Status: Finished

Destiny Keeps Getting in the Way


My brothers went all wild with the puppy. Linda and Maya loved him. Nathan looked at me.

“You’re the best.” I said pecking his lips. He pecked them back.

“Yes, yes I am.” He said.

I punched him playfully.

The best Christmas of my life because I was with Nathan, my family and friends because the last Christmases have been horrible and always awkward because my family would look at me like I would break any second.

But now I was with Nathan and happier than ever. After much more talking and drinking everyone went to sleep. Nathan and I went to my room and undressed and got into our PJ’s. I think we were both too tired since it was four in the morning. He wrapped his arms around me and kept me close as we went to sleep.

I had a beautiful dream. Nathan and I were old and living in the country where there were hills for miles and miles. The smell of the air was fresh and so beautiful. I felt so complete and happy. His eyes were as bright as they always have been. His hair was gray and so was mine and our hands was so wrinkly but there was so much love in his eyes and mine as well. We loved each other even as this old.

I was awakened by the feel of something going down my cheek. I fluttered my eyes open and I was staring right into his crystal blue eyes. I immediately smiled.

“Hey there gorgeous.” Nathan said.

I scoffed. “I must look like hell.”

“Hmm, a little.” He joked and I scoffed again and punched him again. “I’m joking, pet; you’ve never looked so beautiful.”

“Now you’re a liar.” I said as I stretched and I felt something heavy at the end of the bed. I looked over to see the puppy sleeping. I smiled. “I haven’t named him yet.”

“What would you like to call him?” He asked.

“Rodrigo.” I said.

“Love it.” Nathan said.

We stayed in bed until my room was raided by my little brothers. They came for Rodrigo. They weren’t surprised when I named him Rodrigo. Nathan and I got up. I changed into something and then went to brush my hair. Nathan came up behind me and then bit my neck.

I laughed because it tickled. “What the hell was that for?”

“What? Girls are into the whole vampire thing.”

I furrowed my eyebrows.

“Vampire thing?” I asked.

“Twilight and shit.”

“I can honestly say I have no idea what you’re talking about.” I said sincerely.

“You’re joking, right?” Nathan said.

“Uh no, what’s Twilight?” I asked.

“What’s Twilight?!” Linda said from my door. “Only the best book ever!”

“Is it good?” I asked.

“Good?” Linda scoffed offended. “It’s brilliant. I’ve talked about it for months!”

“I don’t really pay attention.” I said shamefully.

Linda rolls her eyes. “Figures.”

“So Twilight is about vampires?” I asked.

“I feel kind of weird that I know about it.” Nathan said.

I laughed and shrugged. “I don’t really care.”

“How are you a Harry Potter fan and not a Twi-hard?” Linda said with her hands on her hips.

“Twi-what?” I asked.

“The guy that plays Cedric… something—“

“Diggory.” I corrected her.

“Well that guy, Robert Pattinson, plays the beautiful and mysterious Edward Cullen.”

“Are they blood thirsty vampires?” I said hopeful.

“No, he’s a vegetarian vampire that only feeds on animals and instead of burning the sunlight he shines like diamonds and his eyes are topaz colors because he feeds on animals.” Linda said a little too excited.

“Okay,” I said extending the word and laughed nervously, “that sounds nothing what Ann Rice has written and she’s the best vampire writer I know.”

“Get with the 21st century, Mels.” Linda said. “Breakfast is ready… even though it’s like two in the afternoon.” She laughed and walked away.

“Twilight is confusing. I rather stick to my blood thirsty vampire from Interview with a Vampire.” I grinned.

Nathan hugs me. “My weird, weird girlfriend.”

“Would you like me all over some… fictional character?”

“Hmm, good point.” Nathan said and we walked out of my room.

[A Week Later and a half]

My family and friends were ready to go back to California. School was going to start again for Maya and Linda.

I hugged my brothers and my parents and my friends. I was going to need their support for what was going to come. Devlin has made no contact with me which makes me uneasy. I asked Nathan about him and he told me Devlin left to Ireland to be with his family for the New Year which was only about three days ago.

I was relieved but I knew he was going to come back and that was the bad part. He could rot in Ireland for all I cared. I hugged Linda and Maya tightly and promised them that next time I would go over to California.

On the ride back to my apartment I looked out the window and thought about just life in general. I kept complaining how I had it bad when other girls were suffering a lot more than I. I just wished life was simple. I wanted problems to be solved on their own and I didn’t have to work too hard on getting my life together.

Back at my apartment Nathan and I talked about what we were going to do for the rest of the day. I told him all I wanted to do was stay in. He agreed and cancelled his day for me. We went to the living room and started to get cozy when the doorbell rang. I groaned.

Nathan laughed and kissed the top of my head. “I’ll get it love.”

I pulled the covers over me and turned on the TV. I heard as Nathan spoke to someone. Rodrigo jumped on the couch with me and I hugged him tightly.

“Love, come here for a second.” Nathan called me.

I put Rodrigo down and walked over to the front door. I was surprised to see Cesar standing at my door. He looked different. He wasn’t drunk for once and he was tidy up and clean.

“Hey,” I said and looked over to Nathan for an answer, “what’s up?” Then two men appear behind Cesar. One of them stepped up.

“I’m Agent Ganong, are you two Melinda Gomez and Nathan Fullerton?” Agent Ganong asked.

I nodded. “Yes.”

“We need to speak to you immediately.” Agent Ganong said in a very serious tone. I looked over to Nathan.

“Let me see your credentials.” Nathan said.

Agent Ganong showed Nathan his badge and Nathan examined it careful. Nathan nodded towards me and we let the three men come in. Rodrigo barked at them.

“Shush, Rodrigo.” I told the puppy nicely but of course, it’s only a puppy and it didn’t. So I picked him up and took him to my room. I went back to the living room wondering what possible could the FBI want with Nathan and I.

I sat down next to Nathan and we held hands. It was all very like in the cop shows. I thought we were about to receive some kind of very bad news.

“A week ago Juan Rodriguez escaped from prison in California and has been spotted here in London.” Agent Ganong said.

Juan Rodriguez, Cesar’s father, the man who shot Nathan and almost forced me to marry Cesar. He was the one responsible for the whole thing. If Nathan had not been shot then we wouldn’t have been in the accident in the ambulance and he wouldn’t have been in a coma. Things would’ve been so differently if it weren’t for that man.

Nathan wrapped his arm around me and held me close to him as if Juan was going to jump out any second and kill us.

“You think he’s after me.” Nathan said.

Agent Ganong nodded, “We think he’s here for the both of you.”

I looked over to Cesar and he had an actually concerned look.

“How do you know he’s after us?” I asked.

“He was spotted in the hospital you’re working Ms. Gomez.” The other Agent said she was at least thirty and had a polite tone. “I’m Agent Shuester and I’ll be here to protect you.”

I looked to Nathan and he had that old mobster look in his face. Fuck, just keep on piling to the piece of shit I have to deal with. I closed my eyes and let out a long sigh.

“Why are you here?” I asked towards Cesar.

“I’m a different man, Melinda; I wanted to make sure nothing happens to any of you.” Cesar said. “I helped the FBI track down my father.”

“What happens now?” Nathan asked with gritted teeth. He was holding back anger.

“We have someone posted outside this building at all times and you will have protection wherever you go, both of you.”

“I don’t need it.” Nathan said. “Melinda is already being taken care of.”

He spoke of his own bodyguard that followed me everywhere.

“Still this is a matter of the government and the British government has given us authority to station a couple of agents here and at your work place.” Agent Ganong said. “This man is dangerous.”

“We know.” I said. “Do you know how long this might take?”

“We think he’s going to make his move soon.” Agent Shuester said.

After a couple of minutes of being filled in the Agents left. I looked outside my window and sure enough there were about two black cars that definitely looked government like.

“This can’t be happening.” I groaned as I rubbed my face in frustration.

Nathan hugged me. “Don’t worry, that son of a bitch isn’t going to come fifty feet near you. I promise.” Nathan cupped my face and pecked my lips. “I need to go, you’ll be fine.”

“Nathan… don’t do anything… mobster-y.” I pleaded him.

He looked into my eyes and saw what I meant.

He kissed me deep and long.

“I can’t allow anyone to hurt you.”

“But there are agents all around. We are safe, plus your men. Nathan… let them take care of this and stay with me.”

Nathan was having an internal struggle about staying or leaving. He decided to leave even though I was against it.

I was left alone. I bet the agents already had my phones tapped, probably had it tapped for a while. I went to my room and got Rodrigo and went back to the living room. The sound of the TV was the only one in the apartment. My cell phone went off.

The phone didn’t recognize the number but I still answered it.


There was only heavy breathing on the other line. It had to Juan Rodriguez.

“Juan Rodriguez?” I asked and there was a click he hung up on me.

Goose bumps formed on my arms.