‹ Prequel: Deathly Kisses...
Sequel: My Secret...
Status: Slow Updates

Never Forget...

"Who else is in the apartment"

Tears wouldn't stop for two days straight as I stayed alone in the apartment. I cleaned it up quiet nicely and sure enough nothing was taken. I took in a deep breath and fell to my knees. I tightly closed my eyes, drifting to the horrible place that haunts my dreams once a week.

“I did a background check on you.” Nikon grinned with a mischievous look.

“Oh really, and what did you find out?” I reply shifting my eyes to his, that’s when his sadistic smile returned and he pulled out a rather large envelope.

“Lets see, you have a little brother named Stanley. Oh quiet a look-ah he is,” he winked sounding much like those two guys (Francis, and William).

“You leave Stanley alone!” I ordered and he laughed.

“What did I tell you precious? No one tells me what to do, lets just say you ever get out of line you better wonder what would happen to poor little Stanley.” He threatened, he decided to drop the picture of Stanley on the floor for me before leaving.

“Stanley,” I cried out once he closed the door. I bent down and picked up the picture, walked over to the bed and cradled it like it were actually him.

I widely opened my eyes and fought for my breath back, gasping. I leaned forward, my hands tightly gripping the shagged carpet. I hate Nikon for what he's done to me, what he's caused and part of me wished he wasn't dead so I could personally kill him.

"Nikole?" I jumped from the abrupt voice and glanced towards the door. I stood up, wiped my eyes, brushed my pants and opened the door with the chain still attached.

"What do you want?" I growled with narrowed eyes as Thomas stood there.

"Is Nick home?" He asked while glancing behind me.

"No. He's at his mom's." I answered before slamming the door closed.

"Nikole! Come on!" He yelled and wouldn't stop until I reopened the door.

"What do you want?" I snapped once I opened the door.

"Francis and I wanted to know if you wanted to come chill?" He suggested with a raise of his brows. I winced at the name remembering what happened and fought to keep back in reality.

"Tell Fran, I said sorry but no. I have too much work here." I sincerely denied, it wasn't Fran's fault that his name is the same name of the guy that was partnered with William who happened to rob the limo I had shared with Michael Princeton on our first date... Actually Francis is the only friend of Nick's that I actually took a liking too despite his name, where as Thomas reminds me of a controlling bastard.

"Come on Nikole, you shouldn't beat yourself up and come have some fun." Thomas pressured with narrowed eyes.

"This may work on your friends that you got into drugs but it isn't working for me." I spat with narrowed eyes and closed the door. I locked the dead bolt and listened to Tom's constant yelling. I went to the radio and blasted it.

"Wouldn't want any punishments, would you?" I heard Thomas threaten and this episode was so hard to hold back and slowly I failed. My eyes glazed over and I fell on the floor helpless to the memory.

“Is it just me or do you like the punishments I give you?” He suggested while tilting his head to the side with sarcasm, I shrugged my shoulders at him with a sadistic smile. Yes, I’ve officially cracked.

“Maybe I do, maybe I don’t.” I answer with a wider smile on my face, he narrowed his now green eyes at me and grabbed my hair jerking me out of the room. I gasped from the pain but tried not to make a big fuss about it, he forced me into his room and shoved me inside.

“You irk me, you know that?” He snapped, his eyes glaring daggers at me but with a hint of enjoyment.

“You irk me, you know that?” I mimicked with a smile.

“Hmm. What you don’t know is that it drives me wild,” he smirked while coming closer. That snapped me out of my stupid stage, now I was back to reality and scared.

“Really? Well, that’s a-a good thing I guess?” I stammered now that I’m back to normal. Slowly he laughed at me, while shaking his head and biting his bottom lip.

“Kiss me,” he ordered. I furrowed my brows at him and shook my head.

“No,” I refused.

“Kiss. Me. Now.” He repeated but I shook my head side to side, he lunged at me but I jumped over his bed and to the door. Sadly he was a bit too quick and slammed the door shut once I opened it, he grabbed my arms and shoved me against the now closed door.

“Skyler, you don’t want to do this.” I told him, he narrowed his eyes at me and once again his eyes glazed over like he’s having mini-flashbacks. I stood there quietly until he blinked and came back to reality shifting his eyes to mine and released me.

“You’re my lover, don’t you remember?” He asked with a frown. “You’re supposed to love me.”

“How can I love you?” I harshly reply, what’s this man’s problem?

“What do you mean?” He furrowed his brows at me with a look of confusion, he reminded me of a lost child.

“You’ve done nothing but treat me horribly, you made me witness two peoples death. Those two happened to be really nice females that tried to help me, Skyler. How-Who could love something-someone like that?” I stammered, I couldn’t love this guy even if he tried to act nice.

“You could, that’s what I see in you. I see a very forgiving female,” he smiled.

“Not that forgiving. You’ve made my life hell,” I said with a frown but he snickered.

I gasped for breath as tears stung my eyes, some dogs barked in the distance and here it came again. It was worse then puking constantly without any stopping, I kept my eyes wide and pleaded God not again.

"Please God stop, stop this, please!" I screamed as my head felt light, I heard Francis questioning on what the hell Thomas did.

"Nikole, are you okay?" Francis called from outside with nothing but worry behind his tone.

"I'm....Fine!" I choked out, feeling the veins on my neck popping as my fingers dug into the ground.

“You’re going to kill her!” I screamed out with tears, the girl was hurrying in the maze, she was proud of herself for making it so far. Nikon shook his head with a look that said ‘I’ll deal with you later’ before grabbing a bullet from the shelf. “No!”

“Stop it!” He demanded as I tried to grab the gun again, I successfully won it over and tossed it down the stairs. His eyes shifted to mine and shrugged, he slammed his hand on the red button that releases the dogs. “Have it your way.”

“No!” I cried out before rushing to the slot, I pulled it trying to get it open as the girl’s screams echoed the room. The dogs were growling and barking like a pack of coyotes after a rabbit. I found the button that opens the slot, and quickly crawled threw with the gun.

“Nikole!” Nikon screamed from the balcony, I hurried through the maze until I found her bleeding, the dogs turned to me and growled. I held the gun like a bat ready to beat their heads in when Nikon whistled causing the dogs to stop and line up.

“Help. Me.” The girl whispered, her voice was quiet and I knew she was dying. I slowly dropped the gun at her side and knelt down, taking her hand in mine. I examined the wounds from the dogs and knew she was losing too much blood, I ripped the sleeve of my shirt and tied it around her throat.

I gasped back to reality, sweat pouring down my neck and the back of my head. My chest moving up and down rapidly from this episode. I remembered it all too clearly, I couldn't help her. I curled in a ball with remorse.

"It's all my fault." I whispered with tears falling down my cheek. I slammed my fist in the floor and screamed loudly, the music drowned me out but I knew my neighbors could still hear it.

"Nikole, I am going to break this door down!" Francis threatened from outside. I regained my breathing, slowly opened my now droopy eyes and stood up. I went to the door and slightly opened it, the chain still attached.

"I am fine, Fran. Now please, leave me." I pleaded while staring at the floor.

"What are you screaming about in there? Who else is in the apartment?" He immediately questioned while looking behind me frantically.

"No one is in here, Nick can explain everything when you and only you talk to him." I ordered to Francis before glaring at Tom and shut the door. I locked it up, shut the radio off and collapsed on the couch, surrendering to a deep sleep.
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I know the flashbacks are sad... But did you really expect her to go through all that hell without any consequences? I mean honestly, she had to come out scarred some how... :)
You love it don't lie. :p