‹ Prequel: Deathly Kisses...
Sequel: My Secret...
Status: Slow Updates

Never Forget...

"You had a call earlier"

Closing up the video store that my boss had graciously allowed me back to was difficult. It just wasn't difficult it was a little nerve racking as well, luckily Alex still worked here for some bazaar reason and our boss paired us up most of the time.

"So what's Nick doing tonight?" Alex questioned as I set the alarm and closed the gates. I turned to him with furrowed brows and a shrug.

"I'm not sure." I simply reply while pulling my keys out. Alex and Nick don't like each other, at all.

"Well I was wondering if you wanted Taco Bell since it's right here, but if you've gotta go cook dinner for Nick then I wouldn't interrupt." He explained with a sheepish grin.

"Where's Chloe?" I retorted with a nod of my head.

"She's at the house, bitching as usual." He mumbled under his breath.

"Well that sucks and I'm sure Nick's making dinner. Some other time?" I offered and Alex shrugged while slipping his helmet on.

"Whatev's." He chuckled and started his loud motorcycle, causing me to jump. I rolled my eyes and got inside my little car, started it and pulled out of the parking lot. I've been scarred because of Nikon, every time Nick would touch me I'd jump.

"Hey babe." Nick greeted with a wide smile on his face, he jerked his head to the side to get his hair out of his face.

"Nicholas!" I squealed while walking through our apartment door, our dog Harley waited next to Nick. "Did I forget something?"

"Nope." Nick chuckled and patted Harley's head before walking in the kitchen.

"Hmm... Are you lying to me?" I teased with a grin causing Nick to look over his shoulder with a rough shake of his head.

"Well alright." I pouted while walking to our room. After changing in pajama bottoms and a big top, I went back in the kitchen to see mac n cheese. "Yum!"

" I added ketchup to yours, and hot sauce to mine." He chuckled while handing me a fork.

"You know me so well, now what do you want?" I groaned with narrowed eyes.

"Nothing." He quickly answered.

"I know you too well, Nick. Now spill." I demanded causing him to howl with laughter.

"Alright maybe I want some?" He snickered with hopeful eyes.

"Nick." I whined and dropped the fork.

"Look we've been dating for almost a year now! When are we going to..." He trailed off with a raise of both his brows.

"When I'm ready, Nick." I growled and stood.

"Where are you going?" He snapped with narrowed eyes.

"To our room." I whispered and started for the bedroom.

"You haven't eaten!" He cried out.

"I'm not hungry anymore." I sighed and closed the door behind me to find Harley in my spot. I weakly smiled at our dog and crawled next to him.

"Nikki, I'm sorry." Nick quickly apologized while entering the room.

"It's okay, Nick. I'm just tired." I frowned and stared out the window.

"I know that's not the case, and I love you." He mumbled with weak eyes.

"I love you too. Good night." I quietly replied and closed my eyes. I've filled Nick in on most of what happened in my past, just not all of it.

"You had a call earlier." He added while closing the door. I took in a deep breath and exhaled befor falling in a deep sleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
To those that have stuck with the story, this sequel is dedicated to you...

The updates will be slow, seeing as my laptop is jacked up... My brother needs to reboot it, so please be patient... I know the first chapter sucks so far... I'm just not in the mood, my friend passed, and idk it's weird... *sighs*... Sorry.