Status: Finished

Destiny Keeps Getting in the Way


The club was packed. The music was loud and people are grinding on each other. We looked for a table and found one that would fit all of us. Brian, Jeff and Nathan went off to get drinks. The girls and I were ecstatic.

“This is great!” Linda yelled.

“I know!” I yelled back.

“There are so many cute guys here. Next time we’re coming alone!” Maya said.

“You bet!” Linda said.

The boys came back with drinks. In England the drinking age was eighteen so guys could drink as well. Nathan gave me a shot of tequila. We clicked our shot glasses and drank until the bottom. We set the shot glasses down and swallowed. My face was red and my throat burned.

Nathan and I kissed deeply. The alcohol in our breaths was just turning us on more. A remix of Love Game came on and Linda and Maya wanted to dance so we all took our men to the dance floor. Nathan and I danced face to face. His hand on my hip and I had a single arm around his neck. He turned me around so my back was to his chest. He wrapped an arm around my waist and kept me real close.

I wanted to be like this forever.

No problems, just us enjoying a little bit of tranquility. He kissed my neck playfully and it made me giggle and moan a little at the same time. His lips on my skin made me wild.

My hips moved side to side and every now and then I would move them back to Nathan’s area and he would groan lowly which gave me chills.

“I love you so fucking much.” He said into my ear.

I smirked.

“So do I.”

He turned me around again but this time he took me away from the dance floor.

“Nathan, I like this song, come on.” I insisted.

“We’ll go back… just wait.” He said digging into his pocket and took out a brown box. He opened it and a ring was inside.

My eyes went wide.

Don’t propose, don’t propose. I thought.

“This is a promise ring,” he said and I was able to breathe right, “and I promise you that one day we’ll get engaged.”

I giggled. “We’re engaged to be engaged.”

He laughed too.

“Yes and I know it’s corny.”

“Corny is totally our life story.” I said holding out my hand to him. “I accept your promise.”

He slipped the ring on my finger.

We kissed again.

Our tongues fought for dominance and he let me take it so I explored every inch of his beautiful mouth. My hands went to his arms and I loved the feeling of them. He took dominance and kissed me like was going to eat me. I kissed him back just as hard and passionate.

We parted after a while breathing heavily.

“When we have kids I hope they have your eyes.” He said putting a strand of my hair behind my ear.

“Are you kidding? They better have yours. It’s one of the things I love most of you.”

He laughed. “I fell in love with your stubbornness.”

“I bless the day you kidnapped me.”

He laughed harder.

“I do too. Did you think you would meet the love of your life by getting kidnapped?”

“Did you think you would fall in love with your hostage?” I countered.

“No.” He said. “But I’m happy. You make me happy.”

“So do you.”

“It’s crazy how much I love you, Melinda. It’s hard to breathe thinking I’ll ever lose you or something.”

I cupped his cheeks and made him look straight into my eyes.

“No matter what you have to know I’ll always love you.” I told him.

“I know, baby. You’ve proven how much you love me by forgiving me after what I did to you.” He told me. “I was surprised when you forgave me.”

“I love you too damn much and as much as I wanted to hate you the love in my heart didn’t let me.” I said and looked at my ring. “Let’s go dance!”

We went to the dance floor again and danced for a good while. When we were both tired we went back to our table where Jeff and Linda were making out. Once Nathan and I were there they stopped.

Nathan went to get us some beer. I know, why are you drinking if you’re a recovered alcoholic? Well, I have control now. I’m not going to get drunk. I’m just going to drink to have a good time.

Nathan came back with the beer and we started to talk about the past.

He told me about his difficulty of getting better but the thought of seeing me again kept him going.

I was so proud of him.

He told me he gave up a lot of times but every month I called he would get more and more courage. I talked about times when funny things happen to me like how I used to be late to classes because I overslept or the one time I got into a car accident but that wasn’t my fault. Someone hit my from behind which made me hit the person in front of me.

It was great to be out.

“Look here!” A voice said.

I turned to see… “Charles!” I squealed and went to hug him. He had his arms open and he hugged me. “It’s so good to see you!” I yelled over the music.

“And you too, though you’ve forgotten about me.” He said.

“Never, it’s just been really busy with life.” I said.

“Charles,” Nathan said coming next to me, “it’s good to see you, mate.” They gave each other a man hug.

“You too man. I’m still hurt you didn’t tell me you were awake!” He said joking. “But it’s good to see you two are together.”

Nathan wrapped an arm around my waist and pecked my cheek.

“She’s my life.” He said.

I hugged him from the side.

“I hear you and Devlin are friends again.” Charles said.

At the sound of his name my perfect little bubble was shattered.

“Yeah, he has forgiven me about… the whole Lucy shit.” Nathan said.

I wanted to scoff or to roll my eyes but I resisted.

“You two were like brothers, I’m glad it all got sorted out.”

“Are you here by yourself?” I asked changing the subject.

“Nah, I’m here with Devlin and his friends Shane and Kane.” He gesture to behind him in the VIP section. “Shane saw you and Nathan and Devlin told me to get you and your friends.”

“Yeah,” Nathan said.

“Uh—yeah sure.” I forced a wide smile. “I’m going to tell the guys.” I said getting away from Nathan and went back to the table. Jeff and Linda looked at me. “Hey, a friend is inviting us to the VIP section.”

“So cool!” Brian said getting off the stool with Maya and they followed me back. I looked up to see Devlin and he winked at me. I looked at Nathan; he wasn’t looking when he did that.

I was having a great time and he had to just fucking ruin it. We went to the VIP section. Brian and Jeff were admiring every little thing.

“God, he’s so cute.” Linda said gesturing to Shane. I looked at her in awe.

“You have a boyfriend!” I hissed.

“Doesn’t mean I can’t look.” She said sheepishly.

I rolled my eyes.

“Hello!” Devlin said. He shook Nathan’s hand along with Brian’s and Jeff’s. He gave me a peck on the cheek and lingered for half a second but it was noticeable. He pecked Linda’s and Maya’s as well. “I’m Devlin O’Brien.”

“This is Linda, Maya, Jeff and Brian, Melinda’s friends from California.” Nathan said.

“A pleasure to meet you all.” Devlin said. “These are my lads, Shane and Kane.” Kane and Shane waved at them. “Sit, order whatever you want. It’s all on me.”

Jeff and Brian were extremely happy about that. Devlin sat next to Nathan and I. I switched from beer to just plain water. I didn’t want anything happening like something getting slipped in my drink.

“How are you two?” Devlin asked.

“Fine.” I said.

“I wanted to thank you about telling us about Lucy’s and Peter’s plan.” Nathan said.

He was in on it! But I kept my mouth shut.

“Yeah, once I found out Lucy was just using me I had to tell Melinda and it was a good thing I ran into her in the hospital.” Devlin had his eyes on me but I was looking away.

“She’s always been a heartless bitch.” Nathan said.

“We’re lucky to have made it out.” Devlin said.

“I have Melinda and that’s all I need.” Nathan said to me and I smiled just for him.