‹ Prequel: Deathly Kisses...
Sequel: My Secret...
Status: Slow Updates

Never Forget...


A knock at the door woke me up, I slithered out of Nick's arms and slowly made my way to the door. I opened it and seen my mom.

"What do you want?" I asked with furrowed brows, peeking behind her to make sure no one else was there.

"I want to ask you to come to my wedding, your father will be there too." She answered with a weak smile. "Aren't you going to ask me inside?"

"Fine." I groaned while opening the door.

"Darling... I-" She started when she noticed Nick. "Is this... him?"

"Him as in my boyfriend? Yes." I sighed and went in the kitchen to fix me a glass of water.

"He's cute." She mumbled then turned to me. "I want you to be in my wedding actually."

"What?" I spat the water out and frowned at the mess.

"I want you to be a bridesmaid." She repeated with a wide smile, I grabbed a towel to keep my mind off this and cleaned up the water.

"Mom, I don't think I'm suited for that." I gulped and tossed the towel.

"Sweetie it would mean the world to me." She whined and slowly I found myself giving in.

"Alright, I'll go. When is this going to happen by the way?" I caved; mentally slapping myself the whole time.

"You don't know how happy you just made me! And this is happening in a week! Well the dress shopping is, then we'll have rehearsals and then the wedding itself, along with dinner and preparations!" She squealed when her phone went off. "Hello? Oh, she said yes! I know! Well see you right now."

"What?" I gasped when the door opened and there David stood in a tux.

"I thank you for doing this." He smiled and stood beside my mom.

"I thought it was just you?" I growled then glared at David.

"Why the sudden hate?" She frowned.

"Because ever since they've come in my life, it's been shit!" I cried out causing him to slightly chuckle.

"What happened with Skyler is not of our doing, I thought he was...dead." He choked out and looked away.

"I'm sure. So who is Jeremiah belong to?" I immediately snap with narrowed eyes, he nervously shifted and looked at my mom.

"Ready to go?" He proposed.

"Who darling?" My mom ignored David and stared at me.

"That's what I thought." I nodded, a week ago I had the thought of Jeremiah being David's son but I thought I was just crazy till now. "You two have fun."

"By the way, we'll have your room prepared for you and your better half." David informed me before leaving with my mom, she gave me one last hug before heading out. I closed the door and leaned against it.

"Who was that?" Nick peeked an eye open, and his abrupt voice caused me to jump.

"That was my dearest mother and her soon-to-be." I growled, locked the door, and walked over to Nick.

"I thought so." He chuckled.

"And you were awake the whole time?" I frowned.

"Payback." He simply answered before sitting up, and it was true I was at the wolves while my herder decided to just watch as payback for what I did to him.

"You realize this means that you're coming with me to her wedding right?" I grinned causing him to glare.

"I hadn't thought of it, but oh well, couldn't be that bad." He smiled but I gave him that 'oh you've got no idea' look before leaving the room. "Where are you going?"

"I have to call work and see if my boss is cool with me missing out on work." I answered, and strangely she was alright with it. Maybe it's because I haven't missed a days work since I got my job back, she probably began to get worried for my sanity.

"It's probably nothing babe, you haven't even taken a day off." He assured after hearing my conversation with my boss.

"That's true." I sighed while setting the phone down. "I don't want to return to that place, I should've told my mom your health is more concerning."

"My health is just fine, especially by next week." He grinned.

"I refuse to stay at their mansion." I denied with a horrified expression.

"Mansion?" He repeated with wide eyes, pure excitement written all over his face.

"Not something you want to stay at, trust me." I assured, speaking of experience but he ignored me.

"It wont be as bad as you say, Nikole." He chuckled.

"If you're not better by next week, I'm not going." I growled, I was going to stand my ground...

Sadly the week went by and Nick couldn't go, his boss wouldn't give this week up plus Nick wasn't feeling all that better and I had to go alone. The Demoncre's sent me a vehicle and I was on my way to the place that started my fucked up life... alone.
♠ ♠ ♠
Interesting lol and sorry for skipping like the whole week, but honestly nothing important was going to happen with that week. :)
Comments are loved and appreciated.

<3 Kassi.