Status: Finished

Destiny Keeps Getting in the Way


Is it impossible for me to ask for a normal life? Yes, I think so. Not only did the call freak me out, it made me paranoid. But now with the subway accident I was too busy to worry. So, here’s my second question, is it bad that I’m happy that I’m too distracted with burn and hurt victims to worry about my life? I’m pretty sure that’s a yes.

Mike had to cover the patients I had on the third floor because a lot of nurses were needed in the ICU. Plus, Keith was still waiting for his family to come because we were having difficulty getting through. So I spent the next two weeks talking to Keith and checking on the others.

I would only get home when it was late so I avoided Nathan pretty well. We would talk on the phone but as far as seeing each other that proved to be more difficult, well I made it difficult.

At lunch on a Thursday I was having a perfectly quiet lunch with my friends when I saw Devlin at the corner of my eye. He had a bright smile on his face that I wanted to smack off.

He approached my table.

“Afternoon, ladies.” He said.

“Hi.” Marcela said.

“I’m going to steal, Mels, here.” Devlin said grabbing my arm.

I smiled so they wouldn’t suspect anything and followed Devlin to the corner of the cafeteria.

“What do you want?” I snapped.

“Whoa, where is the attitude coming from?”

I gave him an ‘are you serious look?’

He laughed.

“I know. Getting blackmailed and watching your back for a crazy man must be stressful.”

“Thinking of backing out?” I asked.

“Not a chance, lad.”

I rolled my eyes. “You’re a sick bastard.”

“So you’ve told me.” He said.

“You have a date then?”

“Yes, I do. This Sunday.”

So I had a couple of days to stress over it so I could suffer. Perfect. I looked away from him and held back the tears.

“I’m sure you’ll move on. You’re pretty hot. You’ll find someone. Maybe next time you won’t pick one with such a complicated past.” He smirked. “Toddles.”

Just one good punch or kick in the nuts is all I ask for.

I walked back to my table and ate silently.

I arrived at my house around ten or ten thirty. I almost worked for eighteen hours. I should slow down but it was the only way to avoid Nathan at all costs.

I went to my room and took my I-Pod with me. I lay in bed and just listened to somewhat depressing music like Marilyn Manson’s ‘Running to the edge of the world’, ‘Never say never’ by the Fray and ‘Violet Hill’ by Coldplay.

I missed Rodrigo and like on cue Puppy Rodrigo jumped on my bed. He barked and wagged his tail. He missed me. I gave him a sad smile.

“I don’t know what to do, Rodrigo. I’m so lost.”

The puppy gave me a sad look too. I smiled and hugged him.

“Why did you have to die?” I sobbed. I don’t know where the tears had appeared but they were there. “I need my best friend and you’re gone and I can’t talk to anyone.”

I don’t know for how long I cried but it was until I fell asleep.

I had dreams of being captured by Juan and getting tortured. I woke up to a buzzing sound. I opened my eyes. Rodrigo was asleep with me but when the second buzz came he was wide away. I reached over to the nightstand and took the phone.

I answered.


“Sleepless night?” Mike asked.

I groaned and looked at my phone. It was nine… IT WAS NINE!!! I should’ve been in the hospital an hour ago.

“It’s all right, I clocked you in but you need to get your butt over here.”

“Thanks, bud.”

“You owe me a beer.”

“I’ll buy you a whole dozen.” I said as I got up and rushed to the bathroom.

I took a quick shower and when I went to my room to change I noticed something. Rodrigo wasn’t barking. I slowly walked out of my room and checked the living room and the kitchen. Nothing. I gulped and reached for the phone to get one of the agents but then something hit me and I blacked out.