‹ Prequel: Deathly Kisses...
Sequel: My Secret...
Status: Slow Updates

Never Forget...

"I am going to get some answers"

We made it back to my place and started to eat the food we ordered.

"So Nikki, when is Nicholas supposed to be back?" Raphael questioned while digging in his Big mac.

"Whenever he heals." I shrugged, fighting the tears that threatened to come out at the thought of Nick.

"So what happened anyways?" Leon added with a confused expression.

"He was stabbed." I mumbled and took a bite of my snack wrap. Basically it's a tortilla with lettuce, some cheese, ranch, and salsa mixed inside and folded like a burrito.

"Damn." Ralphy murmured and continued to tear apart his burger like some form of animal.

"I know." I whispered and grabbed my bottle water. I changed out of the shirt from earlier, since Leon was the first to point out about my boobs and so I changed in a pure black baggy shirt.

"Why do you wear baggy clothes?" Leon abruptly growled, as if frustrated with me.

"Because they're comfy. Not everyone has gorgeous bodies like those models with the confidence to match." I roughly nodded and took a spoon full of yogurt in my mouth.

"Stop hounding her, Leon." Ralphy scolded while shoving five fries in his mouth.

"I wasn't hounding, just curious." Leon lied, and we all knew it.

"So since Leon hasn't coughed up the balls to ask, are we able to crash here a few nights?" Ralphy asked with a faint smile.

"Wait, crash here, as in my place? You both have loads of money, there's a fancy hotel down the way." I turned them down till Raphael and Leonardo both gave me hurt expressions. "I didn't mean it that-"

"No it's all good, Nikki." Ralphy mumbled while wiping his mouth with a napkin.

"We understand, we just thought you'd be appreciative of saving us money and what not." Leon chipped in; and they both stood up.

"Wait, wait." I called with a sigh. "You can but out on the couch and once Nick returns, you both must leave."

"Deal." Leon immediately shook my hand and kissed my cheek.

"Sweet!" Raphael squealed and sat back down to finish the rest of his "burger".

"You both tricked me!" I gasped as Leon sat at the couch and studied the remote.

"I wouldn't call it that, and how do you work this thing?" Leon groaned as he stared at the buttons. I rolled my eyes and snatched the controller.

"You both guilt-tripped me, like back in high school." I frowned while staring in his blue eyes.

"And what if we did? I mean really Nikole, you're living here alone and that mustn't be safe anyways." He shrugged and tried to smoothly take the controller from me. I moved it out of his reach causing him to wrap his arms around my waist and pull me on him.

"No, Leon!" I screamed as he continued to reach for the controller, now he's atop of me with my arms stretched above my head as far as they could go until we both fell off the couch.

"Get a room, I'm trying to eat." Raphael childishly spoke when the doorbell rang. "I got it."

"Leon you're so childish!" I spat as Leon grabbed the controller and repositioned himself back on the couch. I laid on the floor with my elbows propping me up and my hair in my face.

"Whoa." Ralphy abruptly gasped after opening the door, a pickle fell from his lips as he stared at Evelyn.

"What are you doing here, Eve?" I questioned; turning my attention to her.

"Damien said he didn't get very far with you, so I came to see what I can do." She answered while coming inside, Raphael's facial expression was filled with dirty thoughts.

"That's because he tried to force it upon me." I frowned and she smiled.

"I'm not here to force anything on you." She assured causing Leon to gasp.

"Lesbian lovers?" Raphael finally spat out with pure thrill.

"What the hell? She's my cousin!" I yelled and stood to my feet.

"Wow." Evelyn blushed and looked at the floor.

"Sorry about them, they're still very immature." I mumbled and she shrugged.

"It's all-Leon?" Evelyn seemed amazed when her eyes glued to him.

"You know each other?" I furrowed my brows with confusion, Evelyn didn't go to the same high school that I did.

"Leon works-" Evelyn started but he stood up and placed his hand over her mouth.

"She was going to be featured in my magazine." Leon hastily excused before giving her one last look and released.

"Really?" I wasn't buying it but played along. "I'm glad neither of you would lie to me."

"Look, I just hope to see you at the wedding." She mumbled, glared at Leon then turned for the door.

"I'm Raphael." Ralphy lamely introduced with a goofy grin.

"Pleasure." She replied before pushing past him and left.

"How do you know her, yet I don't?" Raphael immediately bursted after slamming the door shut.

"Doesn't matter." Leon mumbled and turned back to the TV.

"It does matter." I corrected with intense eyes. "So tell me, Leon. How is it that Evelyn was going to be a feature for the magazine that Raphael didn't know about?"

"I am the photographer." Leon excused with a grin.

"Yes but Raphael's the one that gets the clients." I fired back.

"And whoever told you that?" He suggested, and surely he was right but still.

"Photographers don't know the clients, they just take the pictures, it's a known fact." I lied but hopefully it was believing.

"One, you're lying because you move your head a lot when you lie. Two, I happen to be a photographer and know how the business runs, now do you know the business like I do?" He inquired while staring deeply in my eyes.

"No, but I know there's another reason why you're in town." I spat and turned on my heel.

"Where are you going?" He frowned as I grabbed the envelope off the counter.

"I am going to get some answers since you wont give me any." I hissed and grabbed my keys. Leon immediately jumped up to chase after me.

"I am going to house sit!" Raphael grinned while going in the kitchen.
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Dun dun dun!!! hahahaha... Hope you enjoyed this relatively small chapter...
<3 Kassi.