Status: Finished

Destiny Keeps Getting in the Way


[Christmas Eve]

I applied my eyeliner. It was the final touch for my makeup. I saw myself in the mirror and smiled. I checked the back of the dress and made sure everything was in place. I slipped into my heels. I picked up my brush and put some of the hairs down. After putting the brush down I looked at my hand with the ring and grinned.

Things were well. Things were extremely well.

Minus the whole ‘cheating’ on Nathan with Devlin thing it was all good. Devlin has remained MIA since the club.

I walked out of my room to join the party I was hosting. Dr. Albright was speaking to my parents. Manuel and Victor were watching something on TV. My friends from here were mingling with my friends from California. It looked like one big happy family. There was also some nurses and staff from the hospital and some workers from Nathan’s office.

He surprised me from behind and wrapped his arms around me and kissed my neck.

I giggled at this.

“It’s wonderful. You look… I don’t have the words for it.” He said turning me around so he could look at me.

“Thank you and you look absolutely handsome.” I said getting him by his jacket and kissed him long, hard and deep. His lips were perfect for mine.

He knew how to kiss me. He knew what made me weak.

I love the taste of him and the feel of him against me.

I was getting myself worked on. I needed to stop. We pulled from the kiss grinning like fools.

He and I went around meeting his friends from his work. He introduced me to his boss. His boss told him all those cliché lines like ‘Lucky catch’ and ‘Don’t you let her go’. I laughed lightly at that. They were all friendly. I spotted Charles and I excused myself from Nathan’s group of friends and sneaked behind Charles and covered his eyes.

“You’re about to be raped.” I said in a deep voice.

“Ooh,” Charles said in a falsetto voice, “do remember to use the whip, sire.”

I laughed hard and put my hands to the sides and Charles turns around and gives me a hug.

“Merry Christmas, ho, ho, ho!” He said impersonating Santa Claus.

“You too.” I said.

“Look at you.” Charles said looking me up and down and I twirled around just for him. “You’re gorgeous. Nathan is one lucky bastard.”

I smirked. “He is, isn’t he?”

“I would jump your bones right now, if it wasn’t for Nathan’s scary punches and kicks.” Charles joked.

I laughed.

“Are you here by yourself?” I asked.

“Nope, I have my,” he whispers this part, “girlfriend of the week.”

A pretty redhead girl appeared next to him. She had freckles but it wasn’t that noticeable and it made her kind of cute looking. I extended my hand.

“I’m Melinda.” I said.

“Cheryl.” She said with a shy smile. “You’re the host, right?”

I nodded.

“It’s a great party.” She said. “And Charles has talked a lot about you.”

“Yeah, he and I go way back.” I smirked towards Charles.

“That’s nice.” Cheryl said with a hint of jealousy.

I smiled. “You should meet my boyfriend, Nathan, he’s Charles best friend.”

“Oh yeah!” Charles said. “Nathan! Mate, come over here!” Charles called Nathan.

I saw as Nathan walked over to us and he wrapped an arm around my waist.

“Evening.” Nathan said extending his hand to Cheryl and placing a soft peck on the top of her hand.

Cheryl blushed and stared at Nathan.

“This is Cheryl, Charles’ girlfriend.” I said. I’m not jealous… okay a little because she was staring at him like he was a God. She was undressing him with her eyes!

“Lovely to meet you.” Nathan said. “I’m Nathan Fullerton.”

Cheryl snapped out of it. “Nice to meet you too.”

“Well, we should go before she starts raping Nathan.” Charles said as he whisked Cheryl away.

I turned to Nathan with a grin.

“See? You’re irresistible, baby.”

“As are you. I saw as my friends checked you out.”

I chuckled. “But she was totally undressing you with her eyes.”

“That she was, like you used to.” He smirked.

I blushed. “Yeah… I still do… when you’re not looking.”

He tickled my sides and I squealed.

We went to the kitchen and got something to eat. Soon everyone was leaving to join their families. Cheryl and Charles stayed.

We watched a couple of movies that were on TV. There was the usual The Grinch Who Stole Christmas and A Christmas Carol. In our family we didn’t wait until the next day to open presents. We did it at midnight.

The tree in my apartment was full of presents.

At midnight Manuel and Victor attacked the tree and went for their presents. They opened Nathan’s first which was Guitar Hero III for each one. They opened my parents which was a hundred bucks because they had no idea what they wanted. They opened mine and they got I-Pod Nano with recording camera. Jeff and Brian got them an X-Box 360 and Linda and Maya got them shirts from Hot Topic.

I went for my presents. Linda got me the new edition of A Nightmare Before Christmas that came with a Jack Skellington necklace. Maya got me a bag of toys to use for sex. I mean it had lubricant, a book about different positions, message oil and flavored condoms. I can truly say I was expecting this from Jeff or Brian but not Maya. I didn’t show it to my parents, duh!

My parents got me a camera. It was the one with Ashton Kutcher (yummy) advertised on TV with the whole touching thing. Manuel and Victor got me an awesome mash up CD from all of my favorite songs. It was touching.

Then came Nathan’s present. He told me to close my eyes and I did. A necklace? A ring? A bracelet?

Bark! Bark!

I opened my eyes and a small dog licked my face. Everyone aw-ed. He got me a puppy.
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