‹ Prequel: Deathly Kisses...
Sequel: My Secret...
Status: Slow Updates

Never Forget...

Immature, pantie stealing bandits.

Leon followed behind in his little black sports car as I sped down to the Demoncre Mansion. Suddenly Leon pulled in front of me, causing my car to a screeching halt so it doesn't hit his.

"Are you fucking crazy?!" He immediately yelled out as our cars are a few inches apart.

"I should ask the same of you?" I spat, slamming my car door shut.

"Does it really matter, Nikole?" He replied with furrowed brows.

"Actually it does, Leon." I retorted taking mental notes of how he used my first name.

"Fine, we work for the Demoncre family. I'm the one that does most of the business deals." He caved with his head low in shame.

"What kind of business deals? I thought you were just the photographer?" I inquired with narrowed eyes.

"There's something about that family no one really knows, Nikki. I don't want Ralphy in this, he doesn't need to be involved. Once you're involved, you can never leave. That's why I make him feel like he's involved the best way I can, like he has the overall say, that I'm just the photographer." He confessed with saddened eyes.

"Oh, Leon." I gasped with a shake of my head, what has he throw himself in? I noticed the slight tears fighting to come out of his eyes, and took this as my cue to give him a hug. He instinctively wrapped his arms around me and rest his chin on my head.

"Look don't tell Raphael anything, please." He begged, I've never heard Leon so vulnerable in my life.

"Okay." I made an unspoken promise as we parted and drove back to my apartment.

"What did you find out?" Raphael casually asked once we walked inside.

"That Evelyn and Leon were an item." I lied, though I'm fairly sure I wasn't that far off.

"It doesn't matter." Leon immediately turned down any information Ralph was looking to get.

"Well then." Ralphy murmured and continued to eat my ice cream.

"Still eating? When do you quit?!" I exclaimed with raised brows.

"Look, I'm hungry aight?" Ralphy rudely snapped when he noticed another door. "Why are we sleeping on the couch when you've got another room?"

"Because that's my sister's room." I frowned while taking a seat.

"Madeline is here?" Leon perked up.

"No." I simply reply; getting comfortable in the chair and laid my head back against the table.

"Still having problems?" He retorted causing me to glare.

"Doesn't matter." I hissed and re-closed my eyes.

"Anything we could help with?" Ralph suggest.

"You could help me by not eating all my food." I harshly scolded with my eyes still closed.

"You're out numbered here, don't forget that." He reminded and I heard him put the ice cream down. "I gotta shit."

"Hmm that's nice." I mumbled and waited till he was gone to put the lid on the ice cream container and back in the freezer.

"Do you mind if I watch TV?" Leon abruptly asked; taking me back.

"You're actually asking this time?" I retorted, I didn't mean to come off as mad or pissy. I guess part of me didn't approve of him working for the family I despise most but I'd have to get over it.

"Possibility." He retorted with a grin.

"Yes, you may watch TV." I laughed and stood.

"Coming to sit next to me?" He suggested, raising his brows twice.

"No." I flatly denied. "I'm tired actually."

"Hmmm." He watched me walk to my room, and I wondered if he was contemplating on joining or something. I changed in some black and white checkered boxers with an ACDC shirt. Suddenly I noticed a candy wrapper.

"RAPHAEL!" I screamed while picking the wrapper up. I slammed the door open, holding the wrapper between my pointer and middle finger and stomped down the hall.

"Wasn't me." He immediately denied.

"Don't lie to me! Why were you in my room?" I growled while putting the wrapper on the counter.

"Maybe I wanted to see your room?" He shrugged.

"Maybe you went snooping?" I corrected with narrowed eyes.

"Possibility." He chuckled, reminding me of Leon.

"Snooping through?" I asked while waving my hand in a gesture for him to finish.

"Drawers?" He finished with an amused expression.

"Raphael." I groaned, my nose scrunching up.

"Nice." Leon murmured from the corner.

"You hush." I spat at Leon then turned my attention to Raphael. "Stay out of my room you perv."

"I couldn't help it, Nikki." He frowned.

"Oh I'm sure you could, especially since your love for food is probably stronger than the contents of my drawers." I grumbled and turned on my heel.

"Not exactly." He whispered under his breath with a low chuckle.

"If I find anything missing, your ass is grass." I warned without turning around or anything. I slammed the door behind me with a growl, and five minutes later I heard the handle move. Once I got up from the bed and opened the door, I noticed a pair of my red undies on the door handle. "Damn it."

Living with Raphael and Leonardo didn't seem like such a good idea anymore, even if it is for a couple of days. They didn't seem to grow up at all, they're both immature, panty stealing bandits... I wonder when Nick will return home and how he'll deal with the fact that I'm letting two other men stay in our apartment for right now?
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Hahaha this was a fun chapter to type up... Hope you enjoyed!!! :)