‹ Prequel: Deathly Kisses...
Sequel: My Secret...
Status: Slow Updates

Never Forget...

"Shut up, she's finally talking about it!"

Nick was being anything but charming. When he got back from taking the trash out; he slumped in the dining chair and started scarfing down on the pasta I made. I sat there quietly shifting my eyes from Leon to Nick, both of the glaring at each other.

"What's on your agenda for tomorrow?" Leon started small talk again, didn't he learn his lesson the first time?

"I'm not sure." I quietly shrugged, shifting my eyes to Nick again.

"Did you have anything planned before he showed up?" Leon rudely asked, nudging his head in Nick's direction.

"He has a name." Nick snarled; slowly putting his fork down.

"Of course." Leon retorted then returned his attention back to his plate.

"Will you two behave?" I groaned, rubbing my temples with my thumbs.

"No, I don't like this intruder in my apartment." Nick finally spat and stood up, his chair fell back on the floor with a loud crash and instantly a flash back came.

My eyes fluttered open, the light in the room was dim but I could still tell it was morning. The bed sheets was scratchy, and my eyelids felt heavy. I noticed a glimmer of light coming from a cigarette and soon noticed Nikon sitting there.

“You really did come back to the room, I’m shocked.” He abruptly spoke, tapping his cig so the ashes would fall onto the concrete. I stared at him without a word, and watched him stand to his feet. “You asked why you, well this is why.”

“What is why?” I finally spoke, intensely staring at him, making sure he wouldn’t come closer. I noticed a small bruise forming on his cheek bone and accidentally let out a satisfied smile.

“That. The fact you challenge me, you fight back, I mean most girls fight back but they’re never successful. Due to the incredible gift I possess from family generations, but I want to know one thing. You had the perfect opportunity to escape last night, but you didn’t. Why?” He questioned with serious eyes, I simply shrugged my shoulders. “No tell me why!”

“I don’t know,” I whispered barely audible. Suddenly he grabbed the chair and tossed it against the concrete wall causing a loud echo. I jumped back as he tossed the cig onto the floor and leaned against my bed, pressing both of his hands on it for support.

“You know why, you just wont tell me. You know how irked I get, how intrigued I am and yet maybe you’re doing this because it gives you time. Because you know I wont kill you… yet.” He thought aloud, the possibilities rolled of his tongue. “What are you thinking right now?”

“Why?” I quietly reply, I didn’t want to challenge him but I was honestly curious why it even mattered.

“Because, I want-need to know.” he honestly answered with a sort of desperation behind his voice.

“I’m thinking of how crazy you are,” I bluntly confess. It didn’t matter anymore, I was going to die and at least I went out with the truth.

“How crazy I am? Have you thought about how crazy you are? You challenge me, the guy that could end your life without a second thought and yet you still fight me.” He chuckled, somehow finding humor in the current situation.

“I’m going to… die… anyways, so why not?” I choked on the ‘die’ part. That’s something I never imagined me saying in a sentence like that. I looked away from him, breaking my strong front I was putting up.

“Now I’m seeing what I want to see,” he mused. But I didn’t bother to look at him, I knew that’s what he wanted so he could see the emotion behind my eyes. “Look at me. I said look at me damn it!”

“Why? So you can get off from it!” I screamed with closed eyes, I refused for him to see the emotions behind my eyes. I didn’t want to give him that satisfaction, I wanted him to suffer on the inside.

“I want you, Nikole.” He randomly admitted, I furrowed my brows and opened my eyes. “I want you right now.”

“No, Skyler.” I breathed out when he started crawling on the bed, I put my legs out in a kicking position and sadly gave him full view of the red panties I’m wearing.

“That doesn’t help the situation very well,” he whispered while turning his head to the side and stared.

“You will control yourself,” I slowly ordered after crossing my legs. His blue eyes shifted to mine and a smile came across his face, a smile that’s different, it wasn’t sadistic nor happy. It was weird.

“I must admit I do love it when you boss me around, it’s a big change from the others. Maybe I’ll explain more in depth of why it arouses me so.” He said with his eyes rolling to the back of his head, his eyelids closed and he leaned his head back against the bed. I shifted my eyes to the door and returned them to him. “I wouldn’t think of running, you’d have to make it past me and by then I wouldn’t be able to control myself the way I am now.”

“How’d you-” I started but he cut me off by placing his finger to his lips and made a shh sound.

“Don’t talk, it only makes this worse for me.” He explained, immediately I closed my mouth and stared at him. Was he really going to prevent himself from doing things to me? If so, why would he do this for me but not for Brenda or anyone else? “Your scent, it’s amazing.”

“I smell like sweat,” I corrected. A light chuckle came from him and his eyes slowly opened, staring into my brownish green ones.

“Smells better than that,” he complimented while slowly blinking. I gulped and inched farther away from him, my hands gripping the sheets with anticipation. The way he’s looking at me gives me the impression that he’s going to lunge at any moment. “Don’t worry, I’ve got it under control. If you just let me touch you…”

“No,” I denied. I slowly shook my head while he held his hand out for me, he slowly brushed his finger tips on my leg causing goose bumps to rise and me to shove his hand away.

“Don’t touch me, don’t touch me.” He repeated with a sadistic laugh, at that moment he lingered over me. I leaned my head against the wall as far as it would go, his lips were inches apart from mine and his hand was resting on my upper legs.

“Skyler, please…” I whispered, I should just shut up and let him continue to hold himself back but I couldn’t. I kept whimpering from the fear to the point where I had to bite my bottom lip roughly to quiet me down. His eyes stared at my lips with lust, as his hand slowly crawled up my side.

“It’s not my fault that you’re so… irresistible.” He purred, I closed my eyes tightly and kept quiet. Until his hand touched my breast, that’s when I had enough. I shoved his hand away and that’s when it enraged him, he grabbed my wrists and pinned them down. Surprisingly I didn’t scream, I suppressed the urge and started kicking.

“Let. Me. Go.” I demanded in a rather calm voice, I didn’t want to give him any reason to be turned on even more. He slowly closed his eyes and just towered over me, his stomach on my stomach, his hands holding mine above my head, his legs parted mine and just rested between them. I could feel his member poking me but I ignored that, I simply stared at his closed eyes.

I came back to reality, found myself laying on the floor and sweaty.

"Look what you've done." Nick accused and quickly hurried at my side, he tucked strands of my hair behind my ear.

"What I've done? What the hell happened?" Leon cursed under his breath while staring at me with concern.

"She's having her episode, something must've triggered it." Nick frowned, concern written all over his face too.

"Episodes?" Leon's voice became sincere, and neither of them wanted to fight.

"It's something she wont tell me about in her past, I can only helplessly watch." I felt the pain in Nick's heart, how he could only watch me and it reminded me all too much of how I watched those poor girls die.

"I know that feeling." I whispered, although I didn't know why I whispered it.

"What feeling?" Leon immediately asked.

"Only being able to watch...helplessly... Wanting to help but you can't." I shifted my eyes to Nick with tears falling down my cheeks. "I could have saved them."

"Saved who?" Leon continued causing Nick to shove him away.

"Shut up, she's finally talking about it!" Nick demanded at Leon then turned his attention to me with a saddened look. "What are you talking about, babe?"

"Nothing." I whispered, and slowly closed my eyes. Nick cursed under his breath as he turned his attention to Leon and glared. I wondered if Nick was going to beat the holy crap out of Leon, but sadly I fell asleep to find out.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry for the long wait, long drama and what not... I'm trying really hard to get a job and what not... Thank you soo much for those commenting and continuing to read this story. It means so much to me!!! And I'm sorry that I'm not doing the whole "shout out" list... :( I know, I'm freakin horrible... Sorry... :(