Status: Finished

Destiny Keeps Getting in the Way


[Melinda’s Point of View]

Anger couldn’t possibly describe my feelings right now. Hurt, betrayed would be the most likely words I would use. I cried silently as the cab driver drove me back to my place. I was so glad I had the day off.

My chest still felt tight and my heart feels like someone was squeezing it and I couldn’t breathe right, it would come like gasps if I tried to breathe in deeply.

“You okay, Miss?” The driver asked.

“I’m all right.” I was able to gasp out.

“Heartbreak?” He asked.

I nodded my head. “I really don’t want to talk about it, sir.”

“I understand.” He said and focused back on the road.

When he got to my building I paid him and got out of the car. It was still raining and I made it to the building, but I was still soaking wet. I raced to the elevators and pressed the button over and over again.

I closed my eyes and I would find myself seeing Nathan’s eyes and so many different feelings would come to me first love and relief to see him awake then betrayed and hurt that he couldn’t tell me and that he lied to me so many times. That he couldn’t just confront me.

Didn’t he want me anymore?

God, I bet he thinks it’s too much drama to be with me. I wouldn’t blame him. It’s not exactly every day you fall in love with your hostage and chase after when she loses her memory but then gets it back and hates you and then forgives you and just when you have a shot of happiness it’s all taken away and then end up in a coma.

Finally the elevator reached my floor and I zoomed out to my apartment. There was someone at my door.

“Can I help you?”

The man looks at me. Peter Watson. I was so glad to see him. He smiled at me.

“Hello, Melinda.”

Before I could say anything I hugged him. I hugged him tightly. I could tell he was surprised.

“What is it? What happened?” He asked immediately.

I didn’t say anything. Instead I broke down into hysterics. God I was pathetic! But I couldn’t control my body. I was emotionally hurt and I needed to let it out.

“Where are your keys? You’re soaking wet and if you don’t get some dry clothes you’ll get sick.” He said.

“Bag.” I muttered out.

He still held me as he took out the keys and opened the door. He closed it behind us. He picked me up bridal style and took me to the living room. He sets me down on the couch.

“Where’s your room?” He asked.

I pointed to the direction. He left and then came back with a blanket. He drapes it over my shoulders.

“Melinda, tell me what happened.”

“He’s awake, Pete. He’s been awake for three years!!!”

“Who? Nathan?” He asked.

I nodded. There was a small silence.

“How do you know? Did you see him? How?!” He asked.

“I saw him, Pete! At the hospital I work at he goes there for physical therapy!!! He lied to me, Pete. He lied!” I yelled in anger.

“He lied to us.” Peter said.

I almost forgot Peter and Nathan were best friends since childhood. It must hurt him too.

“Shit, I’m being so freaking selfish. You’re his best friend since little kids.”

“I guess he didn’t trust me. He knew that I would crack down and eventually tell you. Why didn’t he tell anyone? I’m guessing John knows.”

“He’s been covering for him since the beginning.”

“What do you plan to do?” He asked.

“I don’t know. I honestly swear to God that I don’t know. My first instinct tells me to leave. To just go back home and forget about him.”

“Don’t leave.” Peter said holding my hand. “You need to confront him.”

“How? What’s his excuse Peter?” I said. “He has none. I can’t… forgive him… not now at least. I need time to think and reconsider.”

“You’ll always have me.” Peter cupped my face. “Always. I know this probably isn’t a very good time, but I love you, Melinda. I really do and I would do anything for you.”

I knew about his feeling towards me. He’s never had a girlfriend so far and has stuck with me since the night we re-met at the club on Rodrigo’s birthday.

“Right now is definitely not the best time to talk about this.” I sneezed.

He chuckled. “I told you, you would get sick. You need to get out of those clothes. I’m going to get you some medicine.”

“I’m not five years old.” I told Peter who picked me up once more like I was a feather. “And I can walk!”

“You hate getting pampered, don’t you?” He laughed as continued to carry me.

“No, I hate when I get treated like I don’t have any limbs or brains.” I said as a matter-of-factly.

He places me on the bed. “Change.” He ordered and I glared at him.

But I knew he was right about the changing thing.

[Nathan’s Point of View]

I didn’t go to therapy after the Melinda encounter. How could I make her understand that I was useless when I woke up? She has to listen to me.

But am I ready? I still stutter a bit but that’s going away and my leg is getting better. It’s a good thing I was only under for less than a year because the more you’re under the coma the more you lose.

I told my father I wanted to go back home. The pictures Melinda sent of her on Christmas and Halloween were next to my bed stand. I had to put them in frames because they were wearing out since I looked at them all of the time.

I went to my computer and hijacked into the hospital’s system and found out Melinda’s address. I took my coat and cane. I got inside of a car and drove away to Melinda.

I wouldn’t leave until she listened to me. If she loved me then she would understand, but I would be pissed too if she lied to me for so long. I couldn’t hold it against her.

But I was glad to finally see her again. She grew up so beautifully and her chocolate eyes were just like I remembered. Her touch still made me feel like I was on fire.

It took me an hour to get to her place. She lived in a good neighborhood. I parked and walked inside of her building.

I got in the elevator and got off her floor. When I was facing her door, I was scared. Scared of her rejection and her hate towards me. I didn’t want to see the hate in her eyes. I flinched at the thought of her telling me ‘I hate you’ or ‘I don’t want to see you again’.

I don’t think I would be able to take it. It would be worse than a bullet or being a coma.

I raised my fist to knock. I knocked twice.

I heard the footsteps approaching, but as I heard I thought they were too heavy to be Melinda’s.

The door opens. “You have some nerve to show your face, Mate.”

It was Peter. But Melinda lived her. What was he doing here? Could the possibly be together? NO!!! She wouldn’t!!!

“Hello Peter.”

“Fuck you man! We’re fucking best mates since kids and you pull this fucking stunt.” He whispers harshly he didn’t want Melinda to hear.

“You don’t know my reasons.” I hissed at him. He had no right to judge after everything I’ve been through.

“You have no reason!” He continued to whisper. “No excuse. Do you have any idea what has happened to Melinda these past four years?!”

“I wish to hear it from her.”

“She doesn’t want to see you.” Peter growled.

“I’d rather hear it from her.” I lied.

“Look, I’ve been there for her and she wouldn’t lie. She doesn’t want to see you ever again Nathan. She hates you, mate. She told me. She’s too heartbroken.”

I looked like someone had punched me in the gut. I came all the way here to beg her to listen to me.

“I would suggest some distance, mate. Let her think things through.”

I stayed quiet taking in his words.

“Don’t tell her I came by.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Yeah, Peter's an asshole...