‹ Prequel: Deathly Kisses...
Sequel: My Secret...
Status: Slow Updates

Never Forget...

"What happened this time?"

Waking up in the morning was awkward, Nick wasn't laying next to me like he usually is. I tightly closed my eyes and took in a deep breath. Maybe I was being selfish, I mean Nick's patiently waited for me. What guy waits three months to even hold his girlfriend's hand?

"Harley, I'm pathetic." I sighed while opening my eyes to see Nick standing at the end of the bed with sad eyes.

"You're not pathetic, you've told me about what happened." He assured with a weak smile on his face, I slowly nodded and shifted my eyes away.

"I should move on from it, Nick." I choked out with another deep breath and he shrugged.

"Things take time." He stated with a grin while walking over with a nice plate of some tatter-tots.

"I love you so much Nick." I said with a smile as I took the plate from him, he took a seat and grabbed a tot.

"I love you more." He chuckled causing me to snort.

"Impossible." I whispered and nibbled on the fresh tatter-tot. "You said I had a call last night?"

"Yeah, it was your sister." He sighed with his lips pursed to the side.

"What did she want?" I groaned, the endless thoughts of her wanting to stay here ran through my head.

"She and Jason got into it again. She needs a place to stay, blah, blah." He trailed off through gritted teeth.

"She needs to just stay with Tabitha if she's going to act like her." I harshly spat with a slight shake of my head.

"That's your sister, Nikki." Nick reminded causing me to exhale sharply.

"I know this, but she isn't acting like my sister." I frowned while taking another tatter-tot.

"Everyone changes. I'm sure even you have changed in some way." He stated while standing up and brushing his pants off.

"Where are you going?" I inquired after noticing his attire.

"District managers are coming to the shop." He frowned while glancing at the alarm clock.

"Be careful. Love you." I whispered with a weak smile. It took us awhile before we said "I love you" to each other, we used to only say "I like you".

"Love you too, and always am." He chuckled while leaving the room, I laid there with Harley listening to his breathing. Harley some how morphed into an image of a baby then back to the usual dog causing me to jump back.

"Sorry, boy." I apologized and ripped the sheets from me. I placed my feet on the floor and ran my hands through my hair with tightly closed eyes. What was I thinking?

"Sis!" I heard what sounded to be my sister along with poundings on our front door. I lightly growled and went to the front door, peeked through the little eye-hole and sighed before turning on my heel. "I know you're in here!"

"What do you want?" I snapped while opening the door, the chain still attached.

"Let me in, please?" She begged with furrowed brows.

"Fine!" I whined and closed the door, undid the chain and reopened it with my arm stretched towards the living room gesturing for her to come in.

"Thank you." She politely thanked and walked inside with her hands tightly tucked in her pockets.

"What happened this time?" I questioned while closing the door and redoing the chain.

"Damn you let her in?" Nick popped up from the bathroom.

"I thought you left?" I retorted with narrowed eyes.

"I had to shit." He answered before kissing my cheek and leaving.

"Isn't that lovely." Maddie rolled her eyes and returned her attention to me.

"What happened this time?" I repeated ignoring her rude remark about my boyfriend.

"Jason keeps dreaming about a fucking red head, I know this because he moans and says 'I love your red hair now' and it's just... he's dreaming about you, Nikki." Maddie frowned with tears forming in her eyes.

"Has he even seen me with my red hair?" I scoffed with a roll of my eyes at my sister's blatant jealousy, though she shouldn't be the one jealous since she has the better body.

"When you dropped me off last time, remember?" She reminded with narrowed eyes.

"Hey, I'm not the enemy here. Okay?" I growled through gritted teeth.

"I know, I just don't know what to do with him." She sighed while collapsing on the couch.

"Maybe it's about time you both take a break?" I suggested.

"Excuse me?" She quickly went on defense.

"You both immediately moved in with each other after you left the- so maybe you both just see way too much of each other?" I explained, the thought of saying the Demoncre mansion aloud was too painful.

"You have no right to talk about my situation!" She screamed and stood up.

"Excuse you? What the hell Maddie?!" I spat as she rushed into the guest bedroom, that's basically her room now.

"You heard me! I just want to be alone, to clear my head!" She continued to scream and slammed the door shut. My mouth was agape, brows furrowed, and eyes glaring daggers. What the hell was her problem?

Suddenly the phone rang knocking me out of my trance...
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I thank the two that have commented, means a lot to me. :) I am glad people were really waiting for this story, I hope it meets everyone's expectations... Thank you soo much!!! And my computer is in the process of being rebooted... ><