Status: Finished

Destiny Keeps Getting in the Way

The End

It’s been a couple of weeks since Nathan and I have come back from Los Angeles. I told him I wanted to talk to him. I wasn’t going to tell him about Devlin. I planned on just forgetting about the whole ordeal. He deserved a second chance. No, I wanted to talk about moving back to Los Angeles. I love my friends, but I miss my family and my city. In relationships sometimes you have to make hard decisions. If he didn’t want to follow me, it was all right. I wouldn’t be happy, but it’s not like I could drug him and bring him with me… there’s a thought.

Nathan and I were eating dinner quietly. Everything seemed to fall back into a routine.

“I want to go back to Los Angeles.” I said.

Nathan looked up from his food to me.

He frowned a bit.


“I love London and for a long time I wanted to live here, but I miss Los Angeles. It’s my home and it’s where I was raised and I know this is where you lived and if you want to stay I understand but—“

“You’d think I would let you leave alone?” Nathan asked.

I looked into his eyes.

“I don’t want to ruin your life, Nathan.”

He laughed. “Ruin? You make it brighter and better.”

“But you have a job here and it’s going well and I don’t want to—“

“I can do my work in LA or I could find another one.” He said.

“So… we’re moving back to LA?” I smiled.

He nodded. “Whenever you wish.”

I sighed contently. A weight was lifted off of my shoulders. The next morning I had my resignation ready in hand. I had to explain to Marcela, Mike and Alondra what I planned to do. I sat them down at lunch and they weren’t too happy about it.

They tried to convince me, but I explained. They understood, in the end. I was glad to have such great friends. I told them I would call and e-mail them. I turned in my resignation and the chief was surprised, but nonetheless understood.

By the end of the day I was saying my goodbyes to all of the regular patients. Dr. Albright told me she was going to miss me because I was really great with people. It’s almost weird that I’m living, but I was so happy to be going back home.

I arrived at my apartment earlier than usual. I had to call a lot of people because either I was going to donate my things or take them… donating them sounded better. I would have to find a place where they took furniture and do a whole bunch of other things.

The day arrived to move.

I was in my empty apartment looking around.

I had donated all of my things that I wouldn’t easily be able to take back home. Nathan was going to find another job in Los Angeles. As I continued to look around the room I thought of the memories it held, the good and the bad.

“Ready, love?” Nathan’s voice came.

I looked at Nathan and smiled.

“Of course.” I said.

I was so excited to go back home.

There were no more problems.

No more secrets and no more drama.

Nathan and I were going to the airport. Our bags were in the taxi. I sold my car which wasn’t hard to do. My family and friends already knew I was going back home. Nathan and I got inside of the cab.

Nathan held my hand.

We’ve come so far. I looked at Nathan as he looked out the window. He noticed my stare and looked at me with that breathtaking smirk of his.

“What is it?” he asked.

“I love you.”

He smiled. “So do I.”

“We’re finally going to lead a regular life. No mobsters and kidnappings.” I laughed.

He did too.

He kissed my cheek.

“We’re going to be happy. I know it.” He leaned his forehead on mine.

“We deserve it.” I said back.

Once back in LA I felt happy. My friends and family were at the pickup and they hugged me and greeted me. They were also so happy we decided to come back. Nathan and I would stay over at my parents’ house until we found a place for us to stay.

We decided to move in together.

Just a couple of days after arriving Nathan found the perfect place for us. It was next to the beach and it was mostly for couples. I walked into the empty apartment and smiled as I started to imagine how it was going to look like.

“It’s going to be our home.” Nathan said as he placed his arms around my waist and kissed me deeply.

“I know.” I said happily.

Nathan quickly found a job and I did too. Nurses are really needed so it didn’t take long before I was working. Nathan and I went shopping for the furniture and while we waited for the delivery we got bean bag chairs and just watched movies on his lap top.

Once everything was delivered my friends came over and helped with the decorations. On the wall I put pictures of all my friends and a small altar in name of Rodrigo. My best friend who I missed every single day and the picture I put was the two of us at a carnival in Halloween. He was Batman and I was Batgirl.

It’s incredible how comfortable Nathan and I got to each other. It was like we were always living together and never apart. We just filled each other’s needs.

One night when Nathan and I were watching the show Supernatural he told me he had something for me. He got up and went to our room which was used every night, if you know what I mean.

He walked out with something in his hand. He opened his hand and handed me the promise ring he gave me.

I smiled as I put it on back again on my finger.

“I almost forgot about it.” I said.

“I was keeping it for a while until time passed.” Nathan said as he sat next to me.

I turned to him and cupped his beautiful face and kissed him.

“I’m never sick of kissing your lips.” I said.

His blue eyes sparkled.

“I love you too.” He grinned.

As I’m sure you can guess a few short weeks after he asked me to marry him. Then a few months after the proposal it was time for the wedding. It was all a blur so I can’t say much except everything went as planned.

There was no trouble in paradise and I was more than happy that there wasn’t any of it.

The dress was beautiful and simple. I didn’t want anything over the top. Linda and Maya were bridesmaids. Alondra and Marcela were too. Devlin, Charles, Jeff and Brian were ushers for Nathan.

I was in the little office waiting for the wedding to start.

My mom had given me the whole speech about marriage and my father too.

The door opened and I expected my father, but it was Peter. He was in a tux.

“Oh, hey.” I said. “You came.”

“Yeah with my girlfriend.” Peter said.

“I can’t wait to meet her.” I smiled.

“She’s the greatest.” Peter smiled widely. “You look stunning, Melinda.”

I looked at myself and giggled.

“Thank you.”

“Nathan is a lucky son of a bitch.” Peter grinned.

“I know.” I grinned too.

“I saw Devlin.” Peter said.

I nodded.

“Yeah, he and Nathan have remained friends.” I said.

“I wish you the best, Mels, because you definitely deserve to be happy.” Peter said.

“Thank you.”

My father walked in.

“Sorry, Pete, it’s time for the bride to walk down the aisle.” I saw the tears forming in my dad’s eyes.

Peter nodded and walked out of the office. My father looked at me and sniffled.

“I knew you were going to make a beautiful bride.” My dad hugged me.

“Thanks, daddy.”

We walked out of the office and the music started. Linda, Maya, Alondra and Marcela walked down the aisle after the flower girl threw the petals.

The marching bride tune came on and my father took my arm.

[Third Point of View]

Nathan stood nervously at the altar. The bridesmaid just walked down and Melinda was going to come. Charles patted his shoulder. Nathan looked into the crowd and saw Peter with his new girlfriend. Nathan looked at his friend Devlin who was his first usher.

“Breathe,” Devlin said. “You look like you’re going to pass out.”

“I’m nervous, mate.” Nathan confessed.

“Melinda is going to say ‘I Do’, I assure it.” Devlin laughed a little.

“I guess I’m nervous because I don’t want anything happening. Her first wedding wasn’t exactly peachy keen.” Nathan said.

The song for the bride came on and everyone turned around from their seat and watched the doors as they opened. Melinda walked out with her father besides her. Nathan’s eyes glued to her. She wore a veil but he could still see her beautiful and radiating smile.

She walked slowly and it all seemed to stop.

Nathan couldn’t look anywhere but Melinda.

When she reached him Devlin had to nudge him and Nathan blinked and cleared his throat. Her father handed her hand to him.

“She is my most valuable treasure, Fullerton, take care of her.” Her father said.

Nathan nodded. “I will.”

John Fullerton sat next to Bella, Melinda’s mother. Who would’ve thought their children would end up together? Sebastian sat next to his wife Bella and took her hand. Bella smiled at her husband.

“We are gathered here today…” the priest began.

Melinda started to have flashbacks

"What am I thinking?" I said regretting what I had done, but it was too late, Nathan had answered the door.

"Yeah?" asked Nathan.

"Uh, I want to thank you for tonight. If you wouldn't have arrived on time…he could'" I said slowly not looking him in the eyes. But I could feel his on me.

"You know you could've done that tomorrow. What do you really want?" asked Nathan politely for the first time. I look at him.

"Uh, this is going to sound weird...well coming from me...can I sleep with you tonight? I don't want to be alone." I said. I look into his crystal blue eyes.

"Yeah." said Nathan opening the door wide allowing me in. I step in and saw his room for the first time. It was clean unusual for a boy, and there were stacks of CDs on the corner of his counter to the right.

His bed had black sheets and a huge blanket with a drop of red blood printed on it. He motions me to the bed and I follow.

I crawl into bed and so does Nathan. The bed was warm. I turn so I would be facing Nathan. I pull in closer so I was inches from him.

I felt like an idiot but it also felt right in my heart.

"Please hold me." I whispered and Nathan hugs me with a hand and pulls me close so our bodies are together.

I fell asleep looking into his clear crystal eyes.

The first night they slept in the same bed.

Then, she remembered their first kiss.

"I really don't know." said Nathan.

"I like it." I said leaning close to Nathan, and this time it happened. We kissed. His lips touched mine, they were surprisingly warm.

He was gentle and sweet. It sent feelings all over my body. Butterflies in my stomach, something I haven't felt in a long time.

He cups my cheek bringing me closer to him, deepening the kiss. We roll so that Nathan is a top of me, but he's not pinning me to the bed.

He moves from my lips to my neck and quickly finds my weak spot near my collar bone, I moan in pleasure, we roll again but this time I was on top of Nathan, I go from his lips to his neck. I suck a little making Nathan moan when I found his weak spot.

She’d like to think it was more than John that brought Nathan and her together. She calls it fate… destiny, if you will.

Just like destiny pulled them apart it brought them together and stronger than ever.

“Melinda, do you take Nathan Fullerton as your beloved husband, in sickness and in health, for richer or for poor ‘til death do you apart?” The priest asked her.

Melinda looked into his blue eyes and couldn’t think of anyone else she rather spend the rest her life with.

“I do.” She said with no hesitation.

“Nathan, do you take Melinda Bella Gomez as your beloved wife, in sickness and in health, for richer or for poor ‘til death do you apart?”

Nathan looked into Melinda’s warm brown eyes that warmed his soul. The eyes who he liked to wake up to see every single morning for the rest of his life.

“I do.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Melinda’s Wedding Dress

Thank you all for your support and reading. But this is the end of Melinda and Nathan.