Arianna Selenasdaughter


That night, at dinner, Roran told Garrow of his plans to work for Dempton, the miller that had been at Horst’s when Roran went to get his chisel fixed. While Roran explained why he wanted to go to work for him (he wanted to marry Katrina), I watched my brother.

Eragon seemed tense. I knew he didn’t want Roran to leave, but that was no reason to keep Roran from doing what he needed to do to ask for Katrina’s hand in marriage. Katrina and I had been friends since we were children, and the prospect of her joining the family made me excited.

When Garrow asked Eragon if he’d known, he shrugged and said, “Not until today...It’s madness.” Garrow told him that it was just life’s natural way of life.

As the days passed, Eragon seemed to avoid everyone. He spent more time outside as usual. I hadn’t forgotten about all of his questions about Dragons, but I didn’t dare follow him. Not yet. The first thing I did was sneak into his room and see if I could find his rock.

The more I’d thought about it, the more it seemed that it was too polished, and far too pretty looking to simply be a rock. And then I remembered what the trader had said about it – that it was hollow. When I didn’t find it in his room, I was fairly sure that my suspicions were correct. The only way to find out though, was by seeing the evidence with my own eyes.

So the next time Eragon went outside, I waited a few minutes and went after him. He looked behind him more than once, to make sure that he wasn’t being followed, but I kept out of his line of vision. He’d picked a good hiding spot. I’d never known it was there.

And there was his dragon, the same color as the “rock” had been. When I saw it, everything clicked into place. My vision came crashing down on me with clarity this time.

I watched from a distance as Eragon and his dragon flew down to land upon the remains of the farm. It looked as though it had been blown apart. Eragon searched frantically for Garrow... “Saphira! I need you!” he yelled frantically.
The vision jumped forward to Garrow’s death, and to Eragon and Brom’s leaving to chase after the Ra’zac, the monsters that had always starred in my nightmares. However, I saw nothing of me being in the King’s presence. What I had learned, however, was that the monsters were coming, and Eragon had to be protected at all costs.

Thinking of Eragon, I looked up and saw him sitting near Saphira, as I’d learned her name was, venting about everything that was going on. I decided to wait for Eragon left, and then approach the dragon. I’d try and reach out with my mind first though, so as to keep from startling her too much.

After a few hours of waiting, I was rewarded. Once Eragon was gone, I tentatively reached out with my conscience until it brushed against the dragons'. It was the strangest sensation I’d ever experienced.

Saphira? I asked hesitantly.

The dragon’s head swiveled around quickly, and I saw one of it’s large sapphire eyes staring at me. I stepped forward slowly. I felt like I should have my hands up, but I refrained.
I am Arianna. Eragon’s sister.

I know who you are.

That was good. Hopefully she wouldn’t eat me.

I’ve had a premonition. It’s about Eragon. Strangers are coming to Carvahall, and they want to harm him. When the time comes, can you keep him out of harm’s way?

Saphira snorted, peering at me again with her large eye. Yes.

Thank you.

I suddenly felt like I should do something respectful, but I didn’t want to look foolish, and besides, it was getting late. They were probably wondering where I was.

As I walked away from the dragon, I had the feeling that would be the last time I saw her. When the strangers came, I would remain with Garrow. I would not abandon him to them.