going to hurt her too? I mean, I know you hate Nathan but Melinda has nothing to do with your revenge.” Kane said.

Once again I rolled my eyes. “Kane,” I growled, “she has everything to do with this because there is no one else Nathan cares most about than Melinda. He’s taken bullets for her. I’ve known Nathan most of his life and not one girl, including Lucy, captivated him more than Melinda Bella Gomez.” I poured myself more whiskey. “She is his Achilles and if I must hurt her in the process of my revenge so be it.”

[Melinda’s Point of View]

I blew on the hot chocolate and cuddled with Nathan. My family was gone across the hall to sleep and Nathan and I were taking advantage of the privacy.

“How was your day?” He asked.

“Didn’t you read the report your spy gave you?” I said in a joking matter but Nathan sighed deeply and he unwraps his arm around me. “I was just joking, Nathan.”

“I don’t want you to be in danger and Peter is dangerous.” He growled. His eyes turning cold.

“I know, baby, but I was just trying to lighten the mood. I went to work and then to the mall to buy Mike, Alondra and Marcela some presents because I hadn’t gone to get them. All right? How was yours?”

He didn’t answer me. He kissed me deeply. He took the cup from my hand and I heard as he set it down on the table next to the couch. He kissed me deeply and passionately. He pushed me until my back was on the couch cushions. His hands went to my hips and his fingers touched my skin and left it on fire.

He was magical man; he could get me distracted with a single kiss and let me lose myself in the passion. The hand on my hip traveled to my leg. His lips moved down my jaw line and went to my neck. I move my head aside so he could get all of the access he wanted. Damn, I wanted him so badly.

I felt myself getting wet and I felt his bulge getting bigger and bigger against my thigh. I moaned his name softly. “Nathan.” That seemed to set him off and his hand went under my shirt and lifted it over my head.

I did the same with his and I attacked his necks. I sucked, licked and nibbled where I wanted. I didn’t care if I was going to leave hickeys. He pulled my hair back and I let out a moan, remember I’m a bit kinky and somehow when he pulls me hair and rakes his nails down my body I just get a little more wild and aroused. Weird? Maybe. Who cares? He gives me pleasure and I don’t want no other.

He kissed my neck and when he bit me a little a louder moan escaped my lips.

“You like that?” He growled dangerously. I loved it.

I nodded.

I felt his smirk against my skin and I started to pant. I could hear my heartbeat as the seconds passed slowly, he teasingly kissed my neck.

“No games.” I whined.