Status: Finished

Destiny Keeps Getting in the Way


“You’re a sick fuck, you know that?” I growled in Devlin’s face.

He chuckled. “Oh sweetie, you don’t know the half of it.”

“Do you have any idea what this will do to two people who truly—“

“I don’t give a fucking shit, Melinda. All I want is to see Nathan on his knees in agony like I was!” He growled.

“Lucy isn’t fucking worth this shit.”

“This isn’t about Lucy.” He hissed. “This is about a brother betraying his own!” He slammed his fist on the table which caught some people’s attention.

“You can’t just… talk it out?”

Devin gave me the coldest look yet.

“You are truly stupid if you think that’s how men do it.”

I rolled my eyes.

“Here are the facts Melinda, I have evidence that will send Nathan to jail for all of his pathetic life and you can save him by cheating on him… with me.”

“So after he finds us together what’s going to happen then?”

“He’ll be in great pain. His heart will turn cold and it will eventually the hate inside of him will destroy him.”

“Like it did to you.” I concluded.

He pointed his finger at me. “Don’t fucking try to analyze me.”

“Uh-huh.” I said.

“I’ll call you when it’s time to do it.” He smirked at the last part. He got up and tried to kiss my cheek but I leaned away. He laughed. “Oh, and if you find Lucy and Nathan together or something, don’t believe it. Lucy slipped roofies in his tea or coffee so you’d think they were cheating.”

I furrowed my eyebrows. “How do you know that?”

“I would ask your ex-bestie Peter Pan.” He winked and walked away.

It didn’t take too long for me to figure it out. I shook my head and groaned. I banged my head on the table. I felt as though I was inside a fucking soap opera. I wanted out. I don’t want all of these problems, all of this drama but Nathan is so worth it.

I asked Dr. Albright if I could get out early like an hour or two and she said yes. I had to pay Peter a visit but before that I had to ditch Nathan’s body guard which shouldn’t be hard considering I knew every exit in his hospital. I would have a cab waiting at the basement parking lot.

For the rest of the day I acted like a zombie. I didn’t say much and smiled when needed. When it was time to go early I called the cab and asked the driver to be at the basement parking lot.

Soon, I was on my way to Peter’s working place.

I walked into his fancy restaurant in scrubs and demanded to talk to Peter. As always the host went off saying I shouldn’t be shouting and that I should be civilized. I yelled his name and I was kicked out. I saw as Peter walked out of the restaurant with a confused look.

“Melinda, babe, I’m so sorr—“

I punched him for the second time. He cradled his face and I took the chance and punched him in the stomach and then again on the face.

“I love Nathan and nothing will change that. So your plan about drugging him and having me think he cheated on me with Lucy won’t work! I want you out of my life. I don’t ever want to see your ugly face again, Peter. Whatever chance you had of being my friend again has been destroyed!!!” I yelled at the top of my lungs.

I went back to the cab and told him to drive me back to the hospital. Angry tears fell down and I silently cried letting all of my problems out.

I paid the driver once I was back in the hospital. I called Nathan’s cell phone and it went straight to voice mail.

“Baby, um, it might be too late but don’t drink anything Lucy gives you. Please… I can explain later. I’m going to your office to check on you right now.”

I hung up and went through the front entrance. I saw Nathan’s body guard waiting under the roof because it started raining. I went to my car and raced to Nathan’s office. I parked and went straight to his floor. It took a while to get there but I found out they weren’t in his office.

His penthouse. I went back to my car.

I knocked on his door. I heard footsteps but they were too light to be Nathan. Lucy opened the door and her eyes widen.

“What are—ahhh!!!” I took her by the back of her head and shoved her out of my way. I looked around and found Nathan passed out on the couch.

I turned back to Lucy and she had a scared look on her face. I walked up to her.

“I’ve wanted to do this since I first met you.” I growled and punched her. She fell down and I straddled her and punched her over and over again. I stopped when I saw the blood on my knuckles. I got off of her and she was screaming as she saw the blood on her hands.

“You crazy bitch!” She took her purse and ran away. Before I went back to Nathan I cleaned my hand.

My knuckles hurt like hell but it was so worth it. I took out my frustration on her. I went back to Nathan. He would be asleep probably the whole night. I called my parents and told them I was staying over at Nathan’s but they were welcomed to go to my apartment.

I let Nathan sleep as I looked around and on the coffee table were two cups of coffee. I took the one without the lipstick mark and went to the kitchen and threw the rest of the liquid down the sink.

I started to think what I was going to tell Nathan when he wakes up. I could tell him Peter’s plan. I have to because there’s no way I could explain why Lucy slipped a roofie in his drink. I slept on the loveseat while Nathan was on the long couch.

I brought blankets and put one over him and I used another one for me. I fell asleep around eight. I was too tired to do anything else. I dreamt of Nathan and I getting married and then I heard gunshots and at the door was Devlin holding the gun.

He pointed at me and shot and it hit me in the chest. I heard screams and chaos around me in my dream. I woke up when I felt something shake me.

I opened my eyes and it met Nathan’s blue eyes.

“What’s wrong?” He asked. “You look pale.”

I stood up and rubbed my eyes. “Nothing, bad dream. Uh, how are you feeling?”

“Headache… how did I get here?” He asked.

I told him that Devlin tipped me off saying he overheard Peter and Lucy discussing to drug him and making me think he slept with Lucy. He was furious. I told him to calm down because he was still drowsy from the drug.

“I can’t believe she drugged me.” Nathan sighed.

I smiled weakly. “It’s all right. I got here before anything happened. I kicked the crap out of Lucy.” I smirked.

He smirked too.

“You’re not as defenseless as you were before.” He pecked my lips.

“I was never defenseless, as I remembered I did almost escape the first time you caught me.” I poked his chest.

“I’m going to take care of Peter and Lucy.”

I frowned. “You’re not going to… kill them, are you?”

He shook his head. “Why would you think that? I’m just going to make sure Peter doesn’t work in restaurant ever again and with Lucy… I’ll just make her think her parents cut her off.”

I smiled. “Sounds good, but you should shower. It’ll help you. I’ll make you some breakfast.”

He smirked. “I get my own personal nurse.”

I rolled my eyes. “Go shower.”

He kissed me deeply and then went to the bathroom. He was a bit wobbly but that was normal. I went to his kitchen and took out a carton of eggs and ham. I started the heat the pan and while it was heating up I cracked some eggs on a plate and started to beat it. I shook some salt on it and then cut the ham in small pieces.

I put the ham in the pan and it started to fry. I made sure it was nice and cooked before pouring the eggs and mixing them together. It was quick and delicious. I took out the ketchup because I love to pour ketchup all over my eggs.

When I set the table and the plates Nathan walked out of the bathroom with only a pair of pants. His body was definitely something you see in a Calvin Klein male underwear billboard. Something girls—like me—drooled over.

I bit my bottom lip. He was mine. But not for long.

His smile towards me made my heart skip a beat and my cheeks heat up. After all this time he still did it to me. I smiled right back.

“You still make me nervous.” He said hugging me from the side and pecked my cheek and neck which made me shudder in the best way possible.

“I make you nervous? You walk in here half naked and I make you nervous in these scrubs?” I said and he laughed which made me smile.

“You make anything look sexy.” He whispered in my ear.

My heart went faster. “We should eat. You need to get some good vitamins in your system.”

He was surprised to say the least but he didn’t say anything and took a seat. I placed the food of plate and he started to eat. I sat across from him and poured the ketchup on my eggs.

“You are the weirdest girl ever.” He gestured to the bunch of ketchup on my eggs.

“Psh, you should talk. Who the hell eats pickles and peanut butter?”

“A lot of people and you should know I learned that from the Americas.” He said like it made a difference.

“It’s still gross.”

“Your eggs and ketchup is gross.”

We both laughed.

“I’m sorry.”

I raised an eyebrow.

“About what?”

“Hiring Lucy as my secretary.”

I shrugged.

“We’ve both made mistakes.”

He continued to smile. I wanted to smile back but I just kept eating. I hated this. I hated Devlin and I hope one day I could throw him down a dark deep pit with alligators so they could eat him.