‹ Prequel: Deathly Kisses...
Sequel: My Secret...
Status: Slow Updates

Never Forget...

"You must be Nikole's boyfriend"

Soon enough Nick rolled up with his brother Brody, and their two cousins Andres and Ricardo. I closed my eyes tightly, this wasn't going to end right if Leonardo and Raphael couldn't keep their attitudes in check.

"Nick, why did you bring the Calvary?" I gulped, my eyes nervously shifting from the four of them and rested on Nick.

"They wanted to come." He simply answered, his eyes straight ahead, glaring at the door behind me.

"Yeah man, who the essays here on Nick's turf?" Ricardo questioned, cracking his neck.

"No one is here on anyone's turf." I corrected, glaring at Ricardo for his antagonizing ways.

"That's not what it looks like to us." Andres immediately put his two cents in.

"I told you Nick, she wasn't any good." Brody snarled when I noticed his best friend, Darren, come up from behind.

"Only thing she's good at is sex from what I hear." Darren chuckled which caused me to furrow my brows.

"I haven't had sex." I informed shifting my eyes to Nick's, he simply walked past me and opened the door.

"You must be Nikole's boyfriend." Leon politely greeted with his hand out. Nick snarled, his eyes glaring at Leon's hand then shifted to Raphael, who is eating... again.

"You are?" Nick toughly questioned, his eyes averting from Raphael to Leon.

"I'm Leonardo, but call me Leon or Leo." Leon introduced, letting Nick's rudeness slide as his hand smoothly went back to his side.

"And you?" Nick turned his attention to Raphael.

"I'm Raphael but call me Ralph, or RC." Ralphy nodded before returning to the meal.

"All he does is eat." Leon mused but Nick didn't find it funny, he examined the two of them then turned to me.

"And you couldn't ask if they could stay yesterday, why?" Nick harshly snapped, nothing friendly was behind anything he was doing and/or saying.

"I didn't think about it." I mumbled causing Nick to snort.

"Hey ease up man, you can trust your girlfriend and if you cant then you shouldn't be dating." Leon advised with narrowed eyes.

"It's not her that I don't trust, well it didn't use to be." Nick replied to Leon but never took his eyes off me. I was the first to look away, anger boiling in me.

"I don't see the big deal, Nick!" I cried out.

"Of course you wouldn't." Brody hissed, and the four of them came inside.

"What are we getting jumped?" Ralphy questioned while dropping the Twinkies in his hand.

"Not yet." Andres chuckled causing the five of them to grin, the only ones not finding this funny is Leon, Ralphy and myself.

"Get out." I spat, my eyes glaring daggers at Nick's "men".

"No, actually they're going to stay for awhile." Nick informed with a grin while going to the couch, the five of them all filed in and started to watch TV. I stood there with my mouth agape, my eyes shifting from Darren to Brody to Andres to Ricardo and rested on Nick.

"Really Nick?" I choked out, fighting the tears that are threatening to fall.

"Hmm..." Nick called back, sarcasm written all over his tone. I shook my head and rolled my eyes in the other direction.

"Hey Nikki, if you want RC and I will leave." Leon suggested with a friendly smile.

"No, actually you don't have to. It's all good." I assured while glaring at Nick one last time before walking over to Leon.

"If we're causing problems, I really don't want to get in the way of you and your boyfriend." Ralphy sincerely said with a frown.

"You guys aren't doing anything wrong so quit assuming, and I want to go get something to eat." I sighed while grabbing my car keys.

"I have business to take care of." Raphael frowned causing Leon to glare.

"What business is that?" Leon demanded to know.

"I have to call some business clients and fax over paperwork, so if you guys are going take Nikole's car so I can take ours." Raphael never sounded so mature till now, like he had two sides of him.

"Fine." I roughly nodded while grabbing my bag, Leon shrugged as the three of us headed out.

"You're leaving?" Nick called from the sofa.

"I'm surprised you'd even notice." I harshly retort causing him to chuckle and stand.

"Babe, I love you. I notice everything you do." He walked over and wrapped his arms around me.

"You have an odd way of showing it." I sighed; resting my cheek against his chest.

"I've never really been mad around you before so now you've seen what it's like, you should've asked and I can only ask that you see where I'm coming from and next time talk to me first before anything." He drilled, and I couldn't blame him at all. I would be pissed if he allowed two females to stay here while I was gone, attractive or not.

"Alright, and I'm sorry." I apologized with a frown, my eyes sincerely looking in his.

"I know and I ask that you not go alone with...him, as well." Nick seemed to be controlling, which caused me to stiffen.

"Wait, alone with Leon?" I asked slightly glancing over my shoulder at Leon who is patiently waiting outside and whispering to Raphael.

"Yes, that's who I'm talking about." Nick mumbled and the guys from the sofa watched with grins.

"Is this how you feel, or what they feel?" I suggested, nodding my head in the direction of Nick's "men".

"Does it matter?" He immediately retorted.

"Actually it does, I want what you want not what they want. You cant let them control you." I ordered with a frown, every time I left Nick alone with Brody and his family they always turn Nick into an ass.

"I can do whatever I want, Nikole." He spat then took a few steps away from me.

"Fine then why don't you move the fuck out with them? It's obvious they don't want us together!" I growled and glared at Brody, who in return smiled.

"I want us together, and like I said I can do whatever I want." Nick assured.

"Then I can do whatever I want." I hissed and turned on my heel, but I didn't make it far till Nick caught my wrist.

"I don't want you going alone with him." He reminded.

"I can do whatever I want." I repeated and tried to jerk my wrist free but he tightened his grip.

"I am asking that you please not go alone." He calmly plead, his eyes begging.

"Fine." I caved, something in me couldn't be a bitch. Maybe I thought about how it would be if he was going alone with another female, and part of me knew Nick was in the right. "Leon, I'm just going to make something here."

"Alright." Leon shrugged, said 'bye' to Raphael and came back inside. I could sense the uneasiness from him, probably because now he's outnumbered (not like he wasn't before) and this time Raphael is gone.

"Hey cuz we're going back home." Andres told Nick before glaring at Leon, all four of them glared at Leon before leaving and only Andres gave me a hug, not like I wanted it.

"So it's just us." Leon pointed out with a grin as he watched Nick.

"Obviously." Nick retorted; I lightly coughed while making quesedillas.

"So how long have you been dating?" Leon's small talk was professional, and skilled. Obviously something he's specialized in but didn't know when and when not to use it.

"Almost a year." Nick dryly answered, his eyes watching my movements.

"That's rather nice." Leon mumbled, he knew he failed with small-talk and shrugged it off.

"May I ask what you do for a living?" Nick suddenly asked, which took not only Leon back but took me back as well.

"I'm a photographer." Leon half-lied with a smile. "And yourself?"

"I work for a Mechanics shop down the way." Nick answered, returning the smile. "I'm also taking college courses on Music and business."

"Aspire to be in the music industry? As a musician or business purposes?" Leon seemed way more mature today then yesterday, just like Raphael.

"I've always wanted to be in a band but owning a business or working for a top brand thing would be cool too." Nick sounded so improper compared to Leon, and slowly I noticed the differences between the two.

"Hmm you mean companies." Leon chuckled.

"Yes. So you and Nikole date or something back in the day?" Nick studied Leon for a moment with an amused expression as Leon shifted uncomfortably.

"Actually no. I wasn't attracted to Nikole back then." Leon confessed causing me to frown, looks is all that matters to any male.

"How about now?" What did it matter to Nick anyways?

"Does it matter? She's happily taken... What is your name by the way?" Leon shifted the topic, another skill he's acquired.

"Nicholas, and just making small talk. Something you decided to start, so why not answer?" Nick chuckled, amused by Leon's abrupt discomfort.

"Umm Nick will you take out the trash?" I immediately cut in, although part of me was curious to know his answer another part of me knew it was best if Leon didn't answer that question.

"Alright then." Nick murmured, his eyes studied Leon one last time before going to the trash. Nick was the kind that loved to mess with people, I've noticed that when my sister was over some of the awkward questions he'd ask just to make her feel weird. Part of me thought he might like her till he confessed the reason was he'd hope she would get so annoyed that she wouldn't want to stay here anymore, and it worked... to a point.

"Your boyfriend is... charming." Leon immediately complimented when Nick left the apartment.

"He does that to make our guests feel weird." I gave him an apologetic look before returning to the food.

"Charming." Leon repeated while taking a seat at the dining table, I exhaled sharply and continued making our lunch.
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Such animosity lol comments are loved <3